; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
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Ok, busy but I fixed a couple of things and did write some code during some downtime today. Will commit tomorrow. In other news, today I passed by the Rebel Restaurant. It's not the Rebol Cafe, but I guess I'll have to try it anyway. :-)
So actually, I think it was David who asked, in the Atronix meeting, what you would get back if you said source on a specialized function. It's interesting that Red has adopted the syntax and name (so, good on that aspect) but also that the methodology is actually as a source rewriting of the body.
There's a really large number of ways in which the source rewrite either falls down or asks pretty deep questions. For instance, if you do things like use the mutable series in the body of a function as a "static variable" trick, this means your specializations don't share the static variables of the function they rewrote the body of. Is that what you meant, or not?
@Edoc Belated thank-you, traveling and having sporadic wi-fi for the moment. If anything speaks to you in particular to mention, or if you have ideas for the direction of what would make you more likely to use it, let me know.
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
bin dev etc lib tmp
sys var usr Data boot
proc sbin Depot Files media
users System documentation Programs system
resources applications
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== RESULT is an object of value:
name file! %/users/try-REBOL/program/
size integer! 0
date date! 5-Apr-2015/2:49:38+2:00
type word! dir
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
bin dev etc lib tmp
sys var usr Data boot
proc sbin Depot Files media
users System documentation Programs system
resources applications