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4:48 AM
posted on March 26, 2016 by zzp

[Hacker News] Red Programming Language: 0.6.0: Red GUI System (1 point)

5:48 AM
posted on March 26, 2016 by dockimbel

[Reddit] Red 0.6.0: GUI system

2 hours later…
7:20 AM
RT @rebolek: @red_lang 0.6.0 will be huge. The most important release so far. #red #redlang #rebol
4 hours later…
11:26 AM
Hi all, maybe I'll try to implement a GUI JS/HTML backend for Emscripten build. Which GUI should I refer to, in your opinion? Atronix R3 GUI? or Red VID?
@giuliolunati Without knowing anything about the technical differences I would generally suggest Red VID, just because there is an active incentive to make documentation and examples going forward. Even if the R3 GUI were better in some nuanced technical way (I don't know if it is or not), that incentive does not exist for Atronix.
@giuliolunati R3GUI has some great features under the hood, but that does not mean it’s necessarily better dialect. I think that VID would be probably better.
12:12 PM
@HostileFork @rebolek: thank you for your opinion! Glad to see you agree! ;-)
So I'll go to learn VID...
posted on March 26, 2016 by Nick

http://www.red-lang.org/2016/03/060-red-gui-system.html This is a great peak into what Red will become.  We still need lots of features implemented, and support on many more platforms (next will be full Android implementation, then Mac, Linux, iOS, HTML/Javascript...), but this release demonstrates that Doc and others involved are getting things done.  I am so very excited

x: quote (print "how important is this feature")
parse "aaa" [x some "a"]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
how important is this feature
== true
12:32 PM
I guess true means it's important. But the thing about looking up variables to GROUP! is that means a "safe" advancement of the rule (in light of modifications out from under parse) can't happen until after the word processing to determine if it's a variable or a keyword. You have to defer the advance until you've run arbitrary code. Just a bit annoying, but, whatever.
12:48 PM
posted on March 26, 2016 by qtxie

FEAT: filename completion in console by qtxie

Hmmm... semantically you might argue that an INTO rule can't "partially succeed". e.g. parse [{a} [{b} {c}] {d}] [{a} into [{b}]] doesn't have a partially successful into rule, rather it's a failed INTO. On the other hand, parse [{a} [{b} {c}] {d}] [{a} into [{b} {c}]] would be a partial success, leaving the input series hanging at [...{d}]
With that definition, you really could say that an ordinary PARSE could return either NONE! or the last success point of the input, where if tail? parse [...] [...] would be the test of success...because all series positions returned would be in the original series.
Then parse? could just be the shorthand for tail? parse.
If you look at INTO as recursion then you can argue that parse [{a} [{b} {c}] {d}] [{a} into [{b}]] is also success. It’s bit grey area, I guess.
I might also suggest from having looked at things that RETURN might not be such a great idea, because it grays the area of PARSE's return result...when you could use a THROW instead if you really want to subvert it.
There may be more value in a consistently meaningful return result from parse than a dialect feature that breaks it, just in terms of code readability.
PARSE that described how far it got in the original series with the rules you gave it is something that in string and binary parsing is probably quite useful.
So PARSE? always returns a true or a false, PARSE always returns a series position in the input series or NONE!, and then if you want something else you throw.
1 hour later…
2:17 PM
posted on March 26, 2016 by nc-x

Add notes regarding --cli on Windows. (@dockimbel the default mode on other OSes is cli, right? ) Issue related to Font on Wine #1618

2:30 PM
>> help parse
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
    PARSE input rules /all /case

    Parses a string or block series according to grammar rules.
    PARSE is a native value.

    input -- Input series to parse (series!)
    rules -- Rules to parse by (none = ",;") (block! string! char! none!)

    /all -- For simple rules (not blocks) parse all chars including whitespace
    /case -- Uses case-sensitive comparison
The noun-ish INPUT is a bad name for a function that's "in the box". Can we agree that read system/ports/input, or read stdin as an alias for that, or ask "" are all better choices for that, so that input and output are free for variables or arguments?
2 hours later…
4:48 PM
posted on March 26, 2016 by mrjbq7

Ctrl-K will erase to end of line. Ctrl-D will remove character or exit like Ctrl-C if empty line.

4:59 PM
>> parse [{a} [{b} {c}] {d}] [{a} into [{b} (breakpoint)]]
** Breakpoint Hit (see BACKTRACE, DEBUG, and RESUME)

subparse:|1|>> backtrace
    3 [parse ["a" ["b" "c"] "d"] ["a" into ["b" (breakpoint)]]]
    2 [into ["b" (breakpoint)]]
    1 [(breakpoint)]
    0 [breakpoint]
subparse:|1|>> debug 2
subparse:|2|>> input
== [["b" "c"] "d"]

subparse:|2|>> debug 1
subparse:|1|>> input
== ["c"]
5:40 PM
Returning position from PARSE instead of just logic! makes sense. It would made debugging much easier.
@rebolek You usually want debugging help when something went partially wrong instead of right and just ran out of rules, so I don't know how much it helps with that in particular. I guess if you break your rules down into parts and try each one, but even better for debugging is... being able to step through and such
>> tail? none
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-expect-arg.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: tail? does not allow none! for its series argument
** Where:
** Near: try load/all join %/users/try-REBOL/data/ system/script/args...
That's one problem though, if the result is a position or none, and you want to check for success you'd need tail-and-not-none?, which is more complex than just tail? parse. Easy enough for parse? to do but still not super tidy
6:47 PM
@HostileFork It is useful, because you can immediately spot where in the input the rules do not match.
@HostileFork I though it would return the input series, not just the value.
@rebolek In the definition I'm speaking of, parse "ab" ["a" "x"] would return NONE!, whereas parse "ab" ["a"] would return the "b" position in input "ab"
@HostileFork I see.
This is the sort of "recursive fundamental part" that PARSE uses internally, with a couple of thrown conditions (accept, reject)
Seems to be more-or-less working as above with breakpoints, in a kind of "multi-dialect" debugging such that the WHERE/NEAR position can be in PARSE dialect code as well as DO code, as above --^ ... so I guess the next thing to do would be stepping, which opens up some new questions. But having parse ready helps, because stepping through parse code would be very useful.
Semantic questions... if it says parse "aaa" [(breakpoint) 3 "a"] and you step, do you step 3 times or 1?
Hm. Hard to say. Intuition says one time.
7:50 PM
Red Programming Language: 0.6.0: Red GUI System (http://red-lang.org): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11364447 #redlang #Rebol #programmingLanguages
8:18 PM
posted on March 26, 2016 by CarlRead

From here: http://www.red-lang.org/2016/03/060-red-gui-system.html "And today, we celebrate a major step forward with the addition of a brand new GUI system entirely written in Red itself! What a journey!" Just for Windows as of today, with Linux, Android, OS X and iOS on the way. Intriguingl

2 hours later…
10:04 PM
Hm, I wonder if with BAR! | as a newline and _ as space in a potential "print dialect" if it's easy enough to say print [">>" |] if you want a newline, eliminate the spacing defaults, and switch to a mode where it uses simple references only with function calls in parentheses.
Implicitly adding spaces and implicitly throwing in newlines are both part of the same "culture of assumption", so perhaps both should be questioned.
print [
    "Line One" _ some-thing-space-before-not-after "stuff"
    "Line Two"
I dunno, the block feels like a "screen unit" somehow in itself. I do think there might be some merit to print "foo" not doing a newline implicitly while print ["foo"] does.

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