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12:50 AM
gcc ../src/os/posix/host-config.c -c -DTO_OSXI -DREB_CORE -DREB_EXE  -O1 -fvisibility=hidden -Wno-pointer-sign -arch i386 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I. -I../src/include/ -I../src/codecs/ -o objs/host-config.o
../src/os/posix/host-config.c: In function ‘OS_List_Env’:
../src/os/posix/host-config.c:194: error: ‘environ’ undeclared (first use in this function)
../src/os/posix/host-config.c:194: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
../src/os/posix/host-config.c:194: error: for each function it appears in.)
@HostileFork ^^^
1:09 AM
@rgchris Grumble grumble. Ok, let's see what happened there...
@rgchris Okay, try a git fetch and a git reset origin/master --hard and give it another go...
1:28 AM
@HostileFork I wonder whether the data argument should be last in those functions, and more generally if there's some good patterns for argument ordering to make things flow well.
But do not let me distract from the great work you are doing currently!
@HostileFork Done, built.
2:05 AM
Can somebody jog my memory. Its been a while since I've built on Windows with gcc... Which tuple should I pass in for make make?
2:23 AM
This is what I'm currently getting:

$ make make 0.4.04
./r3-make -qs ../src/tools/make-make.r 0.4.4
Option set for building: 0.4.4 linux
Created: ../../make/makefile
make: *** No rule to make target `0.4.04'. Stop.
2 hours later…
3:56 AM
@iceflow19 0.3.1 for Win32
Historical binaries showing a wide range of platform numbers.
Can see that Fork acknowledged Haiku's BeOS roots in keeping with the 0.5.* numbering :)
(amongst other reasons...)
2 hours later…
5:53 AM
@rgchris Great... well, that's another unforking. You should have CALL/OUTPUT/INPUT/ERROR now. Will it work? Well, that's another question. But at least the common code has been factored so it isn't copypasta'd four times.
6:07 AM
Hmm It doesnt let me set the system as 0.3.1 ? Is the make prep and make make steps broken? Or does something need to be done manually?
@iceflow19 Did you try 0.3.01 ?

$ make make 0.3.01
./r3-make -qs ../src/tools/make-make.r 0.4.4
Option set for building: 0.4.4 linux
Created: ../../make/makefile
make: *** No rule to make target `0.3.01'. Stop.
Looking into the make make for 0.4.04 now...
You need to say make make OS_ID=0.3.01
And make make OS_ID=0.4.04, so that could be your problem there.
I knew I was forgetting something...
Now its saying:

Cannot find Rebol= definition
On a side note should it be dropping the second to last 0 from the tuple?
Well, the tuple really only stores bytes. It's one of those "types I don't really understand why they're important" types. So it doesn't matter, but I think that's just to make it clearer in the table to differentiate the .04 from .40
6:16 AM
Still built. And wow no warnings on anything.
Per discussion, the whole build thing needs a rethink. But it just needed to get pulled back from the handmade makefiles and complexity that got in there with the Atronix build.
Built on Windows under MINGW-W64 i686-posix-dwarf-rev2, gcc 4.9.2
So it should stay simple and not get big dependencies.
Ah, 64-bit build...
i686 so x86
Btw as for wanting cake and eating it too, can't we have the bootstrap makefile just include a generated one if it exists?
@iceflow19 If you could, try it with this 0.3.02 target I just pushed.
6:24 AM
Ie leave the definition for make target in makefile and have the rest of the targets get generated in a file called rebolmake and included into makefile.
@HostileFork I'll have to install the x64 toolchain. Give me a minute.
@iceflow19 I don't personally see all that much of a problem with having a subdirectory of makefiles which is updated whenever the output of the script would change the makefiles. So a pre-check-in switch that dumps a base makefile for each target into a "premade" directory. Then you can cd make => copy premade/makefile-android-arm ./makefile => make
They probably wouldn't change all that often, and it wouldn't hurt to just have that be whatever that platform's "easiest build" is; non-debug and no fancy switches.
Then don't ship with anything as a 'makefile', and also permit a full build just with Rebol as a driver and no make utility
Especially nice if TCC is folded into Rebol, because then you really don't need anything else to build. It can make itself and build itself.
@HostileFork Ya but performance may not be all that hot with the TCC build
It's not about having to do it that way, it's about being able to do it that way.
It would probably be Red/System-ish... but with a backup of using other compilers if you're not happy with that.
Speaking of performance, I didn't realize the Atronix/Saphirion branch used native 64-bit math (if available)
It says Copyright Atronix, so actually probably added by @ShixinZeng
Well, "built in" 64-bit math, whatever that winds up meaning to the compiler.
6:46 AM
Almost done installing...
Gcc why you so massive...
$ make
make r3.exe
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/Thomas/ren-c/make'
gcc ../src/core/a-constants.c -c -DTO_WIN32_X64 -DREB_API -O2 -DUNICODE -I. -I../src/include/ -I../src/codecs/ -o objs/a-constants.o
gcc ../src/core/a-globals.c -c -DTO_WIN32_X64 -DREB_API -O2 -DUNICODE -I. -I../src/include/ -I../src/codecs/ -o objs/a-globals.o
gcc ../src/core/a-lib.c -c -DTO_WIN32_X64 -DREB_API -O2 -DUNICODE -I. -I../src/include/ -I../src/codecs/ -o objs/a-lib.o
../src/core/a-lib.c: In function 'RL_Init':
7:08 AM
@iceflow19 Ok, thanks. Well let's see...what do we have here. It looks like no TO_WIN32_X64 set of endian, which is like what we had on the OS/X 64-bit. Let me see about that.
@iceflow19 Try going to src/include/reb-config.h and add this at line 84, before the #ifdef TO_WIN32:
#ifdef TO_WIN32_X64
	#define TO_WIN32
Be sure when editing that your editor is set to use tabs, not spaces (for now, there will be a day-of-rewriting the history to spaces...but until that day, we don't want to fight with the tabs on commits)
I suppose the 64-bit windows still uses 32-bit for most stuff, window handles and such, and probably only strategically adds a few APIs dealing with memory specifically.
Hence the "WIN32_X64"
Still with pointer warnings, I assume. That question about the size of a REBUPT suggests you might want to manually go to your makefile and add --std=gnu99 to both the RAPI_FLAGS and HOST_FLAGS.
On a side note there was a descent amount of warnings/notes outputed
@HostileFork Yep
If it's not using the <stdint.h>, and it thinks a 32-bit unsigned integer is big enough to hold a pointer, you will have problems.
And stdint.h is only available in C++. Otherwise Rebol's fakery of stdint.h would need to be updated to detect Windows 64-bit. I think I could live with "you need c99 to build for Windows 64" as a requirement.
I could actually live with needing c99 for any 64-bit builds if that simplified things (now that we can build w/c99)
The windows build might actually work under --std=c99 proper, because it doesn't need that signal stuff for Linux.
7:23 AM
Built, no warnings/notes
@iceflow19 Yip yip yip. :-) And...does it run?
What's it say?
Rebol Host Failure
Incompatible struct alignment
Arrite let me look and try and imagine what might be going wrong with that.
@iceflow19 Just to see how bad the problem is or isn't, try commenting out line 172 of src/os/host-main.c
So these assertions can't work. The structures hold pointers. How can the Mac 64-bit build run?
7:30 AM
Assertion failed!

File ../src/core/b-init.c, Line 99
Expression: 0 == (RP_REBVAL_ALIGNMNET)
If you're going to assert a fixed size for a structure, and it contains pointers, you need to pad that pointer to the maximum pointer size you support.
Hm, that one makes more sense.
(It makes sense the panic should be there, and it shouldn't be fired)
It's conditional on the size of a pointer, while CHECK_STRUCT_ALIGN isn't.
@iceflow19 Note that in debug builds when it gets a panic, it asserts before it crashes out so you get told the line # and file.
Going to add some sort of similar thing to Trap I think, so when an error is alerted it has a saved copy of wherever the last error was trapped from.
@iceflow19 add this inside that #ifdef TO_WIN32_X64 conditional I had you put in reb-config.h
#ifndef __LP64__
    #define __LP64__
make clean / make
Assertion Failed!
File: ../src/core/d-print.c, Line 137
Expression: 0 == (RP_IO_ERROR)
@HostileFork Yep, I did
@iceflow19 Hmmm. So if you want to get a debug build, you need to make sure it doesn't strip the executable... what I usually do as a quick way of touching the auto-gen makefiles up is just change strip to which in the makefile. (I also change nm to which because I don't like seeing all the symbols scroll the build information off the top of my console buffer)
You're getting some sort of failure on the standard I/O device, and for windows that's implemented in src/os/win32/dev-stdio.c
(It's broken out from the rest of the file handling, for some reason, that may or may not be good)
I'd guess (?) that line 288 is being hit, so if you put a breakpoint there and that's happening, we should look at what that GetLastError() is
Then change the -O2 to -O0 and add -g on both the RAPI_FLAGS and HOST_FLAGS
@iceflow19 --^ chat dropped that or posted it out of order for some reason
8:04 AM
So I'm using eclipse to debug it. Fascinatingly under the above settings it doesn't hit the breakpoint...

This is what the console outputs:

SECURE is disabled
Important notes:
* Sandbox and security are not available.
* Direct access to TCP HTTP required (no proxies).
* Default web browser must be available.
Special functions:
Demo - run demo launcher (from saphirion.com)
Help - show built-in help information
Upgrade - check for newer releases
>> ** Syntax error: invalid "date" -- "28-list-thread-groups"
That last line is probably from gdb
@iceflow19 Presumably it's the -O0. Try a debug build with -O2 and it will likely come back.
Greetings @JRichardSnape. May we help you procrastinate?
Maybe - just browsing rooms / lurking :)
@JRichardSnape We work here on two languages... Rebol and Red. Our bots need new authentication code after SO changed the login stuff, and it hasn't happened yet, so one of our nice demo tools is temporarily out of commission. But you can see for instance Red's About Page or an article like my Why Rebol, Red, and the PARSE dialect are cool
No dice. It outputs the above at -O2, and it still fails the assert when ran from the commandline...
I have no idea why we're not hitting the breakpoint...
@iceflow19 Perhaps not that strange, as it's an assertion tied to the I/O piping of standard output.
Eclipse has presumably hooked that to show you output in its window, so perhaps a different "kind" of pipe
8:14 AM
Well, so long as you have a debugger up, perhaps we can figure out what that "28-list-thread-groups" is about.
Try putting a breakpoint in Throw_Error (c-error.c, line 141)
Cool, just had a quick look at some basics when i saw this room was active. A d different language concept to what I'm used to... Tempting to learn... I'll return to lurk mode and let you get on with debugging :) thanks for the welcome and links
Thanks for stopping by :)
@JRichardSnape One other thing to look at, though... check out this Etsy API wrapper as an example... reb4.me/r/etsy
It's going for a kind of literacy and "sweet spot", to have advantages of Lisp but going for readability and tiny close-to-the-metal implementation.
So keep that in mind for "what it's about" (with Red trying to make it about everything, including device drivers and such)
Ah @HostileFork I realized what that 28-list-thread-groups is about. Its gdb ouput making its way into rebol, and rebol is trying to interpret it as a date.
8:20 AM
@iceflow19 How's your gdb-fu? (I could probably hobble through a session without a webpage up of the "simple commands you actually need", but I always bring those pages up when I have to use it.) At minimum you could see if it gets the error when you invoke from command-line Gdb and run
I guess I could try doing gdb from the commandline, I've only tried that once before though.
@HostileFork Your going to have to walk me through this.
You should be able to just say gdb r3.exe and then run and see what you get.
And up pops a new window with r3 running it. Hmm...
Is it the right one? (e.g. is it ./r3.exe, does it say it has debug symbols, etc?)
You can rename it r3-crash.exe or something just to be sure I suppose.
$ gdb r3.exe
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.9.1
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-w64-mingw32".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
8:25 AM
Welp, Mr. Thomas (if that is your real name...) that would be the r3 you built.
And no crash under debugger, but crashes if run directly still. These are my least favorite kinds of bugs.
@HostileFork And yes I hate these types of bugs too.
@iceflow19 Let's get that error string. Go to /src/os/win32/dev-stdio.c line 288, and Debug_Str("!!! src/os/win32/dev-stdio.c:288"); Debug_Str(req->error); after the GetLastError() call.
Anyways, I need to go get some sleep before work. We can try this again later during lunch. I have mingw set up to build rebol at work as well :)
@HostileFork I'll add that and get the error for you, then off to bed I go.
Nothing in gdb and when ran from the command line, there is no assertion this time just: r3.exe has stopped working
@iceflow19 Ah, hm. I guess Debug_Str uses the I/O! Might you #include <stdio.h> in that file and use puts(...) instead?
a.k.a. "Can't debug Rebol standard I/O device using Rebol standard I/O device output"
Should be able to just make that without a make clean etc.
8:41 AM
r3.exe has stopped working
@iceflow19 Humph. Well, we can tackle it later. Looks like it's close but not quite...thanks for getting it that far!
It may be related to the sizeof a devreq assert we skipped
Np. Anything to further the ren-c cause. ;)
@iceflow19 Well, having more than one person able to edit / debug / build fix things is definitely furthering it!!
2 hours later…
10:34 AM
For the heck of it, I decided I'd take a shot at building with DJGPP, the dos protected mode port of GCC. Supposedly supports POSIX. Quickly I learned that it doesn't really support long filenames, at least not the modern kind.
I tinkered enough with it to see it start compiling, but really it would need some kind of automated process, where you map the long filenames to 8.3 ones...and copy the sources into a new directory where you replace the includes and everything.
Seems it would work; if GCC 4.7.3 can be built for DOS, then Rebol sure could.
The easier way to test would be to set up a DOS machine with the kind of long filenames that DJGPP would like, rather than doing some renaming transformation.
So little detour abandoned, but it basically looks good...should work. And is an answer to the "does Rebol need to support versions of windows without Unicode", I'll say no. If you're on a windows machine that old, you probably want that. Justification for ripping out the TCHARs (there were only a few of them, so the question was "use them everywhere" or "use them nowhere")
10:51 AM
Should the output name be changed to rebol3.exe instead of r3.exe?
@kealist My original feeling was that any Rebol built by non-official Rebol should have strings in it identifying it as an unofficial build and as much information about that as possible; and you'd have to go to effort to make it claim otherwise. Of course, the idea of doing things prudently didn't exactly happen. So I'd consider the floor open to new ideas on that.
Ren/C hopes to punt on the issue by not making any executables, but that will be some time--as I mentioned earlier--because for now as it incubates it should be easy for people to build and run it as they are familiar with.
Perhaps sooner rather than later I'll split the executable portion out as a separate project... renshell or something.
11:55 AM
And the winner of "first thing that was hanging around not getting merged to be brought into Coherence II" is... cc-wish-2081.
And--well, this is a shocker! The award for second PR that wasn't getting processed to bring into Coherence II also goes to... @HostileFork, for halt-state-not-static (applause)
12:39 PM
@kealist with the modest fix (but definitely a fix) to make-make on Amiga, and now on to BrianH...with his implementation of the thing I once argued for as scope that became "wrap"
        WRAP body

        Evaluates a block, wrapping all set-words as locals.
        WRAP is a function value.

        body -- Block to evaluate (block!)
>> wrap [x: 10 y: 20 x + y]
== 30

>> print x
** Script error: x has no value

>> print y
** Script error: y has no value
1:13 PM
../src/core/b-init.c: In Funktion �Codec_UTF16�:
../src/core/b-init.c:721:2: Fehler: #error "Unsupported CPU endian"
#error "Unsupported CPU endian"
@HostileFork I get this ^^^ on linux 32 and 64 bit. I think I've seen it fly by for a macbuild. Any ideas?
@ingo Which make make ID are you using? OS_ID=0.4.03 for 32, and OS_ID=0.4.40 for 64 bit Linux?
Did you make prep before you did make ?
the same id my r3 reports, which 0.4.4 on both cases.
You shouldn't build 0.4.40 on 32-bit Linux, use 0.4.04
(I misspoke about 0.4.03, that's for libc 2.5)
Using 0.4.04 get's converted to 0.4.4 for me ...
@ingo It should. But you should be using 0.4.40 instead of 0.4.04 for 64-bit. It's a tuple, and so 0.4.40 and 0.4.04 are different...
While I question the wisdom of Tuple in general as implemented, I also question this way of naming versions. It should be strings like in Red.
If the strings are mapped to some kind of number system internally then, ok...
1:24 PM
@HostileFork I tried again with 0.4.40 and now the 64 Bit Version compiled.
@ingo Cool. And you were trying to compile the 32-bit version on that same 64-bit machine?
@HostileFork No, too machines side by side. A Notebook and a Netbook.
too -> two
still the same error on the netbook, though (32 Bit)
@ingo Try editing reb-config.h inside this #ifdef github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/blob/master/src/include/…
And add #define ENDIAN_LITTLE inside it
Well, actually, wait
@ingo I'll try something...
Hey there @earl, long time no C
@HostileFork You need to rename the os-name for the regular Linux targets to linux_x86 to match your reb-config.h defines: github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/blob/master/src/tools/…
@earl Yup was about to suggest that
1:34 PM
(Bye, later ... :)
@earl Lots of exciting stuff here... you want to come hang out, you know you do...
@ingo Okay, try pulling... changed linux to linux_x86, and all the variants should set TO_LINUX. github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/commit/…
A similar thing for windows is probably needed where the 64-bit and 32-bit versions set some flags but then set a common TO_WINDOWS.
And same for OSX, with a generic TO_OSX and the targets for TO_OSX_PPC and TO_OSX_X86/TO_OSX_X64
(And despite earl's remark, they're not "my" reb-config.h defines... I didn't come up with any of this. ;-) )
@HostileFork Still compiling, and got past the error.
@HostileFork built and started :-)
@HostileFork Now what's the correct platfprm ID for ARM?
(Linux on ARM, rapsberrypi)
I guess Linux ARM raspberrypi is non-Bionic, so 0.4.21
1:52 PM
Yes, I just found it in systems.r ... already compiling
2:03 PM
@HostileFork Just for the record, coherence 1.5 compiled and running on RaspberryPi.
I don't have a development system on windows, though.
@ingo The records are pleased... great!
Given how quickly the platform issues have shaken out, I guess I can update RenCpp/RenGarden quicker than I thought.
@ShixinZeng note the problems @iceflow19 is having above with a Windows 64-bit console build. I have a Windows XP virtual machine and that's it, so I can't reproduce it. Do you build any of your Windows 64-bit under gcc, or all MSVC?
2:23 PM
@HostileFork All of my production builds are with GCC, I only compile it with MSVC when I need to debug windows-only code
and I haven't seen that kind of error
@ShixinZeng If you get a chance to clone and do a Win64 build and see if it reproduces, that would be helpful. I don't quite understand the size assert...that structure contains pointers...and the same console code is used for 32 bit and 64 bit. How can the size be constant and not checked depending on the pointer size??
It's conditional on HAS_POSIX_SIGNAL
Oh, wait, it's in an ifdef there too.
I wish these #ifdefs were indented, and there was more usage of the \ to do multi-line macros.
OK. I will give it a try
In any case, he got the assert on Win64 and it's not happening on Linux 64 so presumably 64 bit windows isn't defining __LP64__ or __LLP64__?
I mention that it seems to me that TO_LINUX, TO_OSX, and TO_WINDOWS should be generic, and that the specific platforms set those. So we change osx to osx_ppc and osxi to osx_x86, then have TO_OSX_PPC/TO_OSX_X86/TO_OSX_X64 set TO_OSX... etc.
So the specific #ifdef sets the flags for that architecture, but then sets the general flag which sets other things; the way TO_LINUX is working now.
@RebolBot alive?
2:44 PM
@HostileFork I just compiled win32_x64, and saw the same error
looking into it
@ShixinZeng Tx
@HostileFork I also saw this error while compiling, but I just manually fixed the .h file: ../src/os/win32/host-lib.c:1195:8: error: conflicting types for ‘OS_Browse’
*/ int OS_Browse(const REBCHR *url, int reserved)
In file included from ../src/include/reb-host.h:55:0,
from ../src/os/win32/host-lib.c:65:
../src/include/host-lib.h:186:12: note: previous declaration of ‘OS_Browse’ was here
extern int OS_Browse(REBCHR *url, int reserved);
@ShixinZeng Cool, must have missed it (my windows xp build environment in the VM isn't very optimal)
@HostileFork this is all I need to get it started on 64-bit windows:
diff --git a/src/include/reb-config.h b/src/include/reb-config.h
index 3e3d8b6..14307a3 100644
--- a/src/include/reb-config.h
+++ b/src/include/reb-config.h
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ These are now obsolete (as of A107) and should be removed:

+#ifdef TO_WIN32_X64
+#define TO_WIN32
+#define __LLP64__
//* MS Windows 32 ******************************************************

#ifdef TO_WIN32 // Win32/Intel
@HostileFork I always cross-compile it from Linux :)
@ShixinZeng Sounds good, I don't think the default gcc is set up to do that...
2:53 PM
I am using mingw-gcc for cross-compiling
@ShixinZeng Okay, good. Well, I think it's just confusing to be calling it TO_WIN32_X64 so what do you think of TO_WIN_X86 and TO_WIN_X64, and then having them both define TO_WIN (or TO_WINDOWS since that definition isn't a platform name that would be in systems.r at that point)...then do the same with the TO_OSX_PPC, TO_OSX_X86, TO_OSX_X64 to define TO_OSX?
Also for the platform names in systems.r, perhaps they should have hyphens and then convert the hyphens to underscores for the #defines
(I'm thinking that people should type in the target they want as a string name, none of this 0.4.04 and 0.4.40 business.)
I think windows might be an exception here. I am under the impression that even MS defines WIN32 for win_x64
Well, the TO_* things are Rebolisms, independent of that and unconstrained by that legacy.
OK, then I don't see any reason not to
The linux_x86 has the libc variants, and the name gets long to mention that
So I wonder if something like the libc options could be provided another way. Just want to do some improvements to the make system, even to the point of not requiring make at all... but being able to use Rebol itself to drive a full build.
@ShixinZeng Anyway, gotta run, but thanks for looking into the Windows thing. Hopefully you liked the redundancy elimination I did yesterday on the host code...that should stop some headaches...
3:23 PM
@rgchris IIRC the Atronix HTTPS didn't work if there was a redirection.
So for eg. https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ works whereas https://github.com gives an error (because there is some redirecting going on!?)
@HostileFork Done. Compiled without issue and works OK :)
@draegtun Does CALL with its refinements work?
@HostileFork Yes call works for me!
however do get ret: 0 appearing?
for eg: my test was a: {} call/shell/wait/output "ls -l" a
and a now contains a nice directory listing
Yes, that's a little line at the end with debug output. @ShixinZeng is it supposed to be returning an "error" there? github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/blob/…
I assume that the 0 is what you want, that call gives the exit code of the process, so hopefully that's what the code is. I guess you could pick a call that will return a non-zero code and see...
yes the call is also returning a 0 (zero) which is what you want/expect in above example.
Tested with a shell script returning exit 10 and call did return the correct code (ie. 10!)
@draegtun Good to hear. :-) Well, we'll axe that debug output then.
3:35 PM
So at moment does call always wait?? Tried it without /wait and it didn't make a different (ie. it waited)
@HostileFork I think returning the error code is the intention
@draegtun what system are you testing with?
@HostileFork Just to note... while call returned the correct code of 10 it still showed ret: 0
@hostilefork Actually IIRC it probably didn't work on Atronix Linux build before... so probably not a new issue
>> call/shell "sleep 10"
ret: 0
== 19782
it returns immediately
@ShixinZeng Does it? Oh well not Mac yet (with coherence-1.5)
@draegtun The exit code is returned through a pointer parameter, and that return value is the return value to the core from the host to say "no error in the execution and fulfillment of contract" I take it, where that contract understands error-codes from the process as being normal.
3:45 PM
well great work getting call refinements working on OSX. Definitely look forward to using them and even more so when your manage to get /wait working.
oh and thanks for all the help with PR earlier. Unfortunately I was in and out a bit with other stuff but it was good to get it completed.
@draegtun Me? I don't know if I'm going to be going after that one in particular... :-) But there is one thing you could try. Because pipe2() is a linux extension, I only use it on linux... but maybe it's available on OSX (it wasn't on Haiku): github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/blob/…
You can change those four #ifdefs to #ifndefs or something, and rebuild, just to see if that's where the non-blockingness comes from... if pipe2 is on mac
@HostileFork I'll have a look into it... so leave it with me :)
OK I need to see a man about a few pints of beer in a pub in central London now :)
Catch up with you later.
Absolutely. :-) NP on the help, anything to get more hands on deck. We've had a long time to think and now it's time to do...
@MarkI If you're ready to start patching on individual lexer fixes--anything that isn't radical but just a fix, we can start that PR process whenever you are ready.
@HostileFork I wouldn't recommend merging my commit yet, there's one change I want to alter in it.
I like the idea of breaking it up into single-fix PRs too, but that's a time concern.
4:01 PM
@MarkI You don't have to necessarily worry about testing each independent fix for compiling etc, just try and group related things if you've got them as best possible and make sure the sum has everything.
Back in a bit...
@HostileFork ttyl, good to see such progress!
3 hours later…
6:39 PM
@ShixinZeng So I've noticed (as you probably have) that address sanitizer commit has inadvertently wound up making you comment on every GitHub issue number we'll be having for a while... I think I'm going to have to rewrite the history.
@pekr The idea of a Rebol Parse-based file processor is an interesting one, which I think you mentioned, is worth doing. Just a rebol --parse "[rules here]" that can accept standard input and spits out a result of processing it. Even if it wasn't good with super huge files that would be helpful to have.
Because these other utilities are absolutely awful.
In fact, in trying to solve a problem using those awful tools, I'm pretty much thinking the easier solution would be just to write that feature.
I would be interested in how that would stack up against the tools like grep.
Performance would be way worse, but I'm thinking more like sed for rewriting vs. searching.
why worse? Parse is fast ...
Does R3 parse have splitting capabilities, like R2?
I mean, e.g. for CSV data - parse something ";"
Nothing special; I believe all the weirdness was taken out, like trying to ignore whitespace and such, due to being too hard to define
The problem with parse for stream processing I guess would be that there isn't really a "default pass through" model. Whatever you do with parse has to be explicit.
I was for the whitespace behaviour removal. It was a good step ahead imo ...
6:50 PM
So "skip data and pipe it to output until I hit a condition I'm interested in" isn't something easy to express. If you skip data, you do nothing with it.
we improved a bit, although gurus were against that. Parse was way too much a matching engine. E.g. in R2 you can't do 'to/thru [a | b | c] - it would simply scan for 'a in the whole stream. In R3, it will return first match ...
Well it seems like some kind of rewrite dialect in the box would be nice, a search and replace which maybe leaned on parse some for implementation, and then let rebol pipe input to output. And be able to use the asymmetric strings in the quotes so you can say --rewrite "[{stuff with less} {escaping}]" because these other command line tools are both cryptic and illegible.
@pekr Cool, will look at it.
@iceflow19 The Win64 issue is solved, I'll make a patch for it... but in the meantime:
4 hours ago, by Shixin Zeng
diff --git a/src/include/reb-config.h b/src/include/reb-config.h
index 3e3d8b6..14307a3 100644
--- a/src/include/reb-config.h
+++ b/src/include/reb-config.h
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ These are now obsolete (as of A107) and should be removed:

+#ifdef TO_WIN32_X64
+#define TO_WIN32
+#define __LLP64__
//* MS Windows 32 ******************************************************

#ifdef TO_WIN32 // Win32/Intel
Give me a sec.
7:05 PM
@HostileFork - some useful stuff from Gab - rebol.it/power-mezz
Still getting that incompatible struct alingment issue.
@HostileFork What mingw version is @ShixinZeng using? Since there are multiple forks of mingw we should be careful about which one. Mine is the toolchain that QT packages with it.
7:23 PM
@iceflow19 Hmmm. Well, why don't we look at the actual math of what's going on wrong with the structure
Get the actual definition of CHECK_STRUCT_ALIGN... #ifdefs and all, with the 4 different definitions, and paste it inline at the callsite.
Then on each branch put a different printf, so we know for sure when that file compiles which of the 4 is in effect.
We expect that it's the second branch. No posix signal and LLP64.
And we expect it more likely to be that REBREQ is the wrong size vs. REBEVT
But what size is it, and why?
Just build the main branch of Ren-C (Win32). Only annoyance is the CD = ./ in the makefile that causes troubles sometimes
C:\Users\kealist\Documents\GitHub\ren-c\make>mingw32-make prep
./r3-make.exe -qs >NUL: ../src/tools/make-headers.r
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
@kealist It works better in mysys
@iceflow19 Yes, it does
@kealist Nice. Well, yes, I think we should fix the annoyances like that. Why not?
@kealist If you missed it... benefits of higher warning levels! :-) github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/commit/…
@HostileFork Good
7:30 PM
@HostileFork What am I pasting where?
What is libr3.so?
@iceflow19 Well I was just suggesting technique-wise, if you want to get to the bottom of why a macro fires, you can just expand it in place and debug the branches. You can have your own attack strategy, but I was suggesting taking src/include/reb-lib.h:30-46, copy pasting it into the src/os/host-main.c:172 callsite, and figuring out which branch is getting taken and why the math isn't adding up. We believe it should be the second... no posix signal and LLP64.
I assume that the make clean for windows should use libr3.dll or something instead
@kealist Usually a .LIB and a .DLL.
C:\Users\kealist\Documents\GitHub\ren-c\make>mingw32-make clean
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, rm -rf libr3.so objs/, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
makefile:70: recipe for target 'clean' failed
mingw32-make: [clean] Error 2 (ignored)
Maybe it just doesn't work on this machine, I think it does on my desktop machine
7:38 PM
Does rm work from the command line?
No, it doesn't
Wasn't quite thinking straight
I guess the question would be if it should be using windows commands when it does the windows makefile. It wouldn't be hard to adapt.
All the build scripts could use improving... Rebol is better for that kind of thing than those scripts paint it out to be
@HostileFork I put a puts on each branch. Neither outputed anything.
@iceflow19 Sometimes you need to fflush(stdout); Try doing that after all the branches. You have 4 branches?
The four branches should be total coverage of the options, and we are assuming #2, but it has to be one of them.
no dice
If stdio is not working then I'll cheat and have it do a host crash with different output on each branch.
7:44 PM
@iceflow19 That's the way I had to do it.
And the result is (drum roll):
LP64 or LLP64 is defined and HAS_POSIX_SINGAL is not defined.
@iceflow19 And... we expected that. And... I guess the next thing is, is sizeof(void*) actually 8?
(and make sure the complained about structure isn't REBEVT, but rather REBREQ, which I'd also assume.)
Who will be the first to port Ren/C to... the Commodore Smartphone?
sizeof(void*) == 4
@iceflow19 Welp, there's a pretty big problem.
Your 64-bit toolchain is giving you 32-bit pointers.
7:59 PM
Is there an -m32 anywhere in your makefile?
I'll check.
If you think you have a 64-bit gcc and you compile a test.c that all it does is spit out 4 as the sizeof void*, then you probably aren't running a 64-bit gcc.
Could be picking up the wrong one from the path, or somesuch. I'm not exactly sure how the 64-bit builds work on windows.
Maybe you have to say -m64. :-/ Really no clue.
Interesting. I am picking up the x32 version on my work computer.
Hmm something mucked up my path on this machine.
8:17 PM
r3 x64 lives...
Anyways back to work
@iceflow19 Cool... all right then. Thanks for verifying, and I'll get that #ifdef in.
8:49 PM

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