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why does this codepen look different when copied exactly into a new codepen (left margin)? also when i delete the css on the initial codepen it doesn't change the styling?
3 hours later…
which is the lesser of evils? currently I have my paragraph tags styled with padding and crap at a universal level, but I'm working on a page where the paragraph tags basically won't need padding. I'm debating on changing the universal level style to not have padding, and then writing classes for the paragraph tags that do... or should I just style the paragraph-tags-that-don't-need-padding with no padding, and leave the universal style alone?
I can't decide which is better
maybe I'll ask this on SO, but not sure if it's worthy of a question on the site
I think it completely depends on which you'll use more
I'm thinking the way I have it currently, with the paragraph tag having padding at a universal level, but that might change in the future because the site will have pages added later.
but I can always refactor later on...
Do you use some normalize css code?
I would keep it like that then, and if you don't want to add a class to each paragraph element just do something like .this-section p {...} or .home-page p {...}
well, I did it like .content p{} but I can add sections to the other parts
hmmm, that might add unneeded tags to the HTML though
Good point. I have way too many unneeded tags for styling purposes haha
I know there's a bit of a performance hit for doing this, but I like keeping my HTML clean and using whatever means to select an element that's necessary
I think I need another div... or I can move the opening tag of this div to surround an image. blah.
TFW I get the page looking how I want, but it looks like ass on mobile. ;_;
perhaps someone can see what I'm doing wrong. fiddle when I resize the window, <div class="instructor-bio"> overlaps <div class="photo-caption">, I want <div class="photo-caption"> to go below <div class="instructor-bio"> instead.
you have to scrunch the window up close to see the effect
You want it to go into one column when it gets small enough?
I'm going to fudge with it in the morning
too tired now
Haha okay
Look up media queries in the AM
1 hour later…
Can someone explain me the meaning of saveUninitialized in express session, I have read all answers, but still have few doubts
9 hours later…
@JBallin CodePen lets you set other properties not visible in the sandbox windows. Click the gear wheel next to the CSS title and see that that user has opted to set pre-load settings to "reset" aka a CSS Reset (a term you can google if you're not familiar with it)
@Tiffany No, don't ask on SO, that is an off-topic question for SO; it's not a site for best practices discussions. You should save the classes for the styles that deviate from the norm.
If more <p> tags need padding, then add a class for <p> elements without padding
@Tiffany use something like flexbox jsfiddle.net/qf8c0ykj/1
floats are for wrapping text around images
they were never designed to handle page layout structure
I've been hesitant to look at flexbox, but looks like support for it is pretty strong now.
and for some reason, I completely forgot about media queries last night
Support's been pretty complete for a while now. The only caveat is supporting IE; it still has a few quirks in it but more or less supports it
you should tell people to get off a dead, nonsecure browser though if they pitch a fit about IE support
"Microsoft doesn't support IE anymore, so neither do I"
@TylerH thank you!
2 hours later…
@TylerH what do you suggest using alternatively, that gives a similar effect? position: relative?
or let content adjust itself, and use widths/margins/containers to position it where you want?
@Tiffany well I recommend flexbox
that makes sense
posted on January 02, 2018 by CommitStrip

@Feeds omg <3

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