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@benlevywebdesign we're not your debugging tool
I understand
IE sux
I could do image fallback
4 hours later…
Either I am really tired and not seeing something or my browser has decided to just troll me knowing that I'm really tired
I am convinced it's the second one
If I have position:fixed; top:0; applied to an element, on mobile is it normal that the element will sometimes actually move upwards a couple pixels when scrolling down, then go back to being top:0;?
2 hours later…
How do i select all TDs which contain <a> element?
I usually like to click the TD that contains the <a> element, and drag my mouse to the other side selecting the element. However, some like to triple click on the TD, which achieves the same effect.
Heh, I'm not so funny. Anyways in CSS there are no such things as backward-selectors, so you can select the child a element based off the parent td, but you can't select a parent td based off of the child a element.
I have a table inside the body part of an html page to set background-image for the body only not for the table with css selector?.
Wouldn't you just put the background color of the table to be white?
Or, whatever the original color of the body background was?
Or am I misunderstanding?
yes just to white
Are you asking how to select the table?
Or how to select the body?
Or, how to select all children of the body other than the table?
select the body that contains the table? + all children of the body other than the table?
Body as in a <body> tag?
Like, the body tag?
because If I set body {background-image:url('myimage.jpg') } it will include my table too
Or do you have multiple body tags and you want to select just one?
Ah okay
multiple body tags ? it's possible?
Multiple body tags is invalid
By default the background color of a body is white, and the background color of a table is transparent, as in there is no background
So you would just want to set the background of the table to be white
body { background-image:url('...'); }
table { background-color:#fff; }
Is there another way to select the parent element only?
You are only selecting the parent element
The problem is that a table doesn't have a background
So if the table is inside the body, you'll see the background of the body
@Alesana Multiple body tags work, but the are considered as one body tag
@Alesana What about :has()?
2 hours later…
@Procode If you are referring to the pseudo-class it is still considered experimental technology and is not yet supported by any browser; its specification status is still "Working Draft" (for reference refer to compatibility: caniuse.com/#feat=css-has and developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/…)
@JavaFan There is no selector currently defined that will allow you to select a containing (parent) element based on a given condition of a nested (child) element, or the existence of a given nested element. CSS doesn't cascade "up", only "down" and "ahead" (as in the case of sibling elements using selectors like ~ or +, refer to: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors)
10 hours later…
posted on January 15, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

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