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04:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

posted on May 31, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

1 hour later…
anybody using mobile right now? I want someone to check one link whether its responsive or not.
2 hours later…
@Feeds ahahahaha
user image
skynet is close
i will blame the muricans fo that
@Worf that's cool, but also kind of useless if you think about it
wheels with a bit of traction are more efficient
and in situations in which wheels aren't sufficient, tank treads would probably be sufficient
@Neil do you know what Alpini are? our mountain army division. they always make jokes about americans that it's 40 years that try to make a robo-mule because for them using such a stupid animal would be humiliating
You heard about nasa investing millions of dollars in creating a pen that can write in space? the russians just wonder why they don't simply use a pencil instead
true story
the pen actually exists
Is it possible to use odd even selectors in css in this sense?
// odd background colour set
// even background colour set

body:nth-child(odd) section{background-color:red }
body:nth-child(even) section{background-color:blue}
I can't seem to get the syntax right
@user2248441 Almost
body section:nth-child(odd)
ahh perfect, thank you!
You don't want every odd body, you want every odd section
I thought because the section was a child of it. I'm still learning :P
@user2248441 What your old selector says is approximately "Find me all the sections in every odd/event body element"
ahh ok, that makes sense. Thanks again
This new one says "Find me all of the odd/even sections in every body element (there's only one though)"
@MadaraUchiha how is it going with java?
@Worf Fine
I mean, it's Java
But fine.
what are you working on? web stuff? desktop?
@Worf Web
grails/groovy/something/raw java?
right i forgot of that one :P
was thinking to try groovy but what i really want is getting used to the ecosystem
can you install tomcat and stuff manually?
i tried once but it ended bad
@Worf our stack uses Jetty/maven
guess would be fine too
what's maven?
@Worf Package manager
okay, trying to search about them, thanks
this is why php is so popular (so are going to be node.js etc) because they are easy to set up
getting started with java looks to be a massive pita
for web development i mean
@Worf to be fair, with a decent enough IDE, setting up a web project in Java is a POC
but i want to know the sane way
ides aren't famous for doing the correct thing
The question is what kind of project you want
Setting a static file server is pretty straightforward
Setting up and starting to use Spring is also pretty easy, but Spring uses a lot of black magic, I wouldn't use it right off the bat
You should ask in the Java room
I'm sure @Unihedron would be happy to help you more than I can :P
@Unihedron is never happy i think
also windows developers are second class developers nowadays
everything that is made for windows sucks, as opposed to the unix counterpart
@Worf Damn straight
like composer for windows
literally 9 meters of command line just to download a single dependency
i would rather download it manually
I would rather you dropped PHP and moved to iojs or python
groovy you mean
You don't know what you're missing, especially if all you know is PHP's flawed HTTP flow
i like types
types are my type
@Worf There's TypeScript
js inception @MadaraUchiha
do you guys know any nice online tool to check responsiveness of a site?
@YourFriend google performance test
alright thanks :)
I got one issue, on laptop the site is responsive. While on mobile too, it is responsive. but it is leaving some space at the bottom. How can I cover that space? @Madara
2 hours later…
Hello everyone. I would like to ask you a thing about sending an image to the server from an HTML page, using javascript. What I want is a simple way to use an image stored in the local computer and send its data to the server as-is, in the body of the HTTP request. any suggestions? I have tried quite a few things, but the most I have got is to send the name of the image file
@NoobDoob did you try asking google? i hear it is pretty good at finding stuff for you if you ask (hint: javascript file upload)
@cimmanon check my question, I could not find it on google xD
@YourFriend dont make me google this for you.
lol I did not say that
2 hours later…
how do I get line-height to work on Android's default browser? is there some magic trick? I'm using line-height to align a piece of text vertically, works in all browsers of the universe except Android
I have a question on servlets and jsp, basically to confirm my understanding
public class ServletExample extends HttpServlet {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
		PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
		String firstName = request.getParameter("firstname");
		String lastName = request.getParameter("lastname");

		out.println(firstName + " " + lastName);

@overexchange try the java room
Nobody has idea about this tpic
in that room
Is it just the front end code stuff discussed here?
@overexchange did you read the room name/description before you joined or did you pick one at random?
webdesign mean just the front end stuf, may be, am new to web world
Hi everyone. I'm really new to web development, and have a quick question. I am making a simple web app that helps users find a pair of pants that fits based on their favorite pair they own. I'm using a free firebase setup for my database. I'd like to incorporate amazon product advertising in order to allow users to find where to buy the results that match, however I'm unable to put server-side code (required for the Amazon product advertising API) on the firebase hosting setup.
Does anyone know what the best (hopefully free) solution would be for me to incorporate product search/returns on the web app?
@JackHarding you know thats impossible, right? trying to find pants that fit based on certain measurements.
1 hour later…
@cimmanon i am surprised that they were able to get out of the house
@Worf they arent that old >.>
my mom tried to play mario kart 64 once. for some reason she thought that rotating her arms would have made the kart steering @cimmanon
@Worf are you telling me that youve never done that before for any video game?
btw, it would work if it was a wii game :D
actually, it was a full body rotation
not only the arms
she got trapped in the controller's wire eventually
old people are funny
i just hit a woman for the first time in my life.... and i'm having fun!
i used to talk to my mom over msn, and when she was done talking, she would sign her last message "love, mom"
i love the old lady's response when shes trying to figure out if the chick in the kitchen is his wife or his girlfiend. "yep, that's his wife, lol"
theres a 2nd gta5 video where they go to a strip club and fly a military helicopter
my mom once answered me at the phone and started talking like a machine gun as she usually does, then she had to leave and said "have a good morning Sir Whatever". she didn't understand it was me, and i never told her it was me
what's bad is that my mom is not actually old
she's barely 60
My company went through a split some years ago. One of the original founders which left is the uncle of my friend and coworker whose last name is Minutolo
The two companies on occasion still do business and by chance his uncle dials the wrong number and the result was hilarious:
Minutolo: "Minutolo"
Minutolo: "Yes, this is he"
Minutolo: "Who am *I* speaking to?"
Minutolo: "I am Minutolo, who is this?"
If you knew the type of person that his uncle is, well, not one to like jokes or being silly. .
You can imagine how he quickly lost his temper before he realized
I need help
My yotube iframe is being replaced by my google maps iframe
why is this??????????????????????
and lol Neil
I can't check cause smartphone
Have you checked for redirects?
uhh no
what redirects? oh by the way its a one page site
On the framed page
its working now? oh crap
browser cache
my stupid damn mistake
Neil thanks for the support :)
Oh ok
thanks neil :)
Don't thank me though. I didn't do anything
Neil you responded.
Lonely? ;)
Me... no
Just none of my close friends know programming lol
so stackoverflow is the help
I'm 16 and my friends and me play football - they dont know i know how to program
That makes sense, right?
Oh I understand
It is difficult finding someone to simply not roll their eyes when you talk technical
I have this really close friend
we are like brothers
I roll my eyes when people talk linguistics with me, but not programming
he is like the only person I speak to about programming although he knows nothing about it
but he speaks to me about businesses
Have you tried getting him interested?
@IPAddress looks like he is your Subnet Mask ^_^
well in our sixth form we are one of the most popular kids
who wants to know that a popular kid knows programming
thats the issue
oh and he tried but failed
lol enough about me
Neil do you work or are you in education?
My thoughts on that are: there will be people to take your lunch money now and also later in life. The question becomes later if you want fries with that
I do, therefore I don't teach
9 years as full stack programmer
oh cool... I wanna be a programmer when i'm older
I know these two guys that work for amazon
they help maintain amazon.co.uks website
There is a lot to learn in order to be a web developer
I suppose those guys know what they're doing then
I know html5, css3, javascript, jquery properly and in-depth and im learning php and mysql now
I love php
There are plenty of jobs for php programmers
posted on May 31, 2015 by Pedro Botelho

The Art Of The SVG Filter * 10 year of YouTube * Vibrant.js * Hello Many * Fontstand * Type to Design Collective #170 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

@Neil what is the best combination that one should master to be a great Web Developer? (CSS+HTML5+PHP? )
What you think?
@IPAddress you dont know very much about programming then.
I know
you should know real languages
like ruby
@YourFriend I think I shouldn't express my personal idea because programmers tend to prefer what they use
like linux server management
@Neil alright, what do you say about these frameworks. Angular Js, Node Js ,Embler Js or whatever. Which one you think has more scope and value in future?
If there were languages that didn't fill a niche in the programming world, they wouldn't be used
Node.js projects are becoming bigger and bigger
bigger implying more innovative and useful
Angular is certainly the most popular among clientside frameworks
with gadgets around the home
I personally don't like it though
@YourFriend what would you say the main languages for a web developer are?
Not libraries or frameworks
@IPAddress Google will answer that question better than me xD
Node is delightfully simple in that there is very little "magic" being done behind the scenes
@Neil yeah, I heard that Node Js is not like some sort of a Boom as compare to Angular
if i were to pick another language to learn, it would be python. if there was a language i wish i could forget, it would be php.
Though some prefer that these things are almost entirely done for you, like ruby on rails
Php gets a bad rap, because from a scholastic standpoint, php is an ugly language
Also java gets a bad rap, though no programmer can deny that they are used
I know a little python but not server side
its a clean language if that can be said
Never tried to write backend with it
I think PHP got a bad reputation because of the bad programming practices. PHP code gets uglier but it is more of a programmer's fault instead of a language fault.
Its getting better with its updates
Php has waaay too many global functions
@IPAddress so? other languages are already better?
That is awful
There is no clear rule for name conflicts either
however, jobs for LAMP developers need php
but your right php is not clean if that can be said
Again, not denying usefulness
hmmm, now i understand why people do computer science and philosophy
PHP allows you to start writing its code wherever you want in HTML. Now it depends upon you how you write it. Do you write a clean code or you write and ugly code, it all depends upon you.
The first language you learn as a programmer defines you as a programmer
Or so they say
I learnt javascript and love it
loved it*
It establishes what you consider to be good practices
so @Neil what you are doing nowadays, after 9 years of being Full Stack Programmer. ?
@YourFriend good question
I find that 30% of the time, meetings, 60% of the time, fixing other people's problems, 10% of the time, sadly, programming
That is normal though I am sure
can I ask about your payroll? or that is one asking a personal question?
Depends on where you live
I make about 30k euros after taxes, but that is average here
@Neil 30k annually?
The economy stinks here, and it doesn't help that your boss doesn't know how much he needs you
@Neil are you french?
No, I am American, but I live in Italy
@Neil who earns the most at your side? Teacher? Doctor? etc (ITALY)
Doctor I suppose, but even they aren't paid their due amount
hmmm @Neil have you tried freelancing or you just don't get time?
I have looked into it, but they tend to accept bids from those who have already done freelance work, and programmers in India will bid for a fourth of the cost for a job, so it never seemed like a fruitful venture
@Neil yeah, freelancing is good for starters who would do huge work just for some bucks.
The demands are ridiculous and the bids are worse. "I want a site like Facebook" "OK 800 dollars"
exactly, there was a guy who was asking people to upload his site. Minimum bid was around 20$ and maximum was till 250$ !!!
some person wanted a site made from me for £60 once
i said no to him and he wasnt happy
Most people have no idea how much work is involved
Yeah, and half of them don't even know what they really want
It isn't just a matter of copy and paste, though admittedly there may exist templates for simpler websites already
@Neil looks better after fixing the error xquisiteshisha.co.uk
I want a wordpress site. Now he does not mention whether he wants a WordPress site to be coded from scratch or just a free theme would do. Both things have one heck a lot difference between them.
one person hired me and then he kept telling me to change his site every day nearly every hour
I have seen that picture before in Software Requirements Engineering xD
so i said i can no longer do your website and refunded him
@IPAddress lol he must have been crazy
@IPAddress you did the right thing
Yeah I agree
@Neil whenever i get clients i do a trial period without them knowing to see if they are weird
or annoying
I love that picture
Ideally, you write down everything your client asks before starting so at least you can say "I won't do that because it isn't written in our agreement"
Of course, the devil is in the details
yeah man, agreement will save you from a lot of worries and headache. Or else they will keep asking you for more and more
he didnt get the deposit back though
because that was in the agreement
You'd think they wouldn't claim to have talked about also supporting authentication and user accounts, but then you'd be wrong
It surprised me at first
When I started, I did some freelance work for a guy who wanted his own website. I thought he merely couldn't recall what we originally agreed on
what happened?
To my detriment, it became apparent later that he claimed anything if he thought it would get me to do more work for free
tough client @Neil
At the end, he made a big point to complain, despite never having complained before, because I think he ultimately didn't want to pay for any of it
whats the url looool
any of you use awwwards.com
I demanded half for the work i had done up to that point, and he didn't pay me until 6 months later when he wanted me to do another site for him. :'(
@IPAddress not me
that means you did the site well
and means he has moths around his wallet
I wised up by then. Some italians think of it like being smart. . Not honoring a business agreement is smart for some
Sad, but true
they are thrilled by the cheap benefits xD
So moral of the story, make a written document so that you have a basis for saying no
100% agreed
alright guys I got one issue here.
The site is responsive on desktop but on mobile, it leaves some space at the bottom. Here is the url geekfellows.com/issuere.jpg
Using media queries?
use min-height ???
I used bootstrap
bootstrap mobile navigation is unresponsive on my computer
@IPAddress are you referring to the url I provided?
I am using Android so while I see the space, I can't tell you why
@Neil you can't see the space?
at the bottom
I can
I can't see the html I mean
btw it works fine on laptop and desktop
i agree with @YourFriend
btw here is a little bit of vital css
html {
position: relative;
height: 100%;

body {
/* Margin bottom by footer height */
//margin-bottom: 60px;


I am using no wrapper div
I've moved to my desktop
I've managed to replicate it on desktop too
you just have to resize browser and zoom out a bit
on desktop, it works fine on 100% zoom
I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but your jQuery library isn't loading
Fix that first
though in all likelihood it's the min-height: 100%
it works, with toggle button which will appear on shortening the width of browser
you can add black background color to mask it
thats probably the reason the mobile navigation isnt working
I want perfect solution man, not just work arounds. I think it has something to do with media queries
nice spot @Neil
but the actual height of the content is dependent on how bootstrap css styles deal with varying sizes
How can I make it independent of it? While using bootstrap on the same time
hey guys anyone got any advice on cross browser testing ? is there a package that will do it all
yes there is
@YourFriend It's tricky.. if you have 4 divs that all fit on the same row, it's going to have that effect
microsoft has released azure for IE testing and its FREEE
and ...
you'd have to drop bootstrap styles and do your own thing
thereand check browserstack out
@Neil that sucks
@YourFriend Well just for those divs
and check browserstack out - but you have to pay for it
Or you decide you want them always to fit on the same line
Other work around can be to increase the height of footer
browserstack has every os, browser you can think of
but that won't look good on smartphones
now it is problematic only on mobile phones
why dont you use boostrap media queries in a seperate file?
04:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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