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@joshhunt it'd be nice if it got bigger instead of smaller right once you click it. I'd take of the animation to remove it, just fade out
hmm ok I'll have to think about that. the reason it gets smaller is so that it smoothly goes into the pulse animation
and the remove animation is there while its waiting for a response from the server
@joshhunt change the animation to start bigger then :P
doesn't have to start and end on same value
but then won't it jump between iterations?
ya if you're only looping it
I'd use a transition then animation which requires js
I think that's what I'm doing?
@joshhunt in most use cases people don't care as much about removing it
click -> transition to small -> animation
@joshhunt ya but it's not getting bigger :P
as a user I expect it to get a little bigger then pulse
lol I am so confused xD
so in a perfect world how would you have it?
I'll do it xD
hover -> bigger
click -> pulse animation
oh I think you mean click -> pulse animation but from bigger to biggest instead of bigger to normal?
how do you do variable * number in LESS?
in SASS it's #{ $var * num }
lol web design hates me today
you mean like @var * 3?
but inside of a scale()
syntax error if I just have that
make sure its @ not $
is that what it was?
it's a syntax error
I'm no baddie
Ah, it's because of the comma
oh yup
I wonder why less decided to use @ over $
and css is going to use -- as the variable selector
I think it has to do with $ not being in any part of CSS syntax except the $= attribute selector
I remember LESS saying something about keeping its syntax as close as possible to CSS
oh ok that's interesting
And "at-rules" seem to fit the bill for stuff like that
yeah thats why I personally love less
because it uses @ XD
very easy when converting old projects to use a preprocessor
@ZachSaucier What's the scoop on Web Design SE?
@joshhunt No idea about CSS vars though. All I know is that the syntax changed many times over many revisions to what we have today
@BoltClock the graphic design people have been raging all day. They're afraid we're infringing upon GD so they're saying the scope should be over the web code (like the stuff that's on SO for web development)
really frustrating to deal with because they come in bulk and throw downvotes around without explanation
@ZachSaucier I don't think the GD people understand that most web designers consider web design a separate discipline
Even I do
A: Is it possible to use CSS vars in CSS3 selectors?

BoltClockCascading variables aren't defined for use with anything but style property values at the moment, so no, they cannot be used in selectors. From the spec: A variable can be used in place of any part of a value in any property on an element. Variables can not be used as property names, selector...

use LESS easy to learn and common sense. — Muhammad Umer Aug 2 '13 at 6:01
@Muhammad Umer: Uhhh, what does LESS have to do with anything? Since when did it become "common sense" to use LESS? — BoltClock ♦ Aug 2 '13 at 6:36
i meant that it has common sense built in it. It won't be awkward to learn. Like you know how it should be possible to defined something once and then reference to it like variables. It has that. — Muhammad Umer Aug 3 '13 at 2:37
And what does that have to do with this exactly? — BoltClock ♦ Aug 4 '13 at 8:10
He never replied
A: Can the default named CSS colors be overidden?

BoltClockNo, these color keywords are pre-defined and there is no way to override their color mappings from outside the browser. This applies to all named color keywords defined in the spec that you link to, including the basic set of CSS keywords, the X11/SVG keywords and the deprecated system colors (al...

@joshhunt Even as recently as January we had var- instead of --
A: Is there anything in the CSS spec that allows a percentage property to be relative to a specific element/property?

BoltClock When the spec says... Each property that allows percentages also defines the value to which the percentage refers. ... this definition is given by the spec, and then a conforming user agent implements the calculation according to the spec. The spec does not make any reference to user-defi...

Wonder if I should change this to Stack Snippets
Any of you do that with your old answers?
@BoltClock no
it was recommended not to :?
I considered it for a few
I personally find it unnecessary
no person from graphic design is understanding what web design is
they all think it's about the appearance and layout, nothing past
@ZachSaucier What is the difference between graphic design and web design? [closed]
pissing me off.
Safari on iOS saves data:text/html addresses in its history
Kinda cute actually
@BoltClock Yea I was confused about the syntax at first and then realised I was reading the first w3c spec guide
-- seems like a weird variable selector to me, any idea of the reasoning behind that?
Possibly to avoid naming conflicts with a vendor who happened to call themselves -var-
When I see the double dashes I think of, like, an anonymous vendor prefix
but why - in the first place? it doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the programming world or in css
was there anything stopping them from using something like @ or $?
> An initial dash or underscore is guaranteed never to be used in a property or keyword by any current or future level of CSS. Thus typical CSS implementations may not recognize such properties and may ignore them according to the rules for handling parsing errors. However, because the initial dash or underscore is part of the grammar, CSS 2.1 implementers should always be able to use a CSS-conforming parser, whether or not they support any vendor-specific extensions.
@ and $ are special characters and therefore cannot be used in an identifier
(without escaping)
huh ok well I guess -- is your next best option then
@joshhunt jsfiddle.net/w9a9o6s9 try this in your pen. Need to make start click more smooth but it's closer to what I'm imagining
hmm ok, so when clicked on the outline fades out and the solid heard grows and then starts throbbing? Is that hows it supposed to work?
have to fix that I said
lemme fix it :P
so how are you imagining it on the click?
you'll see
lol :D
just had to do more homework (which I still should be doing)
do your homework first lol, this can wait
Back in school, "What's for homework?" was my "What's for lunch?"
@joshhunt is the solid black a pseudo or the actual?
there is no actual because it has to be able to use "content" to put in the fontawesome character
I don't understand why it's happening then
working on code I haven't done without looking through it is a pain
I see
sorry, it's probably not very nice code either
this is the first animation type thing I have worked on
nah, code is fine
@joshhunt jsfiddle.net/2pyytdjb more like this. Not perfect still
nice, might try making the outline larger while the solid fades in and see how that looks
is there a way in less to use :extend without outputting the original extend?
Hey,could you take a look at my question here stackoverflow.com/questions/26045557/…
@Feeds lol
@WesleyCrushed lol you removed me as room owner :) :D
hws ya ? Zach
doing well, tests are over with :)
greaat :)
hello NullPointer :P
hw are you ?
I am good Thanks. hows you ?
i m also good doog :)
Question regarding Bootstrap: How do I left align button labels? I tried pull-left, also tried text-align: left but it didnt help. jsfiddle.net/rdesai/7pggsLtL
I'm new to bootstrap. Just started.
I was able to solve that problem.
Now I need to disable a button.
.disabled it is
good morning
Problem regarding CSS: How do I float the font awesome icon in the same line as the text? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/7pggsLtL/2
@RahulDesai lots of ways... margin, padding, line-height, etc etc
@RahulDesai learning the basics of CSS positioning may help you
@ZachSaucier looks good :)
@ZachSaucier I had a quick glance over it, but I still dont seem to be able to resolve it. :( I played with margin, display and position too.
@ZachSaucier am in, any time ;)
@WesleyCrushed haha lets play more, I'll be buying awp now
hello can anyone help with me
@NTK88 yes, whats your question?
Can you please check out my question stackoverflow.com/questions/26045557/…
Google Maps loads but does not display,I tried adding the z-index property on #map-canvas,but it does not work.Take a look at the fiddle at the top(this does not use google maps),take a look at the fiddle at the bottom to see how it ends up with the map loaded using an initialize function
I am using jasny-bootstrap reveal menu which is supposed to display below the canvas(which also contains google maps),I can see glimpses of the .navmenu below the canvas which is stranger still.Also check some of the screen shots in the question
Its a bit early for me to wrap my around and start thinking but ill give it a try... otherwise you are going to need to wait for one of these smarter people @rlemon @PatsyIssa @Mikedidthis
How can I translate google result using Google Translate api
haha,I was thinking,does the order in which elements load matter,what if google maps api populates #map-canvas first and then I go on to add the navbar,would it matter?
but z-order would not change would it?
I am struggling to find an issue in that code... going to try and remove elements and see if it shows... time to break it all down
Also no matter where you place the map, it doesn't want to show
I removed the .navmenu,set the button.navbar-toggle to display:none,I tried to load the map now using this as my base html pastebin.com/hUFFS4uZ
@user2309862 its not a z-index issue
On your fiddle, googlemaps never loads.
so there is nothing pushing the #map-canvas height.
as I said the fiddle is kind of broken
Put the embed inside the container, seems to work fine.
Works fine with a normal iframe embed as well: jsfiddle.net/psua0fbs
yeah no matter where I put that div that should display the map, it just doesnt load
if you put it outside the canvas div it will load
@WesleyCrushed are we buying this? store.steampowered.com/app/10500 or we are happy with aoe
@user2309862 nope: jsfiddle.net/vp1vss8e
js error, check the console.
either or, I believe the map should be inside .container, the name is fitting.
it's just bootstrap
morning mike
it is good with naming things so they make sense
exactly. With something like an off canvas menu, its important to follow the setup guide.
what do you guys think, is it okay to purposefully ask questions on WD you already know the answer to, just to get people answering, and to get people discussing whether or not that's ontopic?
yeah, that is fine.
One of the JS owners did it with bluebird questions, more like a wiki.
I hope my boss doesnt see me asking basic CSS questions
i usually tell ppl im crap at css,lowered expectations and the truth
@StephanMuller I would be more worried about the roofies.
@StephanMuller I left he place already
@user2309862 fixed: jsbin.com/yulebeyisequ/3/edit
gmaps has an inner element that uses position: absolute. so #map-canvas has no height (as position absolute take the element out of the document flow) and is why you don't see the map.
in case someone missed the new airz yesteraday: reddit.com/r/airz23/comments/2hem3n/one_last_final_sigh
@PatsyIssa \o
@easwee it's full of spelling mistakes :/
@PatsyIssa don't care :P
It's killing me :P
it's the story that matters
@skibbi_bizzle what site is that?
posted on September 26, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Robrock55 */

@skibbi_bizzle that is a good thing?
@easwee iirc, it was a site teasing the release of Emma Watson nudes.
9gag army... LOL
yeah lol
bunch of hipsters
Seems it was a hoax: imgur.com/NhFVA2X
<center><img src="1411698017683.gif" alt="QNz+r05D"></center>
<center><strong>Hacked by Le 9GAG Army, in association with reddit.com/r/Anonymous and Ebaumsworld.com</strong></center>
<center><img src="1411692165206.jpg" alt="9Rcd9CEs"></center>
<center><img src="1411697559273.jpg" alt="QNz+r05D"></center>
hakers my ass
@Will LOOL
@Easwee was the site that was put up saying that Emma Watson's nude photo's would be leaked
But now apparently it has been hacked
@skibbi_bizzle y I've read @mikedidthis post
@mikedidthis I just find it funny :P
Le 9gag army
that is bullshit
Don't mess with them 9gag kids, they are strong
9gag are just a bunch of bored office secretaries posting cats
what army
sounds about right
they can barely comment
> 9gag are just a bunch of bored office secretaries posing as cats
I really really need to wear my glasses more.
well - i wouldn't mind posing them as cats
hahaha made my day
specially the secretaries
I use to love 9gag, but since coming here :/ stackoverflow chat (HTML / CSS / WebDesign) > 9gag
4chan is still the most original
try hiddenlol if you like more pervert posts
holy fuck, so much
anything on 9fag was posted days ago on reddit/imgur
@mikedidthis Lol
@Mr.Alien No you didn't
@PatsyIssa imgur > 9gag
I like reddit but not mainly because of funny pics though, /r/funny is rarely funny
9gag has no user content
I like the discussions in /r/askreddit
And if they do it's all about le rage face XD
@PatsyIssa true
i like reddit for /r/CombatFootage
@PatsyIssa I hate that - should be banned - war propaganda
There's a subreddit about (and i shit you not) Dinosaurs having sex with cars
@easwee I find war propaganda fascinating.
@StephanMuller yes I did, can't stop myself no answering floats questions ;) also if we are going to accept such questions then am sure I'll be the biggest rep whore even on wd.se
@mikedidthis it's fine if your IQ is above average - but you have retards that watch that and than go work as mercenaries
@easwee let them work as mercs they ll be dead within a year :D
we had a case here in slovenia this month when some guy went to fight in somalia just for fun
@easwee yeah, luckily I can look at it from a distance.
@PatsyIssa it's not the problem of them dieing, but them killing shitload of people that aren't even related to the source of war
I would be glad to see them shot - I have no respect for such people
@easwee we should hotbox the planet, might get world peace :D
@mikedidthis That's what I think too, but others are very determined to make this kind of question ontopic
which is why I asked it
it's not as if I didn't know the answer after 10 years of writing HTML :P
@StephanMuller what's html?
I know, I was just confirming your intention.
@PatsyIssa just give out drugs for free
but I do think it's offtopic really
then again, I'm not sure what I actually think is _on_topic anymore
Sysadmin ftw
the sysadmin images are just @WesleyCrushed avatars.
hugs are drugs :/
I would use 4chan and reddit if I knew how... its complicated as shit
managed to do 6 typos before writing the background image correctly :/
not my day for typing
@skibbi_bizzle lol wut?
:P its confusing :/
not really - seems like a typical forum to me
except redit has votes
ok let me see if i can do this
if you are used to old invison boards
or phpBB style forums
reddit's UX is horrible
who cares - content is king there
so hard to navigate :/
that's the charm of this sites - keeps the shitty users away
res makes it better, but not better enough
LEL I just got trolled by reddit
if you are dumb enough to fail to navigate the website you certainly don't deserve to post there :P
Got to support IE 7 on this project
@easwee what kind of bullshit elitist standpoint is that?
@Will IE7 is cheap to support
It said "Reddit is down for maintanance, go ahead and press refresh"
as a professional webdeveloper I have an opinion about the UX of reddit
and then it said "Reddit is down for maintanance"
I don't think they can change it :/
@StephanMuller I'm just saying that the regular user is ruining the uniqueness of this websites
"reddit is down
for scheduled maintenance
you could always go outside or something"
well fuck you too reddit
@easwee Oh yeah those hundreds of thousands of users are all unique snowflakes, but making the site easier to navigate will water down the content
get real
Tbh reddit is fine the way it is :P
@StephanMuller I am real - that's my opinion - I love that part of internet that is weird, looks crappy and is like from 1994 - I like that websites are sometimes crappy and hard to navigate - that's the charm of internet
It's hard to navigate until you get the hang of it
I have to agree with @StephanMuller here
i don't want the whole internet look like an apple interface
Then @Easwee "if you are dumb enough to fail to navigate the website you certainly don't deserve to post there :P" that is an unfair statement to make then
@easwee I like to use windows ME, it may be ugly and crappy but that's the charm of operating systems
@StephanMuller it is if you like that
@WesleyCrushed you forgot about jazz you idiot
@WesleyCrushed you're right
I like reddit, don't get me wrong. There's a lot of great content and there's a lot of cool things happening there. I just think it's weird that the UX is still so bad, and I find it even weirder that people feel such a strong need to justify that design by saying things like "if you can't find your way you're too dumb to post there". I don't get that, it feels like elitism.
There's plenty of great, nice, funny people with interesting or cool stories to share that aren't very adept at using the web.
Couldn't have said it better
@StephanMuller your opinion
@WesleyCrushed O.o
@PatsyIssa morning
@WesleyCrushed shut up, i do the pr. morning
@WesleyCrushed but i feel lonely
@StephanMuller my experience is that "weird" looking websites usually produce much more interesting content than polished ones
^ that
Content sells, even with a shit UI / UX.
content is king
Which is what should happen, something about judging a book by its cover?
reddit, craigslist, 4chan all prove it
@WesleyCrushed you need to stop being self employed :P
!!afk lunch
@easwee dick eating time? :D
@WesleyCrushed you should jump on team speak :D
@mikedidthis you should jump on robocraft
@WesleyCrushed well said
@WesleyCrushed can you just shut up? i don't need your approval
@WesleyCrushed you should get a drink.
@StephanMuller who is this Wesley anyway and why is he talking to himself?
am i scaring you guys? xD
i'm just being very idiot
Someone call a priest
@skibbi_bizzle i'm doing it
@WesleyCrushed since you work for yourself
give it a read
@skibbi_bizzle looks too scary
@WesleyCrushed grow a pair :P
Q: What's the most noob-ish mistake you ever made when you first started coding?

Alan SutherlandThought it might be good to see what different people's mistakes were as it might help new developers to avoid the same pitfalls. Mine for example was not understanding relative file paths. I thought that when creating local filepaths I had to define the entire path from the drive up for every f...

@Mr.Alien next time read my messages on steam
> ObiWanWesabi: don't buy total war
ObiWanWesabi: they suck phat ballz
ObiWanWesabi: age of empires rocks
fuck adobe for not supporting linux
I finally get a version of photoshop that's not crashing and it can't render layers for shit
@PatsyIssa probably you have to thank apple for that. there's a rumor that they bought the exclusivity for adobe products on unix based OS
fuck em both :D
yeah anyway
that's the only thing that is blocking me from moving on linux

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