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nice name
With 12.7k rep :P
1 hour later…
@StephanMuller If only browsers correctly implemented PNG animations.
2 hours later…
This is really strange - every now and then (about 10% of the time) at random, when I load my webpage, the nav menu (ul element) appears about 38 pixels down. It goes back up to its original spot if I refresh the page. Why does this happen?
2 hours later…
@ray9209 maybe your files (js/css) is getting loaded too soon or too late, open your network tab and check the behavior
1 hour later…
posted on November 09, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

user image
that's my mug :D
I built a website for a friend and I am now trying to set up a email with the same domain name. It's almost set up, I only have on problem. I can send emails from the address but whenever you attempt to send emails to the same address, you get a reply saying that the email doesnt exist
a failure notification
@Neil that mug is awesome btw
@Neil lol use float left on mug
2 hours later…
@cimmanon Honestly, there are idiots on both sides misunderstanding other idiots, causing way too much drama
@helloWorldIsAlliKnow Do you have a mail server set up?
im using doteasy.com
@easwee I envy you then
I need to buy myself one
.mug {
float: left;
@SomeGuy the part that kills me about gamergate are these idiotic women, making the rest of us look bad, twisting the whole story to be about them when it has nothing to do with them.
@cimmanon is this about the thing why mike left and that?
@probablybest i dont know. no one wants to give the full answer here.
@cimmanon ha yer i have no idea what happened, something about a girl spamming on twitter?
It sure is quieter here without those troublemakers :(
im in their new irc chan, but its dead
nop just you
you join at dead hours
sings the Dead Hours song
tbh - kinda dead in here too
its sunday morning. all the good little boys & girls are in church
hello all
can anyone plz help me with --> stackoverflow.com/questions/26828899/…
that question is a whole 4 minutes old and it doesnt have a single answer yet? what is the world coming to?
@cimmanon could u plz look it once and tell me what mistake in above code?
i dont have an answer, sorry (only a html/css guru). you'll have to wait until someone answers.
Hi guys
I was reading about DOM ... just to get the things right ..plz tell me ...
theres a Node interface which Element Interface inherits and then if its a Table element than it will also implement HTML Table Element Interface
that sounds pretty accurate
Are these all interfaces from DOM?
you're just talking about JavaScript?
you could certainly think of it that way
do you have a specific question related to that?
actually im building my concepts to get on it
i want to know by whow are these methods and properties implemeted?
which are exposed by these interfaces
@Sadiq By the browser engine
And they are exposed by the javascript engine
you mean there are different classes in browsers whch implement those methods and prop..
Yes. The interface is the same because well that's the point of an interface, but what engines do in terms of implementation that is the problem of the browser engine
and DOM is also embedded in the browsers .. right?
they follow certain standards by W3C
Q: v8 access to DOM

HosseinI want to change the v8 engine in order to be able to intercept every access to DOM elements. As you know, v8 does not create the DOM tree. The browser creates the DOM tree. My question 1: how/where in the v8 source code, the DOM memory structure is delivered to v8. How can I do my interceptio...

and DOM is also embedded in the browsers .. right?
they follow certain standards by W3C
@PeeHaa Thanks .. CAn you plz refer to me some more as im the beginner which can help me build my concepts regaring DOm and all
ill be right back soon
If you really want to learn just check out the implementations of browsers. FF is opensource. So is chrome
@Sadiq do you know the difference between ECMAScript, JavaScript and the DOM API?
posted on November 10, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

@Neil ^
Hola guys, any idea why this fiddle not working in firefox?

I am trying to achieve a fading effect on a body background. Any better idea for doing it. The current fiddle works in chrome.
Try using two backgrounds and fading them individually with .animate()
it's a bit more complicated but much better browser support
I guess FF doesn't like animating from one background to another
It's probably a known bug/limitation
so animate will work for cross browser compatibility?
I was thinking of using two divs, absolutely positioned, and animate the opacity (you can use .fadeIn() and .fadeOut())
na can't use div I have to do it on body.
What's wrong with using divs?
it'll mess up the whole stucture of the website I was working on, this requirement will come up after handing over the project.
if its easily possible on a body it'll become much easier
else I guess have to do it with the div as the second option
I don't see why having extra divs is a problem. Anyway simply put if you want the fading in FF you will need them :)
The site is fully ajax based and each page loads different background.
@user3027531 Absolute positioned div don't fuck up anything
@PeeHaa actually its the edits i have to do in all the pages. The site is quite big
You don't have some skeleton template page which all pages use?
I have skeleton for header only.
no on localhost at the moment
What's wrong with @CapricaSix
I don't know
@Billy Dunno. Is she alive in JS room?
I'll check
my question is live there, no user is active there at the moment
this doesn't work too :-/
$('body').animate({backgroundImage: 'img/city_back.jpg'}, 1000 );
Of course not
@ICanHasKittenz i thought that too, so I moved the style property that determines the position of the ul element inline, but the issue still occurs every now and then
Every now and then (about 10% of the time) at random, when I load my webpage, the nav menu (ul element) appears about 38 pixels down. It goes back up to its original spot if I refresh the page. Why does this happen?
@SecondRikudo I am the third kid though, not the first :P
What IDE you guys used for writing html & CSS, JS stuff ?
@TGMCians Lately, Webstorm
@SecondRikudo This is what I think: Javascript is a language which uses the DOM to access the document and its elements. DOM is not a language, but a tree structure. Every element in web page such as <p>, <tables> even data within table cell is part of the DOM... ECMAScript is something i dont know
@SecondRikudo Oh!! ECMAScript is a Javascript engine .. Thx for highlighting the term
ECMAScript is a specification
It's not a language by itself, it's a definition for how engines should implement that language.
JavaScript is an implementation of ECMAScript
Another example for an implementation of ECMAScript is ActionScript (flash)
JavaScript implements the ECMAScript basic specification, and adds features.
DOM is a structure and accompanying methods that allow one to easily parse XML-like structures.
by implementation you mean implementing those interfaces like Node, Element etc ... ??
Very useful in the browser because for our purposes, HTML is an "XML-like" language.
@Sadiq Yes
Although not Node and Element, those are DOM
For instance, ECMAScript defines that an Array is a type, it always has a length that is equal to the number of elements in the array.
so who implement those DOM interfaces?
JavaScript implements that and so you have an array in JavaScript
DOM is implemented by many languages.
JavaScript is the most prominent, but for example, PHP has a DOM parser as well, with very similar methods
yes like XML
$doc = new DOMDocument();

$doc->getElementById('something'); //Very similar to JavaScript!
thts PHP code...
And it uses the same DOM API that JavaScript uses
@StephanMuller I will try. Thanks. I think it is better than Dreamweaver which I use :/
@TGMCians it is
I don't know what he suggested, but unless it's notepad, it's better than dreamweaver.
how ? what features it has ?
@SecondRikudo you said : JavaScript implements the ECMAScript basic specification, and adds features. What new featues?
Q: What is the difference between JavaScript and ECMAScript?

GuyWhat's the difference between ECMAScript and JavaScript? From what I've deduced, ECMAScript is the standard and JavaScript is the implementation. Is this correct?

The top answers on this question give a pretty thorough review.
@SecondRikudo Thank you
Every now and then (about 10% of the time) at random, when I load my webpage, the nav menu (ul element) appears about 38 pixels down. It goes back up to its original spot if I refresh the page. Anyone have any ideas for why/how this is happening?
what does it mean by dialect?
@ray9209 That's not normal. Maybe an external resource isn't loading 10% of the time? Demo?
My money's on that ^
1 hour later…
posted on November 09, 2014 by Mary Lou

uiGIFs * TMI * Mega-Site Navigation * Animating SVGs * Twitter Emoji * Swing * Type Genius * Soundscape Collective #141 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

which is more common in javascript, double or single quotes?
I know its not a big deal but trying to decide which one to go with
@joshhunt Either way stick to one thing
Not an answer but related stackoverflow.com/questions/9282825/…
I think I'll go with single because MDN has it that way
Also I write my html with double quotes so if I have to output html with javascript I can keep the html consistent without having to escape
@joshhunt If you are outputting raw html using javascript there is a pretty big chance you are doing it wrong :)
@joshhunt Choice excellent, my friend
Lol OCD much, everything has to be perfectly standard and optimized
@PeeHaa I've heard this before but I don't understand it, how do you have dynamic html then?
@joshhunt Use the DOM luke
Put it in a <template> element
(or if you support legacy browsers, <script type="text/template'>)
^ not supported right?
Apologies, I recalled it incorrectly. IE doesn't "support" it at all, though I wonder what that means. You could always shim it by just adding template { display: none; } I guess?
but what if its the same html on multiple pages? More efficient to just add via javascript right?
@PeeHaa can you give me an example? I will try to think of a good scenario
Gimme a good scenario first :)
Ok I'll try...
Yeah it depends on the circumstances, it's just not very clean to define html inside a js file, but if you're going to make a jquery plugin that you just want to hook on a certain class it's not really good practice to have to add the html to each page either.
How about if you had a sharing widget which grabs content from the page and then shows a popup with with a shortened preview of the content and the sharing links
@StephanMuller This too, what if I have a plugin which adds squares to the corners of an image so that the user can resize the image
@joshhunt That is about css instead of html?
Unless you want to add some wrapper
Which means using the dom :P
Your answer confuses me, PeeHaa
Sorry I don't understand what you mean by "using the dom"
say he needs to add an element to achieve the desired effect, for example adding a div that acts like the square to drag on
surely you'd just add that to the document from within the script?
var elem = document.createElement('div');?
Ah. Yeah, of course
@joshhunt Do you know what the DOM is?
I was thinking in the lines of elem = $('<div class="grab" data-something="aValue" />')
assume that I don't
It's basically what you interact with when using html/xml
Not a string that might be html/xml, but an actual tree
yup that makes sense
ah so if you add html then it goes
javascript -> html -> DOM
instead of
javascript -> DOM
I'm not going to pretend it is a silver bullet and/or the end solution, but in most cases using dom functions is what you want
@joshhunt Yes pretty much
so it is more efficient?
Yes (in most cases)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but using a string of HTML in jQuery (like in my example) it's already being processed into DOM functions by jQuery before actually adding it, right?
I think I do have a simple example of the performance benefit of doing it that way for s specific case which most people get wrong
@StephanMuller I think hope so
if you add an html string the browser will still process it correctly right? Just less efficiently?
Thanks for your help, I understand things a little better now
Again not a silverbullet (using the DOM is very verbose), but often that is what you want
is there a good way to disable tel: links on no-call devices?
I'm really confused how bootstrap grid works. This is my confusion: I have two columns - one 213px and the other 683px with 10px spacing in between. How do I adjust it to the 12 columns of the grid? If A was 224 px, then I would simply make it col-md-3 (896/12*3 =224). However, neither A or B given in my question come out easily like that. Do you see my source of confusion?
@user3692125 bootstrap 2 or 3?
don't worry about the px width of the grid, this will change depending on parent/screen size
so you have two columns, how wide do you want them to be in relation to their parent?
total design size is 896px
> how wide do you want them to be in relation to their parent?
e.g. 50%, 25% etc
213px/896px = 23.7% and 683px/896px = 76.2%
sorry but that's not going to work with Bootstrap's grid
it works in percentages with intervals of 12.5%
you could have 75% and 25% which is pretty close
or you could use custom css
thats what I thought.... but then I saw this thread: stackoverflow.com/questions/26767022/… ... how does nested grid help at all?
umm it doesn't really... not sure what he was on about
the whole point in using the bootstrap grid structure is so that it works better on various screen sizes (also known as responsive design)
yeah exactly... I could use something like bootstrap-flexible-grid.js but not sure if it's recommended
you can't just adjust it slightly to 75%??
Is it recommended to make 1-2% adjustments? I don't know the norm...
what do you mean?
why does it have to be exactly 896px?
and 683px and 213px
and if it does then just use custom css, don't use bootstrap's grid structure
no such reason... I have a psd and the width of the content section is 896px and width of the two sections is 213px (menu bar) and 683px (the content area)...
who made the psd?

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