This is really strange - every now and then (about 10% of the time) at random, when I load my webpage, the nav menu (ul element) appears about 38 pixels down. It goes back up to its original spot if I refresh the page. Why does this happen?
I built a website for a friend and I am now trying to set up a email with the same domain name. It's almost set up, I only have on problem. I can send emails from the address but whenever you attempt to send emails to the same address, you get a reply saying that the email doesnt exist
@SomeGuy the part that kills me about gamergate are these idiotic women, making the rest of us look bad, twisting the whole story to be about them when it has nothing to do with them.
Yes. The interface is the same because well that's the point of an interface, but what engines do in terms of implementation that is the problem of the browser engine
I want to change the v8 engine in order to be able to intercept every access to DOM elements.
As you know, v8 does not create the DOM tree. The browser creates the DOM tree.
My question 1: how/where in the v8 source code, the DOM memory structure is delivered to v8.
How can I do my interceptio...
@ICanHasKittenz i thought that too, so I moved the style property that determines the position of the ul element inline, but the issue still occurs every now and then
Every now and then (about 10% of the time) at random, when I load my webpage, the nav menu (ul element) appears about 38 pixels down. It goes back up to its original spot if I refresh the page. Why does this happen?
@SecondRikudo This is what I think: Javascript is a language which uses the DOM to access the document and its elements. DOM is not a language, but a tree structure. Every element in web page such as <p>, <tables> even data within table cell is part of the DOM... ECMAScript is something i dont know
@SecondRikudo Oh!! ECMAScript is a Javascript engine .. Thx for highlighting the term
What's the difference between ECMAScript and JavaScript? From what I've deduced, ECMAScript is the standard and JavaScript is the implementation. Is this correct?
Every now and then (about 10% of the time) at random, when I load my webpage, the nav menu (ul element) appears about 38 pixels down. It goes back up to its original spot if I refresh the page. Anyone have any ideas for why/how this is happening?
uiGIFs * TMI * Mega-Site Navigation * Animating SVGs * Twitter Emoji * Swing * Type Genius * Soundscape Collective #141 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.
Apologies, I recalled it incorrectly. IE doesn't "support" it at all, though I wonder what that means. You could always shim it by just adding template { display: none; } I guess?
Yeah it depends on the circumstances, it's just not very clean to define html inside a js file, but if you're going to make a jquery plugin that you just want to hook on a certain class it's not really good practice to have to add the html to each page either.
How about if you had a sharing widget which grabs content from the page and then shows a popup with with a shortened preview of the content and the sharing links
Correct me if I'm wrong, but using a string of HTML in jQuery (like in my example) it's already being processed into DOM functions by jQuery before actually adding it, right?
I'm really confused how bootstrap grid works. This is my confusion: I have two columns - one 213px and the other 683px with 10px spacing in between. How do I adjust it to the 12 columns of the grid? If A was 224 px, then I would simply make it col-md-3 (896/12*3 =224). However, neither A or B given in my question come out easily like that. Do you see my source of confusion?
no such reason... I have a psd and the width of the content section is 896px and width of the two sections is 213px (menu bar) and 683px (the content area)...