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!!cowsay morning @wes
< morning @wes >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@NullPoiиteя Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand \help (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
@Wes Command leave does not exist. Did you mean: live, learn, letme, love
@Wes Command gtfo does not exist.
@Wes Command ffffffuuuuu does not exist.
@Wes lol :P
!!/mustache wes
1 message moved to Trash can
!!will I die tomorrow?
@NullPoiиteя Not at all
!!will @Wes die tomorrow?
@NullPoiиteя By all means
@NullPoiиteя Of course!
Nooooooooo @wes dont die :P
@NullPoiиteя you are so kind
Hi guys
is anybody here?
!!cowsay good moorning
< good moorning >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
thanks for reply
I have some problem is css
I want to include my own font via css and want that when I render my html page as pdf then I get that font in my downloaded pdf
have you any idea how to do that
@VivekYadav you can generate the webfont online at fontsquirrel.com/tools/webfont-generator
@media print{
@font-face {
src: url(path/to/Philosopher-Regular.ttf);
src: local("Arial Lihavoitu");
-fs-pdf-font-embed: embed;
-fs-pdf-font-encoding: cp1250;
font-family: "philosopher";
font-weight: bold;

body {
font-family: "philosopher" ;
also I have uesd that site but no impact here
I am working on grails
and try to download pdf using rendering plugin
src: url(path/to/Philosopher-Regular.ttf); isn't enough i guess
so what should I do?
use font squirrel's font generator
and use the syntax they suggest
@font-face {
font-family: 'philosopher';
src: url('philosopher-regular.eot');
src: url('philosopher-regular.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('philosopher-regular.woff') format('woff'),
url('philosopher-regular.ttf') format('truetype');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

I followd this
syntax generated by that website
but no effect
how are you printing the page?
I am making template in which css are included.
use rendering plugin which use Itext in backgrond to generate pdf
has anyone here used htl2canvas plugin?
@VivekYadav i don't know what that is. it doesn't probably support web fonts
ok no problem
anybody here who has worked in grails.
Hi guys I've started recently to learn html just to make an interface with a database so probably the questions may appear stupid:

<form action="response.jsp">
<select name="scelta" size="3">
<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />

having a form like this, I would like that if one choose A and ok then he'll go to a page, if B in another etc, is it possible without a script?
@newbie With out a 'script' yes. Without javascript, no. You need javascript to update the URL to the new one.
@newbie you can't put <strong> inside a <select>
Thank you mike, why wes?
because you can't :P <select> can only contains <option> and <optgroup>
<label>Select: <select><option>A</option></select></label>
Thanks , understood now
@newbie are you from italy? xD
non siamo molti :P
ahah, dalla "scelta" è stato chiaro
già xD
di dove sei?
basilicata ma vivo vicino udine
dall'estremo sud all'estremo nord :)
già. ma in fondo sono sempre un terrone xD
tu di dove sei?
al momento studente
tu invece sei esattamente al centro
ti fanno studiare jsp? non sono mai riuscito neanche ad avviare tomcat
nono è per il progetto di basi di dati, c'è una parte opzionale in cui si può realizzare un'interfaccia che interagisce col database per inserire, cercare etc e ieri ho iniziato a provarci
:P se ti serve altro aiuto torna a trovarci
di sicuro :), inizio a cercare guide di js, grazie! a presto, bye bye
ciao ;)
@mikedidthis what's up man? xD
how's the fixed header going? i didn't surrender (yet) one day i will try complete it out...
@Wes hey man, being defeated by sickness my youngest gave me. Also drawing a griffin.
@Wes You ok?
had flu too, my nephew gave. DAMN KIDS!! a griffin?
he meant giraffe
@Wes No... I mean a griffin!
does the griffin have sports socks?
@Wes no this is another project :)
@mikedidthis what software are u using to draw that griffin ?
@CallMeDummy Illustrator.
its you guys, whats up
hey and thats a giraffe up there
that giraffe is so shiny it burns my eyes
my eyes are literally bleeding right now lol
thats what it is suppose to do --> Project giraffe successful
can somebody help me with a query about html2canvas plugin?
ya sure dinesh
@Demorus the screenshot is not being captured when on button click but works on document.ready
@mikedidthis cool :P
@Wes it was super fun to do. I wish I had more time for illustrations.
@mikedidthis can you help me?
@DineshVenkata code or it will not happen
@DineshVenkata yeah we are going to need to see some code. I am going to presume your binding an event to an element that isn't on the page yet.
@mikedidthis what is the best way figure out when the event is being triggered ?
@DineshVenkata it works? If you showed us some code or a demo, we could probably have this sorted in a few mins
@mikedidthis let me make a fiddle
@mikedidthis here is my code pastie.org/8004194
Is the submit button in the header your appending?
@mikedidthis no its part of the page
$("#submitButton").click(function() {
  alert("Click Event Working");
should I try that?
I would start there and test the event is bound and firing first. Its super hard to help with little code.
ok im back
dinesh, got the code?
ok I see it, nvm
ok this really weird, it should work. Your code is right
@Demorus here it is pastie.org/8004194
$("#submitButton").click(function ()
very unusual
what screenshot do you mean? like it creates a sceenshot when they click on the button?
same as "print screen"?
@Demorus yes
there is plugin called html2Canvas
are you sure the browser doesnt have any security option that prevents this from happening?
just a theory
@Demorus it works in document.ready
oh ya true
I mean you targeted the div, you got the click (function part right etc.
@mikedidthis button event works
if mikes event works then the code is right
it understands your click event, somehow it doesnt get the "capturescreen"
I got a theory
I would move the function outside the document ready. Also maybe calling the function twice is making it a mess.
maybe try this:
@mikedidthis could it be a case if it is done on submit
it doesnt work
$(document).ready(function() {
	$.get("header.do", function(data) {
	}).done(function() {capturScreen(); });
	function capturScreen()
		var target = $('body');
		html2canvas(target, {
		    onrendered: function(canvas) {
		    var data = canvas.toDataURL();
			$("#submitButton").click(function ()

ok try this code now
how will it help?
This is how I would do it:
just try
function capturScreen() {
    var target = $('body');
    html2canvas(target, {
        onrendered: function(canvas) {
            var data = canvas.toDataURL();

$(document).ready(function() {

    $.get("header.do", function(data) {

    $("#submitButton").click(function () {

@DineshVenkata the function scope is wrong, capturScreen should be outside the ready function
^ like mike said
I hate JS
Plus we don't know where the JS is in relation to the HTML (top / bottom) so I would bind with the document ready call.
nothing can go wrong if it is placed on top
I prefer bottom for page speed though as much as possible
@Demorus everything can go wrong if your JS is before your HTML, well in terms of delegation.
Ok, actually I was talking about placing it in the "head"
I wonder if your code fixed this
@Demorus yeah so was I. If you bind an event, outside of doc ready, in the head of your HTML it may not find the bound element :(
I didnt know that! damn
I thought it was the exact opposite
@Wes that's correct?
@Wes nice. :)
@mikedidthis when I take the submit button's code out of document.ready it isn't working at all
@DineshVenkata no one told you to do that?
so what do I do @mikedidthis
@DineshVenkata read either mine or @Wes code we just posted
i don't know what i'm doing pastie.org/8004280
Hi again guys, looking for web resources I've found this example that is similar of what I intend to do <script type='text/javascript'>
function formValidaotor(){
var state = document.getElementById('state');
if(state.value == "Please Choose"){
return false;
return true;


<form action="response.jsp" onsubmit='return formValidator()' >
State: <select id='state'>
<option>Please Choose</option>
the problem is that on submit it seems to be always true
formValidaotor > formValidator ?
@newbie no long code pasting here
use pastie.org
ok sorry
what do you mean wes?
there's a typo
here the pastebin link pastebin.com/p5xdPa8q
scusa wes non capisco la domanda
hai scritto male formValidator hai scritto ValidaOtor c'è una O in più
ops, non ho controllato queste cose perchè mi aspettavo errori, perché funziona se la funzione non esiste?
devi usare la console degli errori
@mikedidthis the canvas isn't able to render images or something of that sort when I use it away from document.ready
ti ringrazio, e un'ultima domanda, qui se è true cioè c'è stata una scelta va a response.jsp, ma se volessi che a seconda della scelta andasse in una pagina?
@newbie no idea sorry.
they say that some proxy is required to save images or something @mikedidthis don't even have the wildest of the clue what they are talking about
@DineshVenkata I have no experience with what your trying to achieve. I would maybe ask a quesiton on SO or in the JS room.
I'm getting 404 erros
@mikedidthis people in js room don't help much
@newbie document.getElementById("formid").action = "page.jsp";
@DineshVenkata they do if you present the question correctly. Follow the rules. Post a demo replicating your issue, explain what you have tried.
They don't help, vampires, which is the correct way.
e in form action="response.jsp" lo devo togliere?
@mikedidthis you mean not helping is the correct way?
non necessariamente, quello lo usi come valore di default
grazie mille wes, troppo gentile
e di che :P
@mikedidthis the host url I think is getting changed
which is giving error
@DineshVenkata no, I mean, not helping people who just dump code and do little to resolve their issues before asking for help.
@mikedidthis why use illustrator when u have html canvas ?
@CallMeDummy As its a logo? That is printed and used for web. Also Canvas isn't really the place for this sorta thing. You would just use an SVG.
@mikedidthis So do you think I should move my bird thing from canvas to svg for better manipulation?
@CallMeDummy I think canvas maybe other kill in this instance. You can animate shapes of an SVG with js / css.
so a DOM saves images in an array, is this true for other elements such as <p> or <h1> ?
Hey there. Is there a way to make an element (div) behave (scale, resize proportionally) like a background-image with background-size: contain;?
I tried it and it seems to work. Instead of giving the container div a fixed width, it has 100%. This works also. I now have the container always stretching to full width plus keeping its ratio (sth like 100:61.33...). What I need now? It should fit vertically (height 100%) not horicontally.
@kleinfreund you could look at something like max-height, but I am not 100% sure.
This technique works with paddng top, right, bottom left.. I believe I just have to calculate a bit different. But I can't get my head around it atm.^^
@kleinfreund yeah as long as their is something 'pushing'.
Hm.. I tried something like max-height: 100% and width: auto on the container.. no luck.
maybe try like this width: 60%, margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
@kleinfreund it will be on the elements you want to obey the rule, not the parent
Hm, nope. I don't get it. I can't even think of a theoretical solution.
@kleinfreund yeah I don't think you can have it on both axis so to speak
I need it only on one axis - vertically. :/
Basically I'm looking for a way to set the maximal height of the container to the height of the viewport, right?
@kleinfreund yeah, which is possible. What is the content?
I set the height of html and body to 100%, inside the body I only have the container div with outer and inner div from the example. There is no content outside of the container.
Yeah I mean is there an image inside the ratio element?
I want to put an image in there, yes. It should work as a background and I need to place a clickable area on the image. If the screen size changes, the clickable area should be relatively to the image.
@kleinfreund if your using an image, you can use that to push the width and then max-height to do the height :)
Does the image belong inside div.inner?
two secs I will try and get an example
And I try to explain exactly, what I want to achieve.
I have an image. It is my background image. But I don't want the image to go outside the viewport. All information have to be visible. Therefor background-size: contain; would work well, BUT... I also have a clickable area on the image (in the top right of the picture). This area has to be there no matter what screensize I have. But I can't position something relatively to a background-image. Therefor I want the image inside an img-tag and let the img behave like background-size: contain.
@kleinfreund yeah it makes sense. If you can make the parent scale, you can use position: absolute and a percentage figure
I replaced the .inner div with the img-tag and gave it the values (position absolute, top, right, bottom, left and width 100%. This works – but still in the horicontally fitting manner.
It feels so close. xD
Hmm.. I can't figure it out at the moment. Thank you for your help, mate.
@kleinfreund No problem, that is as far as I got: jsfiddle.net/mikedidthis/BVj7B/1
I will try again later.
Although on this old machine (Safari 4) jsfiddle doesn't work, I can see something of the preview. It looks like it's going in the right direction.
@kleinfreund yeah I think I am getting false positives with it if I am honest. Like the box width doesn't appear fluid, but if I check / uncheck a property the size is recalculated and appears as I would expect.
I will work locally this evening and see what I can do.
Is there some way to "remind" me of you? Like "following" you? Sending me a link to your profile via email seems so old fashioned. ;)
Yeah, it looks "strange". Like a media-query after 50px..
@kleinfreund I can ping you on here if you like, or you can tweet / email me.
I don't know if I find time fiddling around this evening. Maybe I just come back here tomorrow and see if you're around.
Ah yes, and of course I filed a question on SO: stackoverflow.com/questions/16911909/…
Very brief question, does anyone know how bowers are meant to handle contradictory instructions in HTTP and HTML standards? which one should take precedence?
@ChristopherHackett do the two even overlap? Maybe I am missing something.
@mikedidthis The one I'm looking at atm is HTTP referrer
@ChristopherHackett link?
@ChristopherHackett my understanding is a http referrer is something that sends traffic to your site?
w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.36 and say `<meta name="referrer" . Is there in general any rules on you would correctly interpreter any differences
5 hours later…
@Wes give me a ping when your around I would like your opinion
pong @mikedidthis
i'm in semi-coma state because of the flu
@Wes I feel for you honestly, as its the same fate I am currently suffering.
@Wes try this: journeykitchen.com/2012/01/… I slept for 14 hours after drinking it.
now i feel better, i just have the most painful sore throat ever (my throat is actually bleeding)
@Wes really? That doesn't sound good :(
:( btw, tell me about the opinion
@Wes you sure? I don't wont to bother you if your ill.
yes, don't worry :P
I am being really specific now. Should the parent or the child elements carry the top / bottom padding?
I use padding-left / right on the child elements to fake a margin, like a grid. But I can't work out if I should also be adding the vertical spacing to the parent / child element.
do you mean padding or margin?
Either, in context it doesn't really matter.
its more along the lines, when adding vertical white space, what element should I apply it to.
it will be only one row right?
there could be more rows
I didn't even think about that.
so the answer is easy, it must be applied to children, right?
Yeah it seems that way.
Damn, thanks man. I am trying to work out how to do things, one way, hence my CSS question the other day, and this.
So the parent literally is just a wrapper
btw you could use both
do you know what "collapsing margins" are?
I may know, but I am not good with technical terms? Example?
<div style="margin:30px;">d</div><div style="margin:20px;">d</div> the vertical gap between these two divs will be 30px
floated elements don't affect collapsing margins, so if you want to consider this feature, you should use margin on the wrapper
@Wes what is this voodoo? I presume we are talking none floated elements?
i'm writing a fiddle btw
<div style="margin:30px;background:red;">d</div><div style="background:lime;margin:20px;">d</div> if you count the pixels between the two you will see there are 30 pixels, not 50px
and yes we are talking about non floating elements
Ahh ok.
Hmm it seems a bit too 'free' if that makes sense?
in fact i was saying that if you want to take care of the "collapsing margins" feature you should use both margin on floated elements and also on the container
Like I presume you would use that with display:inline-block (yay for whitespace).
collapsing margins applies only to block elements
ohh ok, so that works around the float stuff
jsfiddle just died 8-D
why is #one float:left?
do you actually need this?
@Wes probably not, I just did it quickly.
everybody say RIP to chrome. it's the third time it crashed me today
Damn, really? Thats just bad luck.
@Wes Thank you :)
that's the only reason to use both margins to children and parent
yeah, well I learned something new.
It was mainly on how I would go about adding the whitespace between two parent elements, as it always the same (in my designs at least)
I was trying to post a question but I get this message: "Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more." anyone can help?
@Stefanos i think you made too many poor quality questions and you didn't ever wrote an answer... if you are banned from asking questions, you should take some time to answer some questions
need an upvote I think, can somebody upovote me?
yes, if you pay us xD write an answer and link it to us and we'll think abt upvoting it :)
@Stefanos write a good answer, I'll upvote it if it's useful
1 message moved to Trash can
animated gifs kill chrome :(
@Wes you should write room rules
people will surely read them xD
Hey guys I am trying to figure out what I should do for putting keywords out for my site for google to pick up.

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