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12:39 AM
it scared me at first, but very nice to see the reach
also badge progress is more clear now
6 hours later…
7:04 AM
@hwnd I dislike how it always flips you onto the Profile page when you're looking at other peoples' because most of what I want to see is on Activity, but aside from that, it's not bad
The Profile tab is a bit mediocre though - it doesn't show much of what interests an avid Stack Exchange user, and doesn't show much of what interests non-Stack Exchange people either.
You have very little control over Communities not to be shown but that's it.
@Unihedro I think that's a personal preference.
@Unihedro It shows the about me part, top posts and badges and some meta info about me. Good for me
@Unihedro true but this isn't a custom page builder
@HamZa It doesn't have to be one. It just doesn't tell enough about you - the customizable fields only throws the visitors somewhere else. The About Me box doesn't have near enough characters for anything interesting.
I get that Stack Exchange is a profitting company and their ultimate goal is to get traffic to have ads pay itself off, as well as Careers being the ultimate winning product, but still.
Hmmm I see your point
Github has its defenses for not having your Github profile like a proper CV, but Github is Github
(heck, you still can't control what's popular and show up on your usebox and what's not)
> Top Meta Posts Q15 A26

60 Let's synonymize a few plural, unnecessary tags
45 Reject and Edit response should not fail an audit
39 The question you're *editing* appears subjective and is likely to be closed
I also doubt anyone cares about my call for arms, feature requests and bug reports.
hehe true
I got to make something to show off on github. It's so empty ~_~
7:19 AM
I'll leave you to it - I gotta head home now. See you in a bit (if I'm lucky)!
7:56 AM
mk, so in C#, one cannot create a variable at runtime... I do that quite a bit in my code...
2 hours later…
10:13 AM
@Unihedro I hide my meta.se stuffs
Though nothing can be done with per site meta
@nhahtdh You can hide a box from the profile?
@Unihedro Sorry, not really
I only hide some top network posts from meta.se
Should I be sad or what:
@Unihedro Yes, you should
10:16 AM
Meta is the most useless stuff for people from outside the community to look at
Btw, I tried to use Proxy to hook functions in Pattern class
reflection is kinda evil
It doesn't work, since Proxy requires an interface
10:18 AM
Then I tried CGLib, just to figure out that it also can't do, since it extends the class to add byte code, and Pattern class is final
try PowerMockito
I heard it also use the same approach as CGLib internally
It basically mocks everything, including static final methods or private static final fields - if it can't do what you need, nothing can
Let me check it out...
@nhahtdh Oh, cool. I've never heard of CGLib actually.
10:20 AM
Anyway, I have been able to traverse the node tree of Pattern since last year
in Java, Apr 4 at 11:58, by Unihedro
Field false_ = Boolean.class.getField("FALSE");

Field modifiers_ = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
modifiers_.setInt(false_, false_.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);

false_.set(null, true);
That is simple, but it would be more powerful if I can track the compilation
Have you considered forking the Pattern code?
@Unihedro I did fork to try out some bugfix
Basically, I throw away Matcher class, and some other classes related to Unicode
And I got the bare Pattern class with the Nodes, which I can mess around with
Anyway, that is not going to work if I want to support multiple versions of Java
@TimPietzcker "(?<!\\\\(?<!\\\\))\\|", duh. — Radiodef 25 mins ago
@nhahtdh Another reason to not really participate on meta //cc @Unihedro
10:34 AM
@HamZa ... I don't really care how other people outside the network thinks of me though. :p
I think you should in case of job opportunity IMHO
but to be honest, until now the only ones who have contacted me are either people asking for (free) help or some (dodgy?) student agency that tries to fish my CV to "link" me with companies...
Quite true indeed.
I haven't gotten any [legit] job opportunities through my Stack Overflow profiles it seems. My reputation comes outside it. :p
it's a bit disappointing to be honest
I mean, I did make money out of it (donations yay!), but I'm not at the point where I worry about my goodwill gaining from my SO profile.
@HamZa Avi's answers in that question is not the correct way to handle the input
10:42 AM
@nhahtdh I got a feeling there's a duplicate somewhere. Maybe it was a pcre solution
@HamZa It's duplicated for zillion times
that said, the whole thread is a mess
Every single ****ing time people parse CSV with regex
@HamZa And the regex above is another piece of garbage
10:49 AM
I mean, it is logically wrong
Not talking about whether it works or not
The outer negative look-behind will step back at most 1
After it matches \, it will step back and do a negative look-behind on the \ it just matched
lolwut +4K answers...
@Unihedro Hey, are you around?
@IonicăBizău Affirmative - need anything?
@Unihedro I want to fix a regex bug in gfm (GitHub Markdown): github.com/atom/language-gfm/pull/89#discussion_r28582755 Any idea why this is happening?
I want to group *** separately.
11:03 AM
> How can I catch these characters into a separate group when using apm test? Also, what tool is used for parsing this regex?
You'd have to ask Atom for that
I know, but I guess this is not a bug in regex parser but in my regex input.
@IonicăBizău What do you mean grouping separately? AFAIK, (\*\*\*) are consuming two capture groups
I guess the regex is JS regex, since Atom runs on Node
@nhahtdh JS doesn't support lookbehinds...
@Unihedro When using .match I want to get *** in a separate element.
So what regex engine is being used?
inb4 write a parser :O
Cyaa later
11:05 AM
Then I don't know...
Don't tell me they crafted their own. ;)
That is a lib used by Ruby in the past
Oh god.
11:07 AM
Currently, Ruby has moved to a fork of that lib
@IonicăBizău That's just a wrapper around the C lib
That's not so relevant to me. :) I want to know how can group things...
Here is some useful content: geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma/doc/RE.txt
That depends strongly on the regex implementation - if capturing groups doesn't do it, I don't know what will
Meh, I need to consult Markdown to see how it parse the thing
bold italic bold? **bold *italic bold***?
italic *bold? *bold italic bold?* italic*? *italic *bold? *bold italic* bold?* italic*?
@IonicăBizău Capturing group? From what I see, it seems that it uses the begin and end pattern to delimit the "main group"
@nhahtdh That's what I want to fix. ;) I already have a working version, but now I'm fixing the tests.
11:18 AM
@IonicăBizău I can't see how your regex is considered working
@IonicăBizău Looking at your commit, since you change the regex for bold and italic, I think it causes other test cases to fail
@nhahtdh I know
Nested stuffs are one of regex'es weaknesses.
Then what do you want to fix? Your code? Your test?
@nhahtdh Well, it's work in progress. The goal is to fix a bug, with no failing tests and then write new specs. :)
@Unihedro The grammar can be defined to be recursive
11:29 AM
@nhahtdh Doesn't really make it easy ;)
24 mins ago, by HamZa
inb4 write a parser :O
Actually, the gfm.cson file is a grammar file for the parser
Why are the grammars specified by regexes instead of something like a groovy function?
Oh well, not going to judge Atom, they're kinda unique
Not really, I think SublimeText grammar file (and TextMate) has similar structure
Anyway, I'm not being helpful here, so I'm out. As for the grammar, consult the CommonMark documentation on how to parse the mess of _ and *
Starting with the code is a guaranteed ticket to madness in parsing
11:38 AM
always start with tests :)
Well, test case <--> design --> code
But since there is a doc already, we can read the grammar off it and start coding :D
4 hours later…
3:33 PM
ping @HamZa wooooooooooooooooo!
2 hours later…
5:36 PM
2 hours later…
7:44 PM
@hwnd pong

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