11:13 AM
A: How to connect Power BI to Microsoft 365 admin center

SrideviInitially, register one Microsoft Entra application and add Reports.Read.All permission of Application type by granting consent like this: You can generate access token using client credentials flow with below parameters via Postman: POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/to...

In picture 4: I can set the Bearer token but that will change right?
Thank you @Sridevi. the pictures are a bit in low quality. I just need to understand that thing about the Bearer and I'm done
I edited the images, please check if they are clear now. Kindly let me know where you are stuck. Have you generated bearer token via Postman as I mentioned in answer?
I will do it now. The problem is that the Bearer token expires after a few hours. So this solution might work for a few hours. I want to automate that so Power BI can refresh daily.
In that case, you can generate bearer token using delegated flows like authorization code flow by granting Reports.Read.All permission of Delegated type and offline_access to get refresh token. You can use that refresh token to get bearer token automatically.
Wait, this is too important for me, do you want me to open a new question about this offline_access? Because I don't know how to set this up
11:13 AM
Yes, please post a new question and share the query link here by adding more details on your requirement.
11:30 AM
Just checked but I receive a 400 Bad Request
And the Reports.Read.All is there
And the secrets are there
And the Tenant_ID is there
So I cannot tell what is wrong here