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@starball I sure hope you would be called up :)
@DalijaPrasnikar I hope so too :D
aside: on the subject of close elections, opavote.com/results/4853021517283328 was pretty close, and opavote.com/results/5229219307061248 is pretty crazy
I think the 2018 one was a difference of ~17 votes for yvette vs brett?
I'm literally just realizing that this is what the earlier message about yvette was referring to
I wasn't even on SO back then :P that was before I'd done anything programming-related (except maybe mess around with minecraft command blocks)
@starball Yes, results are really, really close. I never counted the results in previous elections, so I never knew that there were previous elections with such close results.
4 hours later…
those were not fun times
6 hours later…
@AdrianMole Starball had a "User" moniker too before? That's news to me.

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