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Hi Dharman
Sorry to disturb you
may i ask whether i can raise a flag for this post
Q: Find most Opportunities by Maximum Number

haninahi I'm a new member here, and I'm an excel beginner I just want to ask how to solve this problem, I want to look up data by Serial Number Column to return name Column, but serial number have number in different column? I just want to look up the serial number by maximum number to show name.

because the accepted answer is completely wrong and it doesnt make any sense as well.
as OP wants to extract a value based on max repeated and along with its serial number.
and hence why i feel bit suspicious.
i have not raised flag because last few suspicious flags declined by Moderators. But i have a gut feeling about these kind of posts.
sorry again if i am bothering
4 hours later…
@MayukhBhattacharya Probably not a good idea to raise a flag. We don't check if the answer is correct. I can't check more now because I don't have access to a computer.
Oh ok, no issues thank you for replying
Alright i will not raise
I even commented in the accepted answers thread and then deleted it,
Can you explain, how the MAX() is relevant in your formula, if one dont use the MAX() also, it would return Ross and Phoebe for the given values. ? Also I see you have used the MAX() function for the optional parameters [match_type] which can be 1, 0 or -1. If you explain it will help to learn where is the use of MAX() function here? Because MAX() will always return 5 irrespective of the serial number.
Thank you very much !
sorry i will not raise again, but if its fishy somekind of sockpuppet kind how to flag. because it doesnt really help

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