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Morning all \o
Morning @m0nhawk
@BhargavRao Morning!
Aloha @Roman
Anyone with GoogleEarth installed? Can you just try plotting 1 and 2.
I am still facing the same error that one of them plots but the other doesn't
morning @The6thSense
Hi @Cath \o
@BhargavRao I can only plot on mobile Google Earth for now.
Wow, Both works
It plots like this for me
You use desktop version? Or plotting in R?
Ubuntu Desktop
Guess the problem is with Google Earth
Thanks for that @m0nhawk, I will install Windows now. Brb
And you use 32 or 64? This may have some impact on some large shapes.
32 bit. 64 bit had issues with libgtk
Do you still need to check with GE?
Yep, to send the pic to my prof half way across the world. :(
@BhargavRao Morning :-), hi also @m0nhawk and @Roman !
Hey @Cath, Have a nice day :)
@BhargavRao thanks, you too :-)
Thanks :)
Fine, I will be back after installing windows.
Waiter, one nice day for everyone in here.
@BhargavRao why won't you use Wine to VM for this?
What I meant was do you still need me to check with Google Earth? :)
@m0nhawk wine again has problems with libgtk...
I usually have 100GB of space to install another OS on my sys :)
@RomanLuštrik as it has already worked in the mobile app, I think that it'll work even on the desktop... So no need, thanks :)
Not bad, now only 3 provinces are not working :)
Damn, GE is not supported on Nexus 5 ;_;
If anybody free can you try to plot this in GE gist.githubusercontent.com/Bhargav-Rao/…
So it aint plotting. Thanks.
This is the result of copy/pasting the text from your link to a notepad, renaming the file .kml and opening it in GE.
My GE perhaps isn't up to date. Let me check first.
Right Click, Save as --> It will auto save as 10005.kml :-)
Same result in Google Earth Pro ( as well.
I can see the border of the polygon and the point. It just isn't filled with color.
Interesting. I am using the same function for all the polygons. Only 3 of them don't get filled with color
plotKML(data.shape[data.shape$FEDUID=="10004",],colour_scale = c("red")
Works perfectly and gives the exact output. If I replace 10004 with 10005 it doesn't work. I guess the error is with the dataset that I am using
My suggestion would be to check the result of subsetting first.
They both are SpatialPointsDataFrame. How do I check them?
One way is to coerce it to data.frame using as.data.frame. You can do some (basic) plotting in R (also using ggplot2).
Ah Fine. ty
I'll try it now
Used plot and it works (the 3 red ones are the erring parts). I will try to do that coerce stuff now
No visual problems that I can find out.
I'll just download the dataset again. Brb
Same error again. Anyway, I will leave this atm
7 hours later…
Wb @m0nhawk
How did the day go?
I'm really tired.
@BhargavRao And you how?
Tired too. But still have work left :)
2 hours later…
Bye all, Time to sleep \o

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