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7:01 PM
I see. Well, I took a look at the dictionary, and its structure is very straighforward, and scan quality is stable. You could actually do exactly what I did, but with even better results:
1. convert the images to b & w using Otsu method
2. find regions with text (with a all the contours – you can do erosion and dilation to get rid of artifacts)
3. find the coordinates of the text section using minAreaRect() (I am assuming will do do all that using OpenCV for Python)
4. crop the original images using those coordinates
5. use indentation to mark paragraph beginnings (it's a small indentation, but the text is aligned well enough it should work)
6. use coords of each paragraph indentation to copy images regions as separate definitions
Unfortunately, I cannot share my friends' program, but what it did is take files from FineReader, get the XML with text coordinates, and use that to plot regions on the images those XMLs described
Which is much easier conceptually, but more difficult to implement (not that much, though)
I could show you what I did exactly, but I won't do this publicly, as its part of my yet unpublished work.

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