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3:22 AM
@alexa I assume you mean by like a dotted line that shows where the angry bird would hit, for example. If you do mean that, I have an idea. You would want to take "samples". What I mean by samples is that you want to calculate the position after a certain amount of time and mark that point. The more amount of samples you take, the more accurate you will be. I would take samples by 1) setting a max distance to take samples. Let's say it is 10 seconds (note that this is a unit of time).
Then 2) you should create an amount of "samples" (also known as iterations), let's also say 10. Then 3) you should do a for loop to loop through the number of samples. 4) you will need some variables on the (a) position of the object (b) force of gravity, usually -9.81 (c) the velocity of the object. Finally 4) You should plug this into an equation something like this script:
private Vector3 pos =..... //most likely transform.position
private Vector3 velocity =...... //most likely rb.velocity
public float gravity =......... //most likely -9.81f
public float drag =.......//most likely 0f

public int sampleCount; //definition of the prediction
public int totalTime; //total time it calculates the positions for


List<Vector3> positions
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
float timeStamp = i / totalTime;
Vector3 out = pos +
(velocity * timeStamp) +
(Vector3.up * gravity * timeStamp * timeStamp);
(I did not test this)
If you are confused in any way about any of this, let me know.

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