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3:11 AM
The P4D (2015.2 or later) executable is missing from P4V install path under folder DVCS.

Is the error from P4V, and P4Admin says it needs a user. So I'm upgrading the Helix core server.
3:24 AM
You can also just copy your p4d.exe into the DVCS server.
I'm looking at this KB article: community.perforce.com/s/article/15262
Upgrading the core server didn't work.
I cannot run P4V at this stage.
I thoroughly apologize for the headaches involved in this hopefully simple implementation.

There is a valid P4Admin with one user, me, BrentShaub.
looks like the P4V installer will put P4D in that DVCS folder
so running the latest P4V installer might fix it
but I'd just find the p4d.exe and copy it into the DVCS folder instead of messing around with installers
the DVCS folder should be something like C:\Program Files\Perforce\DVCS
in fact copying your existing p4d is better because it'll ensure they're the same version
mismatched versions could cause more confusion
and IIRC for some reason your p4d and p4v were in fact different versions
I'm at the init stage.
Nothing to do - existing dvcs tree at C:\home
whoa whoa whoa
I see I didn't clear it out properly.
3:29 AM
shouldn't need to init anything
just copy p4d.exe into the DVCS folder
did you do that?
Initialize new personal server I thought was the goal?
you already did that :)
Yes, I did the file copy.
3:29 AM
don't need to do it again
Okay, you should now be able to connect to your existing personal server in C:\home
Click Connection > Open Connection. In the Open Connection dialog:
Select the Personal Server tab.
Click "Browse..."
Navigate to C:\Home
The depot is a stream.
that's a total non sequitur. Were you able to do the above thing with the connection?
I think so. The workspace shows the directory structure.
or should I take "the depot is a stream" as confirmation that it worked, because the depot you set up earlier was a stream depot? :)
and the files you added should show up in the depot, yes?
I was hoping it was local.
3:32 AM
it's both
The depot is empty.
IT works!
hm, I thought you said you'd submitted files
but did you go and clear everything out again and init it again since we did that?
I didn't expand the file hierarchy
the files you submitted are there now?
The filters are working too.
3:33 AM
we got there
My goodness. I see the files ready to check out.
Not quite.... When I check out a file, the system spins.
the changelists are blue, not red, which is a clue.
Blue changelists means you're using a different workspace, I think
did you make a new workspace?
you should only have one
chmod: C:\home\smartcast.com.au\SubDomains\pilot\_\_includes\accounting-functions.cfml: Access is denied.

p4 edit -c 8 //stream/main/smartcast.com.au/SubDomains/pilot/_/_includes/accounting-functions.cfml
hang on let's solve the blue changelist thing first
did you make a new workspace?
Oh, hold on. I tried to check out the same file twice.
I'm so sorry for this. The triangle turned red during the check out.
3:37 AM
You're looking at the "pending" changelist tab, right?
Just one workspace.
I think the "access denied" thing is the same problem you had before
that went away when you ran CMD with admin permissions
Yes, pending changelist.
If you haven't fixed that permission problem yet, you probably need to run P4V with admin permissions the same way you did with CMD
3:38 AM
for whatever reason, your ColdFusion files have been created with some weirdo permissions where you need to have admin privileges to touch them
I will run P4V as a Windows Admin.
I would recommend fixing that, but I don't know enough about ColdFusion to say how
so as a workaround you can just set all your Perforce stuff to run as a windows admin
It looks like it's working, takes a while when not an admin.
When it's finished, I'll run as admin.
It works peppy as an admin.
Oh my goodness, mate, you've been more than more than helpful.
I will gladly pay you.
Glad it's all working!
Oh, my goodness, me too.
It's a pleasure to use.
I'm so glad you answered my StackOverflow question and had the meddle to stick through some very challenging times.
3:51 AM
it was really only two problems:
1. permissions problem on the local files (worked around by running as admin)
2. extra Perforce server (fixed by deleting the extra to avoid confusion)
Also the .ignore to prevent the inclusion of 100K content files (not source code).
took a little while to do the steps to fix those two things but we got there :)
ah yes, although I bet with the permission problem fixed you'd have no problem now adding 100k files
That's a good point.
I very much appreciate your help.
1 hour later…
4:54 AM
When setting up P4Admin after the uninstall process, I did change the username to brentshaub from what it had been, and the system let me know that I was / am the only superuser. That make any kind of difference?
Nope, doesn't matter. Just make sure that you use that name everyplace else. You might need to update the P4USER line in C:\home\p4config.txt for example.
I very much value having a direct line to you, and appreciate the continued support.

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