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Q: In Objective C, Usual implementation of singleton design pattern contains "static id theInstance = nil" in a method, why not outside?

NSUniverseWhen i was going through Singleton design pattern in Objective C, I found lot of people using the below code to create it. @interface Base : NSObject {} +(id)instance; @end @implementation Base +(id) instance { static id theInstance = nil; if (theInstance == nil) { theInsta...

8 hours later…
Q: safely terminating a thread in Meyers Singleton

elSnapeI have a boost thread running inside a Meyers' Singleton. It happily runs for the duration of my program. When my Singleton's destructor is called (when the program is loaded out of memory) I set a flag so that the thread should exit it's loop and fire off a call to thread.join(). Now, on Wind...

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