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A: How to concrete a string with GetWindowsDirectoryA returned result?

anastaciuYou could initialize the string with the path, you wouldn't even need to know the size (which is returned by GetWindowsDirectoryA as stated in the comment section), but it's advisable to use it given that it does optimize std::string initialization. Example: std::string GetOSFolder() { char ...

Always check return values, anyway. It's often the only way to know if the call succeded or failed. And even GetWindowsDirectoryA can fail.
@anastaciu I went with unsigned int size = GetWindowsDirectoryA(, MAX_PATH); if(size < MAX_PATH) { buffer.resize(size); } `
@Someprogrammerdude that's good advice.
@jeffbRTC I guess that's also good, just be careful when appending the rest of the string.
@jeffbRTC Can you elaborate? avoids the copy from the string buffer, and throws the system exception properly
@jeffbRTC you are resizing the buffer to the size of the gathered string, if you add another string without the propper method it may not fit in buffer.
@MooingDuck I was told using a string as a buffer is a bad practice..
@anastaciu I don't understand you. I resize the vector with size returned by the Win API function then simply append the string. it seems works well. I saw no issues..
@anastaciu Altho the size it returns not includes the terminating null character.
@jeffbRTC: Using a string as a buffer is tricky to get right, but it works fine if you're very careful
@jeffbRTC if you do buffer + "/SomeFolder" it won't work.
@anastaciu No, I'm doing std::string(buffer).append("/SomeFolder")
@jeffbRTC it's fine then.
You don't need to copy things around. Just allocate a std::wstring reserving enough storage, and pass its buffer into GetWindowsDirectoryW. Use this API call's return value to appropriately resize the string prior to returning. Also note that you aren't handling the case where the buffer is too small.
@IInspectable, I added your suggestion as an option, except for the W part, which is parallel, however, IDK if swiching a second variable, especially a char array for a resize is the best trade-off.
@anastaciu: The resize is an O(1) operation, it just changes the internal size variable. The real tradeoff is in initializing the std::string to the right size, which sets the entire buffer to 0s, which the char buffer[MAX_LEN+1] doesn't do.
@MooingDuck true, but char buffer[MAX_PATH + 1]{}; would. Still, I guess all things considered the second option should be the way to go.
Can't you reserve() instead, though?
@IInspectable reserve() would allocate the memory, but the size() would still be 0, and when the string is resize()'d afterwards (so, you know, its content is actually recognized as valid), the content will get zeroed out. demo
@anastaciu in the case of using a char[], I would suggest using std::string(buffer, result) instead of std::string(buffer) so that std::string doesn't have to re-calculate the length that result already has.
@rem That is unfortunate. Though isn't there a way in C++ that allows for this specific use case (reserving uninitialized memory, passing it on to a C API, and then committing the valid span)?
@RemyLebeau that does seem better.
@IInspectable you could call size = GetWindowsDirectoryA(nullptr, 0) this would give you the size without actually storing the string.
That's a common pattern in the Windows API, though the documentation doesn't support passing an invalid pointer as the first argument. The SDK header (sysinfoapi.h) has the first formal parameter marked as _Out_writes_to_opt_, suggesting that the implementation is prepared to handle a null pointer argument. Not sure which of those conflicting contracts is binding.
@IInspectable that's well spotted, IDK, it does work fine when tested, but that's not really a binding conclusion.
@IInspectable "isn't there a way ... and then committing the valid span" - no, there is not, AFAIK. The alternative in this case would be to use SHGetFolderPath(CSIDL_WINDOWS) (required buffer size on input) or SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_Windoes) (system-allocated buffer on output) instead.
@anastaciu something to watch out for when calling GetWindowsDirectory() to query the buffer size - the documentation does not say whether the return value will include the null terminator or not. The typical contract in other functions is to include the null terminator when querying the size and then omit it when filling a buffer. But GetWindowsDirectory() is not contractually obligated to act one way or the other in this regard.
@RemyLebeau ithat is indeed the case, it's good to know. In the 3rd case above the 1st call does return one more than the 2nd, still, it would work either way.
@IInspectable "isn't there a way ... and then committing the valid span" - apparently there have been proposals to add this feature to the standard : and

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