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Hi All,
im trying to get the postId from a facebook URL, and below is the regex Im using
but i'm getting invalid group error
can anyone suggest anything.
1 hour later…
@TheJOKER (?|([0-9]+)|[^\/]+\/(\d+)) -> (:?|([0-9]+)|[^\/]+\/(\d+)) - missing : for the non-capturing group
2 hours later…
@VLAZ yes thanks.
i get the above results from the regex, im trying to get the id from the above url
but the problem is, this url can have very different types like video post, text post, page post etc
like above formats.
If anyone can help:
Q: How to send udp packages using nodejs?

paul23Well, I have a small route that should send an UDP package and print a confirmation. According to the documentation on the node, the following should work fine: const dgram = require('dgram'); export async function sendUDP(sess, parameters: {}, res) { const client = dgram.createSocket('udp4'...

Bounty up
is there a way to condition properties in a object during it's creation? So like I can do const foo = {bar: "a", test: cond?"b":"c"}. if cond is false I don't want test at all in my object.
The canonical way is to test to "undefined"
However that would still mean it exists in the object (Object.entries() would show it). Other solutions would be to just not set it:
foo = cond ? {bar: "a", test: "b"} : {bar: "a" };
Or use the the delete operator:
foo = {bar: "a", test: "b"};
if (!cond) {
    delete foo.test;
However both I strongly not recommend doing, it goes agaisnt what objects are. If your goal is to have objects that behave like dictionaries a Map is the better solution: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
can somebody please help to get this code working, i have two input tag and two delect dropdown tag, so i want the input value and the selected value to always update on a result span on same page.it a currency converter project... kindly see the jsfiddle below so that you can help me fix the error. jsfiddle.net/kathrynbow/gk64Lcts/7
@Markus No, not during object creation. There isn't syntax for a conditional property of an object literal. You can do
foo = {bar: "a"};

if (cond)
  foo.test = "b";
You could also do something like
foo = {bar: "a", ...(cond ? {test: "b"} : {})}
but it's weird and convoluted. I definitely wouldn't recommend it.
@paul23 this is a much better approach than a conditional spread.
Conditional spread is better when having multiple such options though
can somebody please help to get this code working, i have two input tag and two delect dropdown tag, so i want the input value and the selected value to always update on a result span on same page.it a currency converter project... kindly see the jsfiddle below so that you can help me fix the error. jsfiddle.net/kathrynbow/gk64Lcts/7
can someone help me please
|| welcome message
Invalid command! Did you mean: door, riot, goog? Try help for a list of available commands.
@message Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@KathrynBowner ^
> If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KarelG ok thanks
monday is usually a busy day for most of us 😉
@KarelG ok
can somebody please help to get this code working, i have two input tag and two delect dropdown tag, so i want the input value and the selected value to always update on a result span on same page.it a currency converter project... kindly see the jsfiddle below so that you can help me fix the error. jsfiddle.net/kathrynbow/gk64Lcts/7
no no... please do not repost that question again. It is spam.
ok i thought you said i should just post my message again
sorry about that
I am just saying that you do not have too much hope to have an answer immediately
it happens that a SO question gets an answer within 10 minutes but that really depends of the circumstances
@KarelG ok then i will wait fro a responds
just be patient
Looking at this answer on how to automatically reconnect websocket stackoverflow.com/a/23176223/1140368, I have a question... every time he calls connect, won't it create a new ws?
yeah because the socket died?
as in the initial question. So creating another one is kinda logical here.
i thought more like.. I reconnect every 1 second. if I let it stand for a while, wont it build up rather many ws?
and could that be a problem?
or maybe a "dead" ws is a very small object that almost consumes no memory?
you can add a progressive timeout, that requires a bit tracking.
1s -> 1s -> 1s -> 5s -> 5s -> 5s -> 25s -> ...
2 hours later…
How many people are in your project\startup team? And what are their roles?
just ignore it? seems a honest question. up to you to (not) disclose it
Anyone know how to get type information for nodejs dgram?
@KarelG I just wonder if it's supposed to be posted here or if it's a mistake. Because I could answer it but it's...complex. I'd need more clarification on what "project" and "team" would be.
I have
const nmea_server: Socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');

nmea_server.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => {
    console.log(`server got: ${msg} from ${rinfo.address}:${rinfo.port}`);
@paul23 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
However typescript complains I didn't type msg and rinfo - where to get the typing for those?
@paul23 uh, it seems the callback arguments are typed ...args: any[] : nodes.duniter.io/typescript/duniter/typedoc/classes/…
Dunno how you're supposed to know the real type.
Cast it manually :P
Wait, I was looking at the wrong documentation, the callback is (msg: Buffer, rinfo: AddressInfo): void
that's for event = "message"
Am I looking at some random documentation?
I have two input tags and two select dropdown tags, so I want the input value and the selected value from the dropdown to always update(onchange and keyup) on a result span on the same page. It's a currency converter project... kindly see the JSfiddle below to help me fix the error.
$(document).ready(function () {
var baseCurrency = "BTC";
var pay_amount = 1;
var targetCurrency = "ETH";
var get_amount;
I googled "typescript typing dgram socket" and got that link I sent you.
I have two input tags and two select dropdown tags, so I want the input value and the selected value from the dropdown to always update(onchange and keyup) on a result span on the same page. It's a currency converter project... kindly see the JSfiddle below to help me fix the error.
````$(document).ready(function () {
var baseCurrency = "BTC";
var pay_amount = 1;
var targetCurrency = "ETH";
var get_amount;
var url;
currencyConverter(baseCurrency, pay_amount,targetCurrency,get_amount)

// some variables
But it isn't a real formal source :/
If it works...
@VLAZ Not sure if you call the nodejs documentation when I ask about nodejs specific libraries random :P
But I"m looking through it, and it constantly irks me that IP address is always a string
yeah that seems random
"it works" as yaakov said
Wouldn't be the first time I picked up some documentation that seems relevant but turns out is for a different library.
@paul23 eh? what did you expect?
Like it is: a number
nobody wants to help me with my problem here, thats not fair
ipv4 is just a 32bit unsigned integer
IP addresses are complex and usually interacting it as an object is resource intensive.
uh numeric?
you forget IPv6
sure, you can create a type, IpAddress, but then you have to provide a parser, working for both IPv4 and IPv6
that's just a 128 bit number
it is not a number, hex chars are supported
" IPv6 uses a 128-bit address, theoretically allowing 2128, or approximately 3.4×1038 addresses"
it's actually a 128 bit hexadecimal number 😉
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the Internet. IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. IPv6 is intended to replace IPv4. In December 1998, IPv6 became a Draft Standard for the IETF, who subsequently ratified it as an Internet Standard on 14 July 2017.Devices on the Internet are assigned a unique IP address fo...
hexadecimal is just a representation of he bytes
byteArray? :D
could just be as well be a decimal (and you can easily write ipv4 as hexadecimal!)
ipv4 is just byte[4] and ipv6 is just byte[16]
0xff = 255, soa number like can be just written equally like 7f.0.0.1
number, hexadecimal, etc is just how you can represent it so it is useful
nested type aliasing could be an interesting feature
but JS is not particularly well known for it's amazing byte handling
or actually if you wish to write it formally in hex it's easier for ipv4: 0x7f0001 is the actual numeric representation.
oh my bad, missing zeroes
so far "easy"
throws in ipv6
Still: a string representation is just as random as numeric - and might be worse since you can't really do byte comparison.
that is correct
especially for ipv6, does anyone easily remember anything like loopback for ipv6?
a number in js is often a 64 bit IEE-754 floating point value
It is also represented as string in many java applications. InetAddress is a turd API
The string is really gibberish to me for ipv6
eh, it's just ::1
using that as ip address data is probably not the best idea
(note, that is a lazy variant)
@Wietlol actually impossible for ipv6 - while "fine" for ipv4 (32 < 54 mantissa)
But even "blob" data type is better imo
byte array variants are the only way
Sure those can be "blobs"
if you cant use that, then you normally use either string or some special object
As the only operation you would even do is "check for equals" and "generate from string".
So it shouldn't actually allow to do more
I got a hopefully quick syntax question on Angular/JS, since this combo doesn't seem to happen often enough for an SO question:
I have an Angular component, downgrade that, and use it in an angularjs page. How do I do two-way binding here? I can't just [(component-var)]="ui.varToBind"
Or do I have to manually bind 1) input and 2) onchange as eventhandler in the angularjs page?
two-way binding is just way too overloaded as a search term unfortunately
@KathrynBowner your questions are way too broad/generic to answer through chat
please check the jsfiddle jsfiddle.net/kathrynbow/gk64Lcts/7
@paul23 atleast check the JSfiddle
Already done...
That's why I said it's too broad
Typically a questin thruogh chat should be contained in like 20ish lines of code
Otherwise go to stackoverflow mainsite
I have two input tags and two select dropdown tags, so I want the input value and the selected value from the dropdown to always update(onchange and keyup) on a result span on the same page. It's a currency converter project
saying "here is my project, please fix the errors" is not really going to work... even if you repeat it

1, verify the problem
2, isolate the problem
3, try various solutions and describe why they didnt work
4, ask if anyone is kind enough to spend their spare time to look at your problem
5, ???
6, profit
@Wietlol ok
so... can you make the problem smaller? like... on a smaller page, only having those two input tags
that is where I would start
I see...
small misunderstanding, but nothing to worry about
@Wietlol thanks
when I said "smaller page", I meant like... remove everything and reproduce the issue using only the input tags from scratch
everything else, atm, is just noise and distracts you and everyone else from the problem
your jsfiddle link is sufficient. That you did not have gotten support so far is probably because of the question being too broad (my opinion). Please be aware that we are here as volunteers, not as a help desk.
|| tell KathrynBowner mvce
Invalid command! Did you mean: tel, telll, help? Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍.‍.‍
ye, SO even stopped calling it an mcve
bleh, I may be an fart from "ancient SO" times
those new "things" 🙄
@Wietlol it is a currency converter thats why? am losted with my code the target currency and base currency i need them to always update onchange and keyup. i have tried diffrent method yet no result
thats why i posted the Jsfiddle
maybe somewhere in my line of code is the issue
1 hour later…
@KathrynBowner Why is the fiddle so huge though
The result doesn't look like it'd need any CSS for that, yet there is way too much CSS in the fiddle
@KathrynBowner Since it's just 4 tags with onchange logic, what does all the other stuff do?
@Squirrelkiller it is a dropdown with an image
how can I find clean code resources for Vue.js?
Does the image need that much CSS? Also to show us two dropdowns and two textboxes, why do you need images?
there is a ddslick function on the dropdown
I don't know what ddslick is, but it doesn't sound like it needs CSS
ok the problem is that the currency dont update on a different span, i want every onchange invent on the dropdown it should be update on a different with page refresh
Wait why is there suddenly a page refresh there I thought you just want the two boxes to get updated on each other's onchange
sorry typo without page refresh
Still no reason for CSS
Did you read the link KarelG sent?
ok forget about the css just look into the javascript code
@Squirrelkiller kindly check the javascript in the Jsfiddle.
You know I'm just here hoping to find a solution to my own problem right, I don't need to stay and try to teach you what an MC(V)E is?
I checked it and saw that there is way too much javascript there to get a quick understanding of what's going on
There's 157 lines of javascript there
2 hours ago, by paul23
Typically a questin thruogh chat should be contained in like 20ish lines of code
check the currencyconverter and currencyconverter2 functions, that seems to be the problem
It's like you're not even trying to understand what we've been telling you
everything in the javascript works togther how am going to give u 20 lines of code. that is why i give it out on JSfiddle, for any body who wants to help check the code
Make an SO question then
Anyway I'm at work, so my time here has been way too long already. Bye
how to use ion-radio in a horizontal row having 3 items
2 hours later…
Q: player will sometimes phase through platforms in prototype of infinite runner game?

LlamaButtI'm coding an infinite runner game in javascript using the html5 canvas, and it's been going pretty well so far, but I have been getting the jump mechanism in place, and sometimes the player will phase through the platform they land on, which they shouldn't do, as i have code in place to prevent ...

1 hour later…
|| say ||
may I have some help with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/66750650/…
> I Have an assignment in which I need to implement the bind method of the State monad. They didn't teach us in class and told us to read about
That's either a very bad class, or that student just slept though a lot of material.
Well, or both.
But for a TypeScript class, it seems extremely strange either way.
I like classes where the whole class up until the exam (in which the exam accounts for 80% of the overall grade) has an exam that has you go out and learn on your own, something the class never taught you to do because it held your hand through the rest of it
I helped somebody once with their first year programming assignment. It was quite a simple exercise that I forget the formal name of. Basically, you have people in a circle, you generate a random and start counting them to the right. Who do you pick. That was more or less the entire thing.
To be done in C++ which isn't really one of my strong suits.
It was even less of a strength to the guy I was helping out.
He asked me "what do those lines with two forward slashes mean?"
That was the end of year assignment.

Here is a static example just populating this DataTable through simple JavaScript. In my real application I am using REST to populate the table. I have 11 tabbed DataTables where I am trying to populate corresponding Data to the corresponding tabbed table. The results [i] arrays all contain a Department field/value which corresponds to the tabbed datatable. Having quite a rough time figuring out how to populate to the corresponding tabbed table instead of all of them
1 hour later…
How long would you give a new job if you absolutely hate it before returning to your old job?
1 hour later…
@Cameron depends very heavily on relations. But about two months seems OK - it's within the probation period and it's sort of "acceptable" to leave, as it's the adjustment period.
Generally, the sooner the better but leaving the second week seems a bit bad.
And old job might not even want you back. Not long term. You bailed once, you could do it again.
eh, first... gotta identif why you hate it
there was a time here were a grew to hate doing what i'm doing, but the root of the reason was i felt i wasn't growing as a developer... and with that, realized it had nothing to do with the job.
@VLAZ That part of the equation is pretty solid, left on good terms and there's plenty of work with not enough people to do it
@KevinB Mostly what I'm doing - 90% ColdFusion - creating forms with it, a lot of JS automatically created by it etc. Not a lot of JS which I didn't know would be the case + awful UI with no intentions of changing it
Kevin B is the correct person to complain to about ColdFusion.
Ah yeah, I had asked him some questions about interview questions for this job
Old job (where I'm still working part-time, too) also used it
Did you know Kevin B created ColdFusion?
(this is a lie)
Maybe his alter-ego is "J. J. Allaire". I had to look that up, thankfully I don't know CF's history that well
Both "cold" and "Kevin" start with the same consonant. Coincidence? I think not!
Also ColdFusion and Kevin.
Clearly a sign.
All of that is also true with my name - does that mean he created me?
That means I'm part American, I don't know how to feel about that
But yeah that sounds like a similar situation to the one I outlined above
i had a lot of offers to go here, or there, big name companies, small, and felt like I was just wasting time in coldfusion
But.. I decided I could get the JS fix I needed here, and on SO... unfortunately this chat is waaaaay less active than it used to be
I'd say part wasting time - but also just not enjoying it as much as working with Angular quite a bit and CF on the backend
The other thing that has changed since then is I stopped looking at programming as a hobby
@VLAZ Driving up to the US embassy to get my freedom right now. The one in Ottawa looks like a battleship at least
Like, there’s that idea that you should do the job that you love, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be everything you do, ;)
I've never really considered it a hobby, just a means to an end
But I'd rather enjoy the journey if I can, no matter what though I will always be waiting for the clock to hit 4:30PM
But, ofc, after all of that, if it’s not a good fit it’s not a good fit
I didn’t take those other offers for that reason
Yeah, learning for my next job I'll definitely look into things more
I'll stick it out a bit more I guess. Just gotta find that fine line to not wasting their time too much / still having a spot at the old company / knowing it truly is a bad fit

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