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in PHP, 3 mins ago, by overexchange
Q: Am I failed in life by choosing PHP development as a career?

0____________0Am I failed in life by choosing PHP development as a career ? See, I have work experience in PHP of total 2 years. I got recruited thru campus interview by my company. I was in 8 people selected out of 467 students. Then my company assigned my PHP(core OOP php, frameworks,REST api,wordpress,mag...

^^ @cc @Worf
I'd like to align vertically. I use display: table in the parent row and display: table-cell; vertical-align-middle; for the child div. It's still not aligned.
2 hours later…
oh god I'm so sore
in PHP, 2 mins ago, by Worf
@NullPoiиteя how hard can it be spelling PHPStorm right? :D 1 2 3 4 5

spell checker

May 9 at 17:32, 3 minutes total – 3 messages, 3 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked 2 mins ago by Worf

@StephanMuller :D
I'm getting too old for the mosh pit
but I couldn't just watch Slipknot do their thing without joining in
hi, I need help with anchors
i'm in a page #viewer/11 and there is anchor with href #viewer/12
clicking on it is not redirecting
can any one help me with it
i'm using backbone routing also
can we add that to the FAQ?
> don't know what you want
> don't know what you want
> no I'm not a mind reader baby, come on
@PeeHaa i will be very disappointed if in the homepage of your site will not contain:
because this is how i imagine you
posted on June 07, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Anyone active here?
on sundays it's usually a bit quiet
just ask your question anyway
Well I think im going insane
With the most basic css
I can't seem to apply css to this:
<img id="404image" src="https://i.imgur.com/BmaGIfW.png">
Ive tried like 20 different selectors
Stylesheets are cached but ive reset them (server & client side), I don't really know why it won't apply the css
Its not even conflicting with other style rules in dev tools, it just wont show up
What does your css look like?
That might be because your id starts with a number
#404image {
width: 10px;
yeah that's not going to work
You cannot have it start with a number
Yeah that was it
Thank you
Would have been quite embarrassing otherwise
@Worf lol
@NullPoiиteя aww, the question is gone :-(
@Mohammad the css validator would have caught this problem for you
how to load dynamic load resource (css, js) child page with jquery in specific location of master page. order of my resource is very import
there's a special place in hell for you @StephanMuller -.-
@Kitler Oh come on, that was so obvious it was painful
I have autopause on youtube videos so... nope :D
It was obvious, I still clicked on it -.-
btw gog has a sale on xcom
Please, don't. This is a horrible horrible hack and terrible user experience. Don't give scroll unless there's actually somewhere to scroll to. — Madara Uchiha 5 secs ago
people and that everything goes attitude....
they are the same fuckers that "test" manually and never heard of refactoring
Silly question with an idiotic answer.
And 3 upvotes what the actual fuck.
@ShirgillAnsari were you hired as a professional, or as a code monkey? If it's the latter, I seriously suggest you find another company to work in. — Madara Uchiha 14 secs ago
With excuses now too.
I'm out. IDGAF anymore.
Ask your stupid horrible questions and get stupid horrible answers.
Technically it's a correct and on-topic answer though
@StephanMuller Answers containing SQL injection are also correct and on-topic.
That doesn't make them any good.
Agreed, but in this case it's not the fault of the answerer
@StephanMuller This is an epic XY problem, and the answerer is contributing to it.
Yes it's the fault of the answerer, as much as it is of the asker.
It's not an XY answer, OP is pretty clear about what he wants
the problem lies with OP, his boss, and the relation between the two
@StephanMuller What OP wants is a horrible horrible abomination that should never exist.
Inner page scroll is bad enough. forced inner page scroll is... I don't even know what to call it anymore.
again, agreed
but I don't think the answerer has any blame
@StephanMuller Also, answerer could have at least added that this is a hack and not a good practice to follow.
But again
Yeah, that's true
I don't care anymore.
OP can take his stupid solution to his stupider requirements and satisfy his stupid client so that he can move on to the next ridiculously stupid requirement.
time to take an internet break dude
What's the best practice to make a column take up the height before a text div like that:
   <div class="col-sm-2">
       <div class="col-sm-1 number">#1&nbsp;
The problem is the column's height is not responsive. The parent has display: table, children are table:cell; height:100%;
@StevensHaen fiddle or it didnt happen
Does fiddle run boostrap?
$10 says the problem is bootstrap
!!tell StevensHaen google add bootstrap to jsfiddle
1 message moved to Trash can
questions starting with "can i" can be answered by googling 99% of the time
@Kitler !!google can I find the answer to my question without googling?
@Worf pretty hard for me , i hate php
Spelling PHPStrom is easy.
rofl - driving home overtaking a bus on the highway, 10 minutes later on radio - bus is burning, road close, people driving pass the buss on the other highway side start slowing down to get a better look at the burning bus - car crash on the other lane too - highway completley closed for 1h
btw we are getting pretty bad thunders, lightnings and it's pretty obvious a strom is arriving
I'm happy I decided to go home 2 hours earlier than planned
@Worf strome* :P
@easwee link?
the fuck
@Worf our highway 20km from trieste atm
hope they are all fine
just got home
well I guess they are all fine - but they must be damn hot
bus burning and it's 34°C outside
is about to rain here @easwee
a rain won't be bad
it's all so damn dry
i'm tired of rain
I'm still in bathing suit lol
someone sent the video of the bus
my god too much russian
holy fuck
lol you ignorant Italian illiterate
that's horrible i hope they are all ok
I think the bus was empty
except for driver
oh - it was not empty lol
but all are safe
they just said on the radio
What's the best practice to make a column take up the height before a text div like that:
@StevensHaen display:table or flexbox
I'm using display:table-row on the parent to be able to do 100% height, doesn't work
what you linked is entirely different from the screenshot you posted
Yes, it works, but now it's actually expanding the parent container. Let me investigate
@StevensHaen thats kinda how tables work, you know
i dont see what the problem is
I was expecting the column to fill up the parent, not stretch it
@StevensHaen tables stretch to fit their contents, thats how tables work
Is there another way to make the height responsive?
i dont see what the problem is with what you already have. your column stretches to match the adjacent text.
@StevensHaen You need to re-formulate your original problem
it's unclear what exactly you're trying to achieve that hasn't been solved just now
not true
we don't even try to solve problems
and rightfully so
maybe focus on solving ravioli first
italy is such a mess
My objective is to be able to allign a vertical element before my text div, that would also have responsive height for when the browser width changes
@Worf's example does that
@StevensHaen you do understand that your fiddle only changes the display properties, right? if you want it vertically aligned, you need to use the vertical-align property along with it
@StephanMuller why would one solve stuff over eating ravioli
Um, I don't want it vertically aligned
> My objective is to be able to allign a vertical element before my text div
be clear man
Yes, my bad. I mean verticall stretched element that pushes the text to the right
not vertically aligned
@StevensHaen how is that not what your own fiddle already does? jsfiddle.net/52VtD/11640
It doesn't respond properly when the browser is shrinked
@StevensHaen all i hear is "doesn't work". you know how useless "doesn't work" is?
Yes, let me try out Worf's example
literally "thunderstruck" theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/06/…
lol @easwee wtf
How do I display the browser size in Chrome in the upper right?
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@easwee aw
jsfiddle.net/Lcy2grhn/1 moving stars are tedious in CSS
@TylerH why U no sass?
because I want to be a grumpy old timer and say get off my lawn to preprocessors
Man, just give it a shot
Now I know why JSFiddle is still in alpha after all this time: they were making t-shirts
@TylerH you gained all my respect
Now I can die happy
What do people do in chat? I'm NEW!!
@TheWrenchintheSystem They.... chat.
Folks, I'm reading this article from 2013 about CSS Grid layout. It sounds like a useful idea. Have this picked up? Is it worth using?
I have a complex form page that could benefit from a grid layout.
Personally I'm not too fond of them, but yes they have definitely taken off.
Scratch that
I thought that was about grid libraries
@StephanMuller What's a grid library?
I dont think display: grid is quite ready for use but I havent looked into it in a while
A collection of CSS classes to make easy rows and columns of content
see 960.gs for example
@StephanMuller According to caniuse, the browser support for CSS grid layout is low.
@NickAlexeev if you know that browser support is low, what more is there to ask?
What's with the bad attitude lately cimmanon
@cimmanon Would you like me to shut up and leave?
I think it's a valid question... he's asking if it's picked up and then he shows a source stating it hasn't picked up in browsers yet
so what he's really asking is unclear
@StephanMuller Stephan, thank you for the insight.
Other than that, I'm outahere.
boy that was annoying... I tried to play Planetside 2 but it would just stay on the loading screen at 100% no matter what I tried
@StephanMuller pms all day every day.
@cimmanon manopause
@NickAlexeev eat a bowl of dicks.
@NickAlexeev rude
!!tell NickAlexeev ead
@NickAlexeev Eat a Dick™
What a strange fascination these boys are having...
@NickAlexeev First of all, cimmanon is a female, second, if you're going to be rude, expect rudeness back
1 hour later…
i just love seeing flexbox solutions for problems that can be solved easier without using flexbox
Q: How to center align Zurb Foundation block grid elements that are being pushed to the next row?

taylor18I'm using the block grid from the Zurb Foundation framework but I'm having some issues getting it to align the way I want to. I have it set so that it displays 4 blocks per row. I have more than 4 blocks so the ones that don't fit are pushed to the next row and aligned to the left. I want it so t...

@cimmanon is there something you would expect to be possible with flexbox but that you can't do (yet)?
@Worf oh sure, lots of things. mostly responsive things that involve not having shittastic markup
for example?
@cimmanon the lack of {} in that answer threw me off
Sass removes them or zurb does?
@cimmanon ?
@cimmanon I like how the compass version of that CSS is 22 lines and the vanilla CSS is 23 lines...
you mean the last line alignment?
@TylerH its sass (indented) syntax
@Worf yeah, the last line will stretch depending on how many items are in it
yeah i think i will use shadow dom with N height=0 elements appended at the end to solve this
@Worf Definitely not usable yet
@TylerH my framework targets only chrome :P
it's for backend stuff
possibly firefox, if they fix their shit
Yeah it'd be nice for them to finish Shadow DOM support
not to mention the shitfest they're in with other bits of web components
@Worf codepen.io/cimmanon/pen/ldmtJ <- this one too, why this guy wanted such a strange layout is beyond me
that works, no?
for me anyway the biggest lack it's the cross-axis flexibility @cimmanon
imagine an horizontal 500x500 flexbox container of items that span two lines. the best you can do is having each line taking 50% each of the remaning space
waiting for imgur.com...
basically i'd like to have a way to tell which boxes need to get more space on the cross axis
atm there is no way to do that afaik
posted on June 07, 2015 by Pedro Botelho

The Making Of "In Pieces" * Do UI Kit * The State of SVG Animation * knwl.js * Accessibility Cheatsheet * Web MIDI API Collective #171 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

"stretch" is distributed on each line
maybe with max-height:min-intrinsic or whatever it's called?
excuse my poor english :(
Wow. Just wow. Next gen graphics are stunning
dat lighting
I've seen UE4 demos before, they always look so good
including this one
Simple javascript template processor. Feedback would be appreciated
Hi Josh, what exactly are you trying to do parse out HTML tags? What are you looking for help with?
@joshhunt why don't you use html-xml-ish syntax? would be way faster to execute
<section><josh n="heading" title="This is my page"/><p><josh n="text" /></p></section>
@Asher Not looking for fixes (it's working as far as I can tell :D) just looking for feedback on the code. Essentially I am just replacing {{ tags }} in templates with other variables.
@Worf I guess I was copying moustache
@joshhunt Okay, I'll take another look, anything you want me to look at in particular?
I was trying to see how jsfiddle loads the file... however, thats something different. :)
@Asher yeah I plan on using it with gulp
Just look at the overall format and the regexes. This is the updated version (I updated one of the regexes to look for ' as well as ")
Ooh, I noticed you where trying NOT to use any libraries on the jsfiddle page?
Yeah, regexes are difficult sometimes... I spent like a week studying them. I did like that you had a separate delimiter.
this is the regex I am most unsure about: /(?:[^\s(?:"|')]+|(?:"|')[^(?:"|')]*(?:"|'))+/g
(splits string into array by spaces but not spaces inside quotes)
/g is good to use... however, it may take some testing.
so heading title='This is my page' becomes
[heading, title='This is my page']
I kinda forgot that back in the day. ;)
Thats a difficult REGEX you have there. Can you translate what your trying to do exactly? Sometimes its best to use seek rather then a regex.
[looking at your regex]... thinking...
6 mins ago, by joshhunt
(splits string into array by spaces but not spaces inside quotes)
@joshhunt Do you have this code running in a file all by itself without jsfiddle that I could look at?
regex isn't easy sometimes...

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