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Q: Need to replace value in new line

DomicaI have the data (test.txt) in the below format. x: a y: b I need it in this format. (1st thing that comes before: is the header, after the space the value is data) (edited) x,y   a,b I can do like cat test.txt | tr ": " '\n' x a y b It just comes in the new line. Is there any way I can achi...

1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Q: LinkedIn - App seems deleted automatically

Dominic PerreaultWithin our LinkedIn account we used to have 4 differents apps. Two for production services and two for testing purposes. The test apps are barely used. Few days ago, I needed to change a setting within our LinkedIn apps and i was pretty shocked that our account "lost" 2 of its 4 apps (the test on...

Q: mlflow license related with conda

jparkI have a question The mlflow relies on conda package. and the conda pacakge requires commercial license fee. so, if I want to use mlflow in commercial with large scale, should I also have to proper license for use of the conda package? Thank you for reply.

6 hours later…

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