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!!learn sarcasm "<> i.sstatic.net/8ShNw.gif";
@TheLittleNaruto Command sarcasm already exists
@TheLittleNaruto Command sarcasm learned
8 messages moved from [Java and Android era ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19132/java-and-android-era)
2 hours later…
!!learn shrug "<> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
@TheLittleNaruto Command shrug already exists
@TheLittleNaruto Command shrug learned
!!forget shrug
@TheLittleNaruto Command shrug forgotten.
@TheLittleNaruto You are not authorized to delete the command shrug
!!learn shrug "<> ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯"
@TheLittleNaruto Command shrug learned
@TheLittleNaruto Command shrug already exists
Trick worked ;)
18 messages moved from [Java and Android era ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19132/java-and-android-era)
3 hours later…
if (parseInt(slidingDiv.style.right) < stopPosition )
slidingDiv.style.right = parseInt(slidingDiv.style.right) + 8 + "px";
setTimeout(slideIt, 1);
1 message moved from JavaScript
Hey, can u tell me whats wrong in here ?

type = [{
"type": "Analytical Scale",
"models" : [{
"1": [{
"name": "Cubis_MSA225P-100-DE",
"detail": "Semi-Micro Balances four decimal digit",
"ident_nr": "CHE 001",
"prod": "Sartorius",
"supp": "Lab Tach Georgia's cost; Geotech; Prima Med "
"2": [{
"name": "SECURA 225D-1S",
"detail": "Semi-Micro Balances four decimal digit",
"ident_nr": "CHE 002",
"prod": "Sartorius",
"supp": "Lab Tach Georgia's cost; Geotech; Prima Med "
1 message moved from JavaScript
1 hour later…
@DrakaSAN i tried this: $.each(technology_type, function(index, val){
$(".technology_type").append("<option value=" + val.type + ">" + val.type);
1 message moved from JavaScript
6 hours later…
Wondering if the hierarchy gets you. Had that issue with constants: stackoverflow.com/a/30515017/177416
Had to use + to bind to constants in XAML
2 messages moved from WPF
2 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Why does this seem wrong? For Gauss Seidel method, what if the value of A(k,k) is 0. Wont we get Inf as our answer basically screwing everything else up from ever being able to get an answer?

    function xnew=gauss_seidel(A,b,xold)
      n=size(A)(1); % number of rows
      At=A;         % copy of A
      xnew=xold;    % copy old values
      for k=1:n     % for every x
        At(k,k)=0;  % make x=0, so 5x = 0. // At(k,k)=xold(k)
      for k=1:n     % for every x
        xnew(k)=(b(k)-At(k,:)*xnew)/A(k,k); % possible /0 error???
1 message moved from CHATLAB and Talktave
2 hours later…
Excuse me. Quick question: I wonder if I can say bad words in this room instead of waffles / cookies .. etc?
@FirstStep delete that
@FirstStep rofl no
@FirstStep uh, probably not
lets just drop it please...
@FirstStep no, you can't
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
3 hours later…

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