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!!tell @ivarsj10s anatomy of url
@easwee Command anatomy does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
2 messages moved from HTML / CSS / Web Development‌​
@Tirth comment full LOL hai yaha :D
1 message moved from [Tech Gossips ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/59481/tech-gossips)
since we are talking about arrays....

i ahve an array objectC with tens of properties,

I want a new object out of it with only few properties

var newObject = $.each(preObject, function() {
// not sure what will go in here
1 message moved from JavaScript<ball pit>
7 hours later…
1 message moved from JavaScript<ball pit>
Here's another "joke". Can you guys see the use for this?

function _(value) {
var Box = function() {return value};
Box.valueOf = Box;
Box.toString = Box;
return Box;
1 message moved from JavaScript<ball pit>
5 hours later…
render() {
let sidebar = <SidebarContent />;

let contentHeader = (
{!this.state.docked &&
<a onClick={this.menuButtonClick} href='#' style={styles.contentHeaderMenuLink}>=</a>}
<span> {this.state.name}</span>

let sidebarProps = {
sidebar: sidebar,
docked: this.state.docked,
open: this.state.open,
touch: this.state.touch,
touchHandleWidth: this.state.touchHandleWidth,
dragToggleDistance: this.state.dragToggleDistance,
transitions: this.state.transitions,
onSetOpen: this.onSetOpen,
1 message moved from JavaScript<ball pit>

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