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2:55 PM
Are you sure about the DNS resolution ?=> nslookup
Are you sure external call can reach the server? => curl with the public IP of the service
3:25 PM
HI there, thanks for creating this chat and your help so far. I apologise if I am missing something obvious but I am relatively new to Kong.
If I curl ssh onto the Kong machine and issue the following curl, I get a response from the upstream as expected:

curl -i GET -H "Host: tools-edge-dev.webtext.com" --header 'kong-debug: 1' privateIP:8000
However, if I use the public IP of the server running Kong:

curl -i GET -H "Host: tools-edge-dev.webtext.com" --header 'kong-debug: 1' publicIP:8000

I get:
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: GET
Here you can see nslookup is as expected:
you do a curl on GET, try without the GET
curl -i --header 'kong-debug: 1' http://my-gateway-url.com:8000/v1/service2/api
-X is missing curl -X GET -i --header 'kong-debug: 1' http://my-gateway-url.com:8000/v1/service2/api
you don"t need -X GET it is the default
3:56 PM
Sorry, your last comment on my StackOverflow post says to try - that is why I added the GET:

curl -i GET -H "Host: my-gateway-url.com" --header 'kong-debug: 1' X.X.X.X:8000
If I try from localhost, it is working:

curl -i -H "Host: my-gateway-url.com" --header 'kong-debug: 1' localhost:8000


HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Sun, 16 May 2021 15:57:13 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 48
X-Kong-Response-Latency: 0
Server: kong/

{"message":"no Route matched with those values"}
But, If i try with host/public IP I get nothing, the request hangs:

curl -i -H "Host: my-gateway-url.com" --header 'kong-debug: 1'
4:11 PM
seems more a Security group issue on AWS than a pblm with kong
are you sure that incoming traffic is allowed on the port 8000, have you tried with port 80 ?
Can you check security policy of your server ?
4:23 PM
Yep, I believe you are right and I thought so too.

I have mapped the docker container running Kong to port 80:

docker run -d --name kong-ee --network=kong-ee-net \
-e "KONG_DATABASE=postgres" \
-e "KONG_PG_HOST=kong-ee-database" \
-e "KONG_PG_PASSWORD=kong" \
-e "KONG_PROXY_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout" \
-e "KONG_ADMIN_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout" \
-e "KONG_PROXY_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr" \
-e "KONG_ADMIN_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr" \
-e "KONG_ADMIN_GUI_URL=http://<DNSorIP>:8002" \
Thank you so much for your help, so stupid of me to miss this in the end!
If you want to edit your original answer on the post to suggest the above as an answer, I will be happy to accept
1 hour later…
5:34 PM
6:08 PM

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