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4:32 PM
So I tried to get timestamp where the value was above (or equal to) 50. But the results differ when I use your solution
def myfunc(mask):
global accumulator
if mask==False:
accumulator = 0.0
return 0
if mask==True:
return accumulator

df1 = df1.reset_index()
del df1['index']
df1 = df1[['Date','Value']]
df1['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df1['Date'])
groups = df1.groupby(df1['Date'].dt.date, as_index = False)
dflist = pd.DataFrame()
for idx,g in groups:
#dflist = dflist.append(f(g))
#mask = (g['Value'] >= 50.05)

g['mask'] = g['Value'] >= 50.05
Can you please let me know if the logic is correct?
Here I want to measure if the value is above 50.05 and the resolution is in seconds
Sorry for the bad edit of the code

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