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Sorry how do i do that? i don't see where i can upload an image
Do you not have the upload button on your end?
I don't have that because I don't have 100 rep i believe
Okay thanks!
Yup. Let me take a look.
Just sent it
i also can't omit all the NA values for some reason when i try na.omit(df)
First things
Spelling matters.
The code would work if the values you provide in the case_when match the values in the status column.
Let me update my code again.
Oh i didn't see that the o in off is lowercase
I thought this whole time it was matching
1 Charged Off 7579
2 Current 14532
3 Default 2
4 Fully Paid 27074
5 In Grace Period 261
6 Late (16-30 days) 102
7 Late (31-120 days) 449
We have Charged off, default, and fully paid covered
What about the others?
Yeah i actually dropped the rest
I only need those threee
Let me update my code. Can you please upvote and accept my answer after I make the update?
I am going to edit your question to include a reproducibel example.
You have many many columns.
Okay thanks
However, your question really only pertains to one of the columns, so you can remove the excess columns to make the data you provide in your questions as targeted as possible.
The edit to your question might not get approved in a timely fashion, but I will update my question now.
Okay i had one quick question about the missing values in the dataset if you don't mind since you are here. When i try to execute na.omit(loansdf) i still see some missing values in the column employment and n/a values in the column length
Do you know why that is?
Ok so you want to remove the rows that have NA in employment, right?
yes actually any N/A values in the dataset
or missing values
na.omit() is what you need
I ran the following
df <- na.omit(loansdf)

That code checks to see if any NA values exist in the data frame
it returns FALSE
I am not sure why it isn't working on your ned.
I have updated my question on SO. Can you upvote it then accept iby clicking the check mark?
Okay actually when you search "n/a" in the data you can see it shows up under the column length
Does that show for you?
It doesnt
Let me provide you the code to properly subset your data for this question.
Okay thanks
reproducible_example <- loansdf %>%
select(loanID, status) %>%


YOu would copy and paste the output of dput into your question on SO
Doing so will alllow answerers to reproduce your data on their machine
The loanID variable isn't completely needed, but it doesn't hurt.
The main point is that status variable is what your question is all about.
Hope this helps!
I gotta run. Have a great night.
Okay thanks for the help!
you too

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