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Someone serially downvoted my 7 questions, and the system corrected voting of 4 questions, but remaining 3 still need to correct. and i am sure almost 24 hours has been completed.
@AnnZen can users post here?
1 hour later…
umm... Idk if this belongs here, but how many votes are required to reopen a question?
7 hours later…
@d4rk4ng31 Three.
@bad_coder Yes.
@turivishal I had a look at your profile. Definitely raise a mod-flag on one of the posts, explaining how three votes weren't reversed.
@d4rk4ng31 Oh, on meta it's 5.
@AnnZen thanks i have raised flag as moderator attention, in my flag page it was pending but it shows helpful now. so anyone will inform me regarding that issue resolved or not.
@turivishal When it's helpful, most likely the problem was ecalated to the CMs, and you'll have to wait for a few days.
@AnnZen thank you.
8 hours later…
@turivishal No problem!

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