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2:12 AM
@Mari-LouA I never meant anything else beyond "take care of yourself". Stress is a real mental health thing and to be transparent, I'm dealing with quite a lot of it right now - notwithstanding the pandemic, but also in spite of the pandemic, and caused by the pandemic. You'd be surprised how much this is impacting higher education right now.
@Mari-LouA But this particular message is why I didn't want to add more details or interject any opinion since I have no platform to assume anything about anything here. I don't know why her application was rejected to be reinstated through the mod reinstatement program, and in all fairness to the person who may have objected for whatever reasons they had, I think that's for the best, since they don't have to be subjected to accusations.
@Mari-LouA It seems like this particular complaint is about the mod reinstatement program and not about mod elections. Sorry, I'm not here to debate that, nor could I. All I want is a moderator who's going to seriously last the storm. Yvette showed through this that she couldn't handle it, or didn't want to handle it.
@Mari-LouA I don't think that her backing out is a bad thing, and I believe that it's important for anyone who wants to do this job for whatever reason that they understand that this isn't all puppies and rainbows. If you're gonna work with the company, you've gotta be prepared to accept the company for everything it's done and everything it says it'll do. If you can't do that, then it's perfectly OK to back away from it.

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