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3:53 PM
Hi Guys,

I am trying to set text Autofit in slides apps script using api. But only get 4 methods and these are for disable and get methods. Looking for solution if I can change its type in code.

Reference: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/slides/autofit

4:12 PM
@RoshanJha unfortunately, Slides is one of the less well-integrated products with Apps Script
Apps Script's SlidesApp is indeed limited to what you see
try the API directly (you can call the endpoints with UrlFetchApp), it's not easy to understand but plausible: developers.google.com/slides/reference/rest/v1/…
and the ScriptApp provides you with the method to get an auth token needed to make the updates
maybe those are also available via the advanced Slides service, but I am not sure
if @Tanaike were around more they could help you further - they are an SME on Slides
try posting a question with that info on main (please review the guidelines first) - they monitor the tag closely

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