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@TheMaster @RafaGuillermo - me too, will be able to vote for synonym tomorrow (don't think it will be done by the time I can vote)
@Tanaike great workaround (I apologize for not viewing it sooner - had practically no time to spare yesterday)
@Tanaike well, I guess this is simply because of the quota of 6 minutes of runtime. @TheMaster - wouldn't return simply count as pop from the stack and push of another fetch call, thus preserving the execution and continuing to count against the quota?
Good morning everyone :)
@TheMaster Casted my votes this morning
@RafaGuillermo good morning!
@PatricioStegmann you managed to contact us during a time window when no one was around :) Am I correct in assuming you wanted to discuss your question with the community?
@TheMaster to be honest, I don't understand the question at all :( Their clarifications are chaotic. I must admit, I am lost here - in light of the latest comment I suggest closing as "needs debugging details" and agree that it needs to be closed
Good afternoon!
@Tanaike good afternoon!
@OlegValter Thank you. No problem. I had thought that this situation might be able to do the infinite loop. But it didn't.
@OlegValter Good afternoon!
@ziganotschka good [part of the day]! I apologize if you already mentioned, but what's your timezone?
@Tanaike well, that's to be expected, right? Since fetch is synchronous, the script gets blocked until the fetch completes, thus continuing as one execution. @TheMaster's idea behind adding return finally hit me - indeed, return of the fetch should break the cycle as the trigger requested by it is another execution
folks, I have to be off for the next 5-6 hours, cheers!
@OlegValter Good morning everyone! My timezone is GMT+2 (Central European Summer Time).
@OlegValter Thank you! Have a good night
@ziganotschka Good morning!
@RafaGuillermo Thank you
@ziganotschka @Tanaike Have you upvoted the synonyms? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/50066971#50066971
@TheMaster I saw that. I would like to confirm my understanding again. In this case, when "database-trigger", "google-apps-script-simple-triggers" and "gs-installable-triggers" are used, those are replaced with "triggers". Is my understanding correct?
@TheMaster Also just saw it and upvoted!
I could confirm that Drive API got to be able to create Google Apps Script project again. This is a good news for me. gist.github.com/tanaikech/36821c7d70f9ce376d043c3d682d404e
Sorry. Here, the torrential rain is starting to occur. And thunder roars. So before the power outage, I would like to power off all PCs and evacuate from here.
@Tanaike Can you confirm if this is possible now? The issue mentions it was filed internally but no indication that the functionality is available now
@Tanaike That's okay! Stay safe! Speak to you soon :)
@ziganotschka Thank you
@Tanaike That is right. But I didn't add "database-trigger". Someone else did
@Tanaike Enjoy ;)
5 hours later…
i am happy to join, should i join ?
@PuzzledBoy It's a open chat room. No unreasonable restrictions.
Thanks..I am learning GAS. Thanks for your support..I will post always reasonable questions and queries. More I am looking what you guys are taking about
1 hour later…
@PuzzledBoy 👍
@ziganotschka thank you, good evening then!
@Tanaike thank you! re:downpour - stay safe and see you :)
@Tanaike hm, there were no official announcements about any changes, but I guess we will see - if that's a permanent state of affairs, that's good
@PuzzledBoy btw, there are no closed chat rooms here on SO - everything is public, just that in some rooms you have to request an explicit permission to talk. Feel free to post and chat so long as you don't abuse anything 👍
Thanks @OlegValter

the most imp issue i am facing when learning GAS, google doc defined functions but never showed how to use it with example. or i am wrong ?.
var selection = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation().getSelection();
var currentPage = selection.getCurrentPage();
var shapes = currentPage.getShapes();

above script would return the all shapes on page , but in google doc i cant find method which can show my selected shape , as same we are doing for pageElement selection
1 hour later…
@PuzzledBoy hm, what do you mean by "defined functions, but never showed"?
@PuzzledBoy wait, you lost me here - are you talking about Google Slides or Google Docs here? Is there a problem with using selection.getPageElementRange().getPageElements()- then filtering by element type (.getPageElementType() and PageElementType enum)?
2 hours later…
@PuzzledBoy As you already commented here, There doesn't seem to be a way. Nothing seems to have changed yet.
2 hours later…
Good morning!
@Tanaike good morning!
@OlegValter Good morning! Fortunately, there was no major damage by the heavy rain yesterday.
@RafaGuillermo Yes. I could confirm this yesterday and now. But I'm not sure whether this is the temporal situation. I'm sorry for this.
@TheMaster Thank you. It's done.
@Tanaike glad to hear that - here in Saint Petersburg torrential rains are a much tamer phenomenon...
@RafaGuillermo @TheMaster Thank you. Fortunately, there was no major damage by the heavy rain yesterday.
@OlegValter Thank you. Recently, there are many heavy rain disasters in Japan. So I'm always worry about it.
@Tanaike @PuzzledBoy btw, about the bug with selected page elements - I managed to reproduce it, but it seems like the ordering mishap is not random, it is consistent across runs, so I wonder what it depends on
@Tanaike yeah, I know that's a constant source of worrying... Btw, it should be near the end of the rainy season, right?
@OlegValter Yes. Unfortunately, I cannot still find the clear method for intentionally replicating it. But at least, it seems that the selected order is not kept with "getSelection()".
@OlegValter Yes. But after the rainy season was finished, the typhoon season will be come. My house was broken by the typhoon several years ago.
@Tanaike I can confirm that too - for me, most of the time the mishap in order is always 2-1-3-4 (given 4 elements of the same type, all different in size), maybe I can figure out a workaround (Slides is not my forte, though)
@Tanaike oh, yes, I forgot that... Sorry for bringing out unpleasant memories - I hope it was property damage only?
@OlegValter Thank you for your concern. No problem!👍
@OlegValter For example, it selects an image which is used as the basic size and script is run. At that time, the image is saved to the PropertiesService. As the next step, it selects the images OP wants to resize and the script is run. By this 2 step flow, OP's goal might be achieved as the current workaround.
@Tanaike stay safe 👍 Re:workaround - that's an interesting solution, yes, I think that could be a a viable workaround (of course, figuring out the exact issue with ordering would be a better one - I hope that it is deterministic)
@OlegValter Thank you. Yes. I would like to propose the current workaround during I'm looking for the method for replicating the selected order, although I'm not sure whether that is the OP's direction.
@Tanaike well, judging from their screenshot - it is a playground for testing different features of the platform, similar to what I have set up, so it is likely that even a workaround will suffice :) That said, usage of PropertiesService means that one cannot use it too often due to potential quota overflow
@OlegValter Thanks! When I prepared it, I would like to tell you.
@Tanaike 👍 And I will continue checking on my side - let's compare notes afterwards
@OlegValter 👍
@OlegValter Done! But, unfortunately, I'm not sure whether this is the direction OP expects. stackoverflow.com/a/63182944/7108653
@Tanaike you sure are fast :) I think this is the best that can be done without reverse engineering how the order is determined and that's exactly the OPs goal as far as I understood it. @PuzzledBoy?
@OlegValter Thank you. In parallel with this, I would like to look for the method for replicating the selected order.
@Tanaike 👍 As far as I noticed, there are two or three consistent configurations of the order, so there might be a pattern

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