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1:34 PM
Yes sir! It is hard to keep motivated. Just keep it up man! Your gonna kill it in the coding world. My main advice to my HS Students is to do what you did... Learn it like you did. Then make it into a small business while still in school! You will probably be able to pay your rent right outa HS, as well as college, and bills, and everything, if you start now. It is also is a HUGE thing to add to your resume. Colleges love that - Employers love it more.
2 hours later…
3:43 PM
Thanks for the advice! I was looking into what the colleges give points for in my country and I was disappointed to see that only final exams and competitions matter for the most part
Because of that, at school I'm only learning C++ and algorithmics, because that's what the competitions are about...
And of course all the additional subjects, that aren't too interesting
I know people from a school where informatics is super focused on the informatics competition and some of them couldn't write even a tiny project for the real world, even though they write in C++ as if it was their native language and use the most complex algorithms available
As much as the employers will be more than happy to see someone with major opensource projects, the educational system doesn't appear to care...
4:14 PM
I see what you mean. Also consider the fact that because the educational systems "post" the things that they look at, it doesn't meant that it is all they look at. Think of it this way... If you and another student met the expectations on an equal level - but you had a business that has customers and a portfolio, in addition to your competitions and projects, then who will they choose? I learned this coming from experience getting my masters degree 5 years ago.
Another foot in the door to education is communcation with the profs at the school you want to go to.
The squeeky wheel gets the oil
What country are you in btw?
4:42 PM
Poland, not the greatest out there I would say hahaha
My teacher tells me and my friends we are among the best programmers of our age and we won't need to worry too much about college and employment, regardless of how lucky we get with competitions
Just it's a shame all the cool stuff I do is just a hobby and I will need to deal with those algorithmics
The 2 projects I sent you are very closely to this topic
During the school year, I would be writing and painstakingly debugging a couple C++ programs for some obscure task from previous years / different competitions
And one day, over a year ago I found some C++ features that allowed me and my friend to make a debugging library, that implements something like a fancy console.log from JavaScript
It sounds like a simple project, but annoyingly, in C++ very few types of data can me printed out automatically and many wierd things had to be written
The React project that I'm working on now is an extension of this, which is supposed to turn it into pretty much an IDE, that will include many features you might like while working on weird algorithmic tasks, such as displaying graphs, tables etc or executing a bunch of tests to see how well your program performs
2 hours later…
7:07 PM
Yeah man! I saw your projects in there - I woudlnt even have the slightest clue how to start looking at them lol
Your one lucky dude! What would you suggest I start learning next?
I am really trying to get out of music and flip over to web dev or coding or something.
7:21 PM
Testing is definantly a weakness of mine too haha
If you are ever looking for a C++ student, I'd love to start!
7:59 PM
I would not recommend C++ honestly
I think there would be a large crowd of JavaScript haters ready to attack me, but JavaScript feels sooo much flexible and nicer overall than C++
When doing React, if feel like an artist creating a work of art, with C++ and all the competition tasks, you have to follow very strict compiler rules and think about efficiency at every line of code you write, limiting the creativity a lot
Before I found React (1 year ago), webdesign seemed like the worst direction I could develop in
Fighting with writing all of the HTML, adding some half descent CSS to it, somehow making a reasonable JS script to make it interactive, all of the PHP to make things depend on a database, it was a massacre
I think my biggest web achievements back then was a calculator and some not very advanced webpage drawing temperature graphs from a Raspberry Pi
After my friend told me about React, I spent around a week reading the introduction and I knew it is going to be something different this time
Over the last summer we created a website for my school (which sadly was never published because they used Wordpress...) and at that point web design seemed like the best subtype of programming
8:34 PM
Web Dev is fun, I agree.
Wordpress is not hahaha
My original site of On DeBand is wordpress - Thats where I got my feet wet with coding. Basically I just used plugins and then made my own plugin to tie them all together
8:50 PM
That sounds like a lot more than my school did hahahaha
Because it is tied to a university, they just didn't want to host our version and got the boring, counter-intuitive university template, like all the divisions...
It was quite a let down, but I got the most important part - a passion for React
hahaha yeahhh
dang i'd love to see your university site
if you still have it around
Unfortunately we were using some free hosting, that expires if you don't login for 3 months :(
But maybe I could find some screenshots...
ah yeah i get ya
This hosting is quite weird
Darn man! You gota check out Heroku!
I have only ever used Bluehost before checking out Heroku
9:01 PM
It has a looot of features, is completely free, its domain is banned from facebook and you need to login every now and then
Oh, the one you were using?
Yea its super strange
They offer subdomains and someone must have been doing some malicious stuff...
Side Note! Just had another react interview for a $4000 project!
Oh that's nice!
Heck yeah man! I agree with you btw react is really fun to work with now that I am understanding it better
9:03 PM
It probably would be a lot of effort for such money, but cool you get such offers quite quickly
Ummm its a 30 hour gig
They want to be able to let users watch video classes then save their progress.
Seems super easy
I guess I don't know the value of money yet hahahaha
Honestly - I undershot the value due to my lack of experience haha
They told me at the end of the interview that other developers were asking $14,000
which is crazy.
My friend actually got ripped off last year - I didnt know him then. He paid $25,000 for a static frontend webpage
with like 4 pages
I think he got cheated
9:07 PM
And here I am, happy with a yearly 2000PLN (503.80 USD) scholarship...
wow man! do you guys pay in full for university?
I know some eurpoean countries get free college
Remember I'm in highschool still :D
I didn't fully look into the payment of college
the scholarship is for highschool?!
Yea it is supposed to motivate the best students in what you could call a counterpart of a "state"
So do you pay for Highschool? Or does that money just go to you?
9:10 PM
Just money for buying different stuff you may need for education
Very nice! yeah man you are lucky to get that
Such as electronics, laptops, phones, books whatever
As you said though, I could do a small international task and get the same amount in a week hahaha
Oh yeah! You'd be able to do it while sleeping lol
Seriously though - Next interview I do, I am going to quote higher hahaha
You could look at some sort of comparisons in your area
Yeah that's what I did for my first few interviews. I went lower than the industry standard in my area just because my lack of experience.
9:16 PM
It's better to get a bit underpaid first, than get demotivated from being rejected I guess
Haha - I guess! I am not too worried about being rejected. I kind of expect it at first. Rejection isn't really a bad thing. I am just happy I got the experieence interviewing.
I will probably stress out like crazy on my first interviews, I'm really not the best with human contacts in general
Haha me either! What was crazy - even for the interview I did get - They didn't know anything about coding or websites... so I just started talking and giving them different options on how they could deal with the problem.
Gota run man! Nice talking with you! Hit me up whenever!
Thanks for the talk too!
Good luck with your projects!
I didn't find the website, but this is what the current project looked like some time ago, when it was in descent condition

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