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8:13 AM
I see so its not yet deployed to AWs
no is not deployed, it's only a local demo.
8:42 AM
seem weird
better to test with curl as curl is already installed in the php
try to down once docker-compose down and then start contain
once container is up, try to run this command from PHP container curl http://dynamodb:8000/shell/ as its HTTP call plus you will get HTTP status code too, if you want to check health of dyanmodb container
it works with curl.
awsome so with /shell its serving HTTP page
But when I run tests it doesn't work because I try to make an integration test and returns me:
Error executing "ListTables" on "http://dynamodb:8000"; AWS HTTP error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve: dynamodb (Domain name not found) (see
when you get this error?
mean how i can reproduce this error from repo?
This is the repo:
Branch is symfony-5
not master!
after you make docker-compose up You can run tests with:
8:53 AM
okay let me give it try
You can submit issue or PR directly into the repo if you want.
9:53 AM
I got this error
'"Error executing \u0022TransactWriteItems\u0022 on \u0022http:\/\/dynamodb:8000\u0022; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `POST http:\/\/dynamodb:8000` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:\n{\u0022__type\u0022:\u0022com.amazonaws.dynamodb.v20120810#ResourceNotFoundException\u0022,\u0022message\u0022:\u0022Cannot do operations on a non-existent (truncated...)\n ResourceNotFoundException (client): Cannot do operations on a non-existent table - {\u0022__type\u0022:\u0022com.amazonaws.dynamodb.v20120810#ResourceNotFoundException\u0022,\u0022message\u0022:\u0022Cannot do op
seem like table is not exist
seems like connecting
uhm interesting, I can't get this error. I have only:

Testing Project Test Suite
[critical] Uncaught PHP Exception Aws\DynamoDb\Exception\DynamoDbException: "Error executing "TransactWriteItems" on "http://dynamodb:8000"; AWS HTTP error: cURL error 6: Could not resolve: dynamodb (Domain name not found) (see" at /Users/alessandrominoccheri/Work/Ale/broadway-dynamodb-demo/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/WrappedHttpHandler.php line 195

I have run tests.
I install composer inside container BTW
I see
Its seems you are using host packages
as composer dependency is missing in the Dockerfile
host packages? so not container dependency?
I mean I have to run composer install inside container to make it working, and also some more packages in docker file to make composer install working
So i assume you ran composer install on host?
10:09 AM
uhm I have the same PHP version but this could be an interesting problem about dependency.
you can try to install dependency inside container, one thing that I have doubt
docker exec -it php bash -c "cd web; composer install"
yes i am trying.
10:51 AM
ok, now it works fine... :D thanks a lot @Adiii
So the issue with dependency
yes exactly!
I will generate PR later today ;)
also adding this as an answer so might help other
thanks a lot!
pleasure :)
ah seems like question deleted, I am no longer able to post answer
11:42 AM
Undeleted @Adiii
okay Thanks

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