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7:08 AM
Why don't browsers default to using the system highlighting color for ::selection?
@CodyGray they should, I think, judging from the spec
Chrome definitely isn't doing it.
It uses that silly light-ish blue color, which, I believe, is a Windows default, but is not my current preference, so they must have hard-coded the defaults instead of using the Highlight color.
Hmm, that document you linked doesn't actually say it should do that.
7:23 AM
ah, you mean the OS default
well, usually, the spec defines the defaults as user-agent styles, not in terms of OS settings
Yes, of course I mean the OS default!
That's the "system".
Why would a user agent not use the OS/system default?
that's a good question - I am not sure I am proficient enough with CSS spec to say that authoritatively, but I believe this is due to user-agent being lowest level of concern for CSS (at least for a long time) with browsers free to decide whether they follow the OS defaults or not.
Right, yeah, that makes sense from the perspective of the CSS spec, naturally.
That's why my question wasn't about the CSS spec, but about browsers.
That part I am not sure how to answer. Browsers usually follow what is provided by spec as a reasonable default user-agent style that is supposed to work on any system with basic configuration, if I were to guess

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