@OlegValteriswithUkraine what's your suggestion regarding my script's getting rate-limited?
Note that it's not actually making any requests to the API. It's scraping stackoverflow.com/users/current?tab=votes once (or sometimes twice) for upvotes, and once (or sometimes twice) for downvotes.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine So there's really a way to avoid rate-limiting that?
@richardec ah, that makes more sense - in general, when scraping pages, SE's pretty tolerant to sequential scrapes, but you can get in trouble pretty quickly if requests overlap
If it's not possible in that case, maybe it can be changed to a button that shows the information on click? or maybe only put it in votes panel of the activity page...
@richardec I'll try to do that today/tomorrow then, agreed :) might require storing a throttle value in storage for really safe scraping, but should be enough to at least throttle
Okay, thank you :) Please don't feel obliged to - you're kind enough just to link to the rate-limiting page. I didn't realize there were RL rules specifically regarding scraping the web pages.
@richardec ah, no issues, I love making / contributing to userscripts - besides, I'd like to use the script myself too
@CodyGray well, there's no way not to scrape it to get the initial data, but then it can be stored and refreshed only periodically, thus greatly reducing the chances of being throttled
as for the system-provided info - yeah, sweet dreams...
@CodyGray well, with tracking buttons clicked you get multiple points of failure, though (it can be argued, though, that SE is still the single point of failure :))
btw, quick note, @richardec - you might want to add the missing custom domains of the network like stackapps.com, superuser.com, askubuntu.com, serverfault.com, and mathoverflow.net to @include headers (as well as switch to @match headers - Tampermonkey deprecated @include headers not that long ago)
In the meantime, I made a work-in-progress PR with throttling
@OlegValteriswithUkraine You're right. I was uncertain about what to add, but I was being kinda lazy.
heya, @Rob! Either I am going crazy, or something went wrong with the 1.3.8 build of AdvancedFlagging, it still contains deprecated grid--cell Stacks classes that are not present in the latest version of the source or the dist, can you take a look? I can too since I am now a part of SOBotics, but wanted to clarify if there is a specific reasoning for that
4 hours later…
From chat.stackoverflow.com I'm trying to make requests (with fetch) to stackoverflow.com, but I'm getting CORS errors. Is there a way to solve that?
I was working on a userscript today, which had a goal of displaying chat pings immediately at the main site. This would allow me to respond more quicker-like to chat pings.
However, I was met by this fearsome warrior:
Can we please set some decent header things? I want to be able to do this ...