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4:26 AM
@VLAZ she likely has low blood pressure - I've noticed a correlation over the years
@Scratte or die faster if you have a tendency for high blood pressure :)
4:58 AM
@Scratte this is definitely an edit that bears no improvement to the post
5:20 AM
@OlegValter That is also true - she does have low blood pressure. As well as a caffeine addiction. A lot of adults have that, though, it's not such a big deal.
@VLAZ who are you saying this to? :) I consistently take 4-5 cups a day and can't function without it completely, so... yeah, I understand :)
My mom complained once that she was feeling bad a few days in a row. Headaches, mild dizziness and similar. Until she realised somebody had mistakenly bought decaf at her workplace.
@VLAZ well, that was certainly a bummer :(
I, frankly, don't get folks who drink decaffeinate coffee unless they do it in the same manner as smokers use nicotine patches
It was about 2-3 days. Didn't take that long to figure it out. It was always in the afternoon (she has a coffee at home before work) and few other people complained, too.
@OlegValter I know some who do drink it. Some people can't sleep well if they have a coffee in the afternoon. But they like coffee, so they go for decaf then.
Also, my mom (again) drank decaf for a while. She was forbidden to drink normal coffee for a medical reason, so she'd have some decaf. It helped with the withdrawal symptoms.
@VLAZ yeah, I know a couple too - just not sure I get the idea - I mean, even though I love coffee, I won't chose it over many beverages if not for the psychoactive effect it has on the nervous system.
5:32 AM
My grandmother used to make something she called coffee but was a blend of a few different things. I'm not sure how much coffee or caffeine was in it, to be honest. But it smelled delicious. I wasn't allowed to have any (was too young) and she only made it rarely - only when she had guests over (well, other guests than me).
@VLAZ yeah, that's the reason I understand (like a nicotine patch) - getting off coffee for the first time in years (and I tried several times) is a daunting task
Now that I remembered that, I'll have to see if anybody knows the recipe.
which I always found ironic - coffee is one of the only completely unregulated legal drugs
Yeah, it is a bit odd. But its effects aren't THAT great, overall.
I had to research coffee in depth at uni. I was having a lot of it, so I wanted to make sure I was safe.
@VLAZ would be interesting to know :) was it sweet-smelling?
5:36 AM
Yes, it was. I think she also added rye or something.
@VLAZ that's true, still, I wonder if it would be more regulated if it wasn't ingrained in a lot of cultures - after all, it even has withdrawal (a mild one, but still)
Well, nicotine is regulated and it wasn't before. But nicotine has more adverse affects.
When I say "before", I mean when it was brought in from the Americas until...however long tot took to regulate it. Don't actually know the latter. The former happened in the 16th century.
@VLAZ heh, the good thing is, if I remember correctly, the worst thing that could happen is high blood pressure and sleepiness - to actually overdose on caffeine one has to get really inventive
@VLAZ oh, I think there actually is such a coffee-like beverage, it must've been it
@VLAZ that's true, and the manufacturers had powerful lobbies behind them to prevent this for a long time
@OlegValter Oh, the overdose is 200-400mg or so, depends on the person. Which is not that much - could be as low as two cups of coffee. Depends on the coffee and amount, of course. But still - very easy to OD. But the effects of the OD aren't great, either - maybe shaking hands, some sweat, increased heart rate - that sort of thing.
The lethal dose is quite high in comparison. 10g at least (depends on the person). The LD50 is somewhere in the region of 300-400mg per kilo. I did the math once and that's a lot of coffee you have to drink. Unless you're just gulping it down as fast as possible, I don't think there is a way to "naturally" die by drinking coffee.
5:47 AM
For 10g, if we assume 200 mg per cup (strong-ish coffee) that's 50 cups of coffee you have to drink.
@VLAZ oh, sorry, I meant OD as in lethal dosage, a normal overdose (if this term "normal" is applicable here) I am familiar with from experience: heart palpitations and shaking hands primarily (I drink black coffee so it happens from time to time). They aren't that bad, though
If you have one cup every 10 minutes, that's still going to take you 8 hours to drink.
@VLAZ exactly my point :) You really have to try hard to lethally OD on coffee
@Someone_who_likes_SE o/
I guess the easiest way is to get caffeine tablets. They are 200mg per tablet usually, so you need 50 of them at a time. If you're drinking beverages you'd be drinking a lot. If a coffee is 200ml that's still 10 litres of fluids you'll drink.
Interestingly, energy drinks have a lower mg/ml of caffeine than normal coffee. But (some) are marketed as stronger.
@VLAZ heh, true, it would be easier to do with tablets :) Never had one of those, though
5:53 AM
One 300ml of Red Bull has 150ml of caffeine. Which is about a regular coffee.
even less, methinks, if we are taking a cup of strong black coffee to compare to, if I recall correctly
@OlegValter Yes. A cup of coffee has somewhere between 100-300-ish mg.
Depends on the coffee, and the cup and yadda yadda yadda.
You can certainly have less or more depending on how you prepare it but still - on average, it's somewhere there.
@VLAZ well, they have to market themselves somehow :) Never understood those, though - they all taste ... awful to me
if I need a psychoactive drug to keep me awake, I have a choice of coffee or tea which, IMO, taste orders of magnitude better
Yes, I also don't like them. Just tastes like vitamins. As if I bought a can of a dissolved multivitamin tablet.
The Monster tastes better. It's at least sweet. But the rest I've found I don't like.
@VLAZ yes, methinks it describes the taste precisely :)
5:57 AM
And I know people who like energy drinks and that's the sole reason they get them.
@VLAZ never drank one - I am only familiar with it because of the marketing campaign of Death Stranding debacle
@VLAZ I definitely know at least 2 who are huge fans too
and they are huge fans of coffee too, but I have no idea how they can like both
and, like, we are talking proper coffee here, Turkish-style
Monster has more mild-sweet taste. Although I've only had just the regular one. There are some funky other flavours but never tried them. I can describe Monster as some sort of non-name soda in taste.
I think I said it before but I like milk in my coffee. A lot of milk. Up to 1:1 (but usually a bit less milk). It's a coffee flavoured milky drink.
@VLAZ well, that sounds at least fine :) On the note of funky tastes, have you ever tried coffee with garlic? The taste's amazing (same thing can't be said about the breath afterwards, though)
@OlegValter No, I haven't. That sounds strange. I'd have to get some. The strangest blend I guess I've had is coffee with almonds. Not THAT strange but I've not done much coffee exploration.
@VLAZ I think you did :) I know many like coffee with milk and/or cream - just never took too much to it. However, I can drink latte or mocha just fine (and methinks the latter influenced my choice of the favorite testing framework :))
@VLAZ It tastes odd, but hella nice
6:05 AM
Smells really nice but the taste is slightly off. Since I've had it in capsules, I would do one almond coffee, one normal coffee. Or just top it off with milk if available. One colleague just boils water and tops it off with that.
Yeah, it's nice but it's just slightly on the more bitter side.
on the note of almonds - yeah, I think I've had a couple before - if I recall correctly, it is also mixed with normal milk (at least the place that has this option served it like this)
@VLAZ would likely be very bitter :) As I do not think it would be a good idea to couple it with milk
6:18 AM
@OlegValter For more context about those deleted answers here is a screenshot.
@VLAZ oh, thank you! I still have about 3K to go to see all this stuff :)
If you get the repcap every day, that's just 15 days!
@VLAZ heh, too much selling out for my tastes :) TypeScript 4.4 is going to get me there next month, likely - thousands of people just found themselves in need to rewrite half their codebase because of a changed default behavior in strict mode, and I happened to answer a question about it
Wait, what was changed in 4.4? I'm not up to date.
@VLAZ error parameter in the catch clause is now always unknown in strict mode instead of any :) So any unguarded console.log(error.message) [or whatever] is going to fail typechecks
the motivation behind the change was that allowing any is unsound
6:26 AM
I see also they have added --exactOptionalPropertyTypes which is cool. Unfortunately, it's not part of strict mode.
Yeah, throw 42; is a valid thing.
@VLAZ yup, this is a cool option - I bet it is going to be included in the strict family in future versions, after all, it happened before
Like C++, in fact. For my C++ assignment at uni, I couldn't figure out how to throw exceptions, so I just threw error codes. I even got praise for this...somehow.
@VLAZ yeah, that's true - which is why I understand the change - although it's annoying as hell because, well, I never saw a crazy enough person to throw a non-error in production... Another issue I see with it is that it facilitates error as Error type assertions to bypass the check (heck, I certainly did that to save time because I know there is no way a non-error will be thrown)
I think I've seen throwing a non-error once. But never actually had to deal with this myself.
So now we'd need to do try { foo() } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error) { /* do something*/ }} which...seems like a bad pattern, as I assume most people won't have an else there. So the strict check will mean that if what is thrown isn't some error, then just nothing happens.
Seems worse than the error handler throwing an error.
@VLAZ well, I am not really sure what's the big deal with throwing something other than an exception other than that in weakly typed languages like JS we have no way to tell the consumer "hey, expect 42 being thrown there". Although that might be related to the fact that if you want to throw a primitive, just return it instead and then work on it as normal
@VLAZ I really can't recall ever seeing this apart from playing around with them... So I am not sure who this option guards against
@VLAZ yeah, the most sound way is to do instanceof guards or, worse, back to switch statements
I am sure most will just do error as Error/error as TypeError and call it a day
6:35 AM
which is, admittedly, even less type safe than any
I can't wrap my mind around the reluctance of the team to allow annotating error types
like catch(error: TypeError|Error)
not to mention that flow control is more than capable to track what was thrown in the try block
It's similar to a problem that Java has. Some exceptions there are checked, so if a method declares it can throw one (Striing readFile() throws IOException) you have to handle them. Either by declaring your own method as throwing the same error (ConfigObject getConfig() throws IOException) or by adding a try/catch.
yeah, just wanted to note that it might end up looking just like throws in Java
And a lot of Java code either has cryptic-ish exception declarations or a try {} catch (Exception e) {}
To be honest, I like the checked exceptions in Java. But... I'd also like for a way for them to be less intrusive.
In C# you don't have that. Any method can throw any exception and you won't know what you want to handle. Unless you examine the whole call chain.
the best solution, methinks, would be to campaign for the committee to throw away the ability to throw non-errors in future versions of ECMA
6:41 AM
@OlegValter I assume won't be accepted. Not backwards compatible. Even wrapping them in errors doesn't work, unfortunately.
@VLAZ yeah, some balance would be nice... Not sure how to make type-checked exceptions less intrusive, though. It seems like it does not get less intrusive than throws Exception
which, given TypeScript's type inference, can be sugared away in some cases. But for Java? No idea
@VLAZ yeah, just wishful thinking. Well, they did break things a couple of times, so maybe the percentage of codebases that throw non-errors is low enough for them to go this route
or introduce a "super strict" mode :)
The problem in Java is if you let an exception propagate up too much. Suddenly you have to handle an IOException and you have no clue why. Is it writing to a file? Reading from a file? What can actually go wrong?
All because you call doStuff() and 5-6 calls down it tries to do something with the file system.
@VLAZ and it shows what background the team behind TS has :)
@OlegValter As if => and other things didn't :P
6:45 AM
@VLAZ don't Java exceptions maintain stack trace?
@VLAZ well, lambdas are probably as native to JS as they are to any other language :) Probably the best tell is namespace and enum constructs (which turned out to be profoundly un-useful in JS)
@OlegValter They do. The problem is that if you just have the declaration to work with, you don't know what operation threw the exception. You just need to do a try/catch but what do you do in the catch? Even writing a simple log message is hard because you should be able to explain what failed like "File xyz unavailable" or something.
I don't like the question but I cannot really see a good close reason for it.
It currently has a CV for "typo or not reproducible" which is not really the case here. Perhaps it's banking on "not useful for future readers", though.
@VLAZ yeah, that's true - well, don't see any option other than handling as close to possible exception as possible. That's how things work in JS too, methinks, at least I tend to try...catch everywhere where I know the operation might throw. And in some cases ended up with a construct called Result that has a boolean flag denoting the operation status and an error field. Otherwise it is hardly manageable
@VLAZ ain't this a case for "too broad"?
because to answer this question one needs to explain to them what function is in JS and what methods for string manipulation there are
I am not sure about the "no repro" reason
@OlegValter Handling it as close as possible also doesn't quite work, in many cases. Let's say you call doSuff()-> getConfig() -> readConfig() -> parseFile() -> getFileContents(). Ultimately, each method in the chain does one thing. If you try to handle a missing file down the chain, the method needs to do two things. Or return an unhelpful null or similar.
likely what you said about "not useful to future readers"
Ultimately, that's what an Optional or even better - an Either should be for. Don't think Java added an Either, though.
6:55 AM
@VLAZ I usually end up returning null :) It ends up looking something like doStuff()?.getConfig()?.readConfig(), etc. Not very helpful, though.
Does Java have optional chaining nowadays?
The last Java version I used was 8. I know some of 9, too but then I didn't keep track.
I don't do Java :) That was JS - I tend to shift between functional and OOP paradigm
I think Java does not have optional chaining
Yeah, in JS that's how I'd do it, too. Java is a lot more strict. Which means you have to write more robust code but that's also annoying in many cases.
Java does have Optional which is serves as optional chaining. Well, not exactly but I guess they might be reluctant to add it because of Optional.
@VLAZ yeah, monadic abstractions sound good for such cases - I wonder if JS will ever get them - they are pretty easy to make natively, though
Haven't used it yet but fp-ts has those, I believe. And a bunch more.
7:00 AM
@VLAZ yeah, well, but it might be a good idea to add as a syntax sugar, though
@OlegValter I agree. x?.y can still compile down to the equivalent of Optional.of(x).map(x -> x.y) or similar.
@VLAZ frankly, I haven't either - just end up with similar constructs naturally. TS is, frankly, a bit clunky to use with functional approach. I can't tell how many hours I wasted trying to properly type pipelines without as assertions...
C# has the advantage here of having nullable types. like int? which is a nullable integer. In Java you don't have something similar unless you do Optional<Integer>.
@VLAZ yup, just be a convenient shortcut for the same construct - after all, AOT compilation allows for a lot of lenience on how developers write code
@VLAZ I do not like making any type nullable unless it is an object-type. nullable integer is so ... odd.
@OlegValter There is a project for typed FP first JS. github.com/kongware/scriptum I don't think it's ready to use yet in real code bases. The author is also on SO stackoverflow.com/users/5536315/iven-marquardt and posts insightful FP related stuff.
@OlegValter think about int x = a?.b for example. Won't work if a was null. Or you need to add extra code to handle nulls. While int? works fine. And it's not assignable to a normal integer so if you do int max = nullableVarFromConfig you get a compilation error.
7:08 AM
@VLAZ oh, I think Ramda's also good (and typed too) - just like spending time typing those myself manually :) But it is a huge time sink nonetheless (but thanks for sharing, I'll take a peek)
@VLAZ yeah, I understand - however I do not like doing it this way - if I expect a primitive, I like to default to something of the same type that cannot be encountered in the normal flow. For example, in the a?.a example the default would be -1.
I know TS allows something similar by doing const x : number | null = a?.b but I really try to avoid this
It's useful occasionally. Definitely avoidable a lot of times, but I find it's nice to have the option.
Perhaps at the time of reading a value you don't know what to default it to. I had this a few times. So you just want to pass it up and at then do max = nullableConfigValue ?? 100, for example. Rather than doing if (configValue === -1) configValue = 100 or similar.
I also don't think objects should be nullable by default. TS can do that with strictNullChecks where const x: MyObj = null doesn't work. It's much better to not have to guess whether something can or cannot be null.
@VLAZ true, that's useful from time to time, just trying to avoid it as much as possible :)
@VLAZ what I found works for me is declaring enums in this cases - with it, you also avoid the curse of magic strings in the codebase. Worked pretty well so far. But yeah, sometimes this is too much effort for little gain
@VLAZ hmm, I am not sure - I've had enough "can't convert undefined or null to object" to prefer to know when something is nullable or not :) That said, it does lead to more annoying boilerplate
7:24 AM
Perhaps the example was a bit simplistic. What I've actually used was nullableValueFromUser ?? confuguredDefault. I know the latter is there and configurable, the former comes from something that might not contain the value. User input or whatever.
@VLAZ yup, this approach looks good to me - just can get used to the ?? operator, I guess
@OlegValter That's what I mean. I don't want objects to be nullable unless explicitly defined as such. If I say that my method accepts MyObj I don't want people passing in null there.
Because it's not marked as Nullable<MyObj>.
@VLAZ ah, but can you avoid this in I/O operations? Like imagine we want something to operate on User instances from a database. What I usually end up with is declaring User | null as a return type of the function/method that communicates with the database and then use control flow statements like our good old if(user) { //do something that really needs a user } to proceed
so you still declare the processing function as the one that requires a non-nullable type, but the one that can fail still returns a nullable type
pretty type-safe, IMO. Although "boilerplaty" too
@OlegValter That's fine. It's explicit that the value might be null. The strictNullChecks in TS works exactly how I want it. In Java or C#, for example returning User might also return null.
With optional chaining, I found most the boilerplate is gone, I'd just then use user?.someValue - the point is that I know the user might not be there. So, I know to add the ? after it.
@VLAZ ah, sorry, I did not understand what you meant then. Yeah, expecting a type that might become null at runtime is a annoying. It's pretty much why I'll never go back to vanilla JS, for example. I don't understand why people like to double as a compiler when developing applications
@VLAZ yeah, I've been going through my codebases lately and updating many to use the newest constructs - optional chaining is a real blast of a feature. And it is hella intuitive to use
7:34 AM
TS is nice. I've written whole modules of functionality with type definitions only. And found bugs in the design, too. I know I'd need a foo() function that is going to be used in bar() I know what input/output I want from it. I don't need an actual implementation, though. I can implement bar() based on it.
exactly - it helps free your mind to actually think what you are doing instead of keeping variable type references in your head (or, even worse, I know people who work around that by naming their variables nameString,ageNumber to keep track)
before TS, when working on something in a tired state, I could guarantee that there will be runtime errors. There are mostly gone now even if I pulled 2 all-nighters before that. And this is a blessing
@OlegValter Hungarian notation. It's annoying when you then have phoneNumber, for example. Doubly so, in fact, because you either do phoneNumberNumber to annotate it with the type or you finally realise phones are not numbers and then change it to a string, so you get phoneNumberString.
Minor off-rant: many programmers are over eager with number or int types. Just because something contains numeric data doesn't make it a number. Rule of thumb: can you do mathematical operations on it? Phone numbers, account numbers, and so on - no, you cannot. And if the "number" starts with a zero, you're dropping that data, too. Moreover, what happens when the phone number overflows the integer? Bad things.
@VLAZ oh, thanks, I actually forgot it has a name :) Yeah, and what's worse is that it suffers from the same problem as comments - they might actively lie to you when the name tells "it's a string" but in reality it's a boolean, number, or whatever else it is at runtime
Yep. Also happens that something changes type. So if you had xNumber and have to change to xString, you now need to go rename all references to the first one.
7:45 AM
@VLAZ oh, yes, same thing here - agreed that the rule of thumb is whether you can reasonably do math on something or not. If you can't sum postal codes, for example, please do not serve them as ints
No one told SE this, though, as the API serves user ids as numbers
but at least they might be sequential
Eh, an ID I'd argue is OK.
yeah, I added a caveat below :)
@VLAZ yay, xString = xNumber.toString() :)
I think I've seen something like this live, though
And then it turns out xNumber was null at a specific circumstance. But you had some code where you lazily did if (!xNumber) just to avoid the === 0 which means it bypassed the problematic input.
Uh...happened to me, sort of.
as for ids, I am 50/50 on that - I understand it might be convenient to make ids sequential when it comes to databases, but I argue that this increases potential attack vector in case the attacker learns that your ids are sequential and are not hashes derived from other info
my go-to example is: what happens if you sum 123 + 456 as user ids? I sure hope you do not get another user
I heard of JSHint and thought it's amazing. Tried it in my editor at work and it was awesome. Went and changed all == to === in one and which broke some code because in some specific case it was getting the loosely equal value, rather than the strictly equal value which broke several pages.
@OlegValter I agree with this. The thing is ID is actually an internal detail. So for the database it matters that it's a number, so it can auto-increment it easily. But for anybody else it doesn't. They get an exposed internal implementation which then doesn't mean much to them.
7:52 AM
@VLAZ happened to me too. But I couldn't bring myself to go the "explicit is better than implicit" paradigm. It is much better with TS as control flow will also say that xNumber !== 0 is unreachable if I am not mistaken (inside the if statement)
@VLAZ I tried JSHint, but its documentation is a bit too clunky to get me hooked. And then TypeScript got popular, so...
@VLAZ yeah, I mean, like for a database - fine, it actually does math on ids. But exposing them? No, thank you. If Alice got access to an admin account but not to the database, it is a horrible security breach if ids are sequential and a medium-severity one otherwise
I pitched the idea of a linter to my team. I used JSHint for a while on my own for research and it worked well. But the configuration was not very well explained. Then ESLint came in and it was like JSHint but with sensible names for config options. That was part of my pitch for using it in our code base.
@VLAZ linters are great, yeah - although they need a reasonable person in charge too because some of the rules I find completely non-sensical.
the best case for using them, IMO, is simply allowing everyone to use whatever, but when they push, the linter runs and unifies the codebase
Oh yeah, that too. I am tempted to write a self Q&A for something like "Q: I get a linter error, how do I fix it" and answer like "1. Check the docs what what the error means. 2. Change your code or change the rule or ignore it for this line/file".
@VLAZ 3. Change the team :) Sometimes it is impossible to agree what to use..
I guess that falls under "change your code to comply" with an extra "polish up your CV".
8:04 AM
2a. Comply. 2b. Start looking for a new job :) 3. Try to convince the team lead they to drop the rule. See 2b
8:31 AM
@VLAZ I just love how people invoke freedom of speech and transparency with no understanding what those concepts really mean in hopes to scare everyone enough :)
Yeah... "Freedom of Speech" as in "You shouldn't disagree with what I said".
Which is really funny if you look at it logically - if that's what freedom of speech should be, then you also shouldn't disagree with people disagreeing with you, because you also violate their freedom of speech.
Of course, that would be silly.
that's true. I really don't get where folks get the misconception that freedom of speech means saying anything one wants anywhere they want
And in the name of freedom of speech all websites should undelete all spam because deleting and spam anywhere violates spammers freedom of speech. All websites that allow community participation moderate that participation lest they drown in spam. There's no freedom of speech argument to be had here. — Robert Longson 1 min ago
@OlegValter Yup. I even got a non-sensical reply in SOCVR on this.. :O
From the editor..
@Scratte oh, I haven't open SOCVR today yet :)
this really is a not useful edit
Yes, that's why I rolled it back.
I don't understand how someone that does a lot of edits get away with those kind of edits though. It seems wrong for them to have edit privileges.
8:47 AM
'tis the problem of unilateral edits... In the better world, this would've been peer-reviewed and, 99% rejected
Which brings me to the fact that a merit based system wouldn't even fix this :(
yeah, that's something only fixable by peer review, there is no way to foolproof unilateral edits
well, there is, but it involves a thing called extermination of humanity :)
I am unsure how viable this option is
The other problem is that they don't get even get it. They argue that the edit is fine and "for the editor the less noise the better. Abbreviations are much gentler to look at"
Which is the opposite of my opinion of abbreviations. This is why we don't have txtspk.
@Scratte this is something that we usually call an unsubstantiated bias
Well.. after being associated with Trump and called rude, I think I'll wait to engage this particular user.
8:53 AM
how's the former even possible to conclude about you? :)
Seeing they also tried to close my other post.. I'm not really in the mood to actually have a conversation with them.
@OlegValter I have no idea. It made me very angry..
added a "ta" :)
@Scratte have a pointer? I am sincerely interested in seeing the argument that lead to that :) It is as far as it gets from the impression I got from talking to you this year
in any case, the edit clearly goes against what we, as editors, normally stand for. I do not know how it could've been made.
It wasn't a direct association. It was a few youtube-videos and me in the mix. Of course they didn't add the title of the videos, because.. that would have been helpful.
@Scratte ah, I see :) Well, I am not that curious anyway
I think you were here. It was quite recent. It ended with me clearing a few stars on a message claiming me as rude.
8:59 AM
@Xnero as if I'd known what "annotation" means :)
I wondered about that too. I use it to put a parameter or a signal on something using a "@"
Why are you not a cat yet? :)
@Scratte I am really unsure what @Xnero meant by annotating - I do not see anything in any team...
@Scratte why, I am a cat alright already :) On a more serious note, I am currently deliberating
Ahh.. I can make a hand drawn one in paint that's going to really really ugly :D
oh :)
hey, I am not that grumpy :) Am I?
Please don't use that.. it's ugly! :)
@OlegValter That's you looking at another Aaron-announcement :D
You can't hide your dislike and even your tail is starting to puff up :D
@Scratte ah, that makes more sense! But then it is not grumpy enough :)
@Scratte I thought it was a stray lock of hair :)
LOL!.. No. That S in the back is suppose to be a tail :D
How I can transform a range of Bootstrap in vertical? <-- Does the avatar on that answerer look familiar?
9:31 AM
@Scratte it is also a trope in anime and manga :) represents hair in comical situations
@Scratte both questioner and answerer
Ahh.. I see. That could make you a hairless cat with just the one sticking out :)
I knew it's an operation at scale
someone's sock-puppeting hard
who's going to mod-flag this time?
@OlegValter Well.. the questioner got reputation-reduction and one would assume that they'd stop it there. But I'm inclined to think they just accepted their own Answer here.
it's their account 100%. A similar one dropped by Android room
@OlegValter Just now?
The other one that dropped by the Android room was nuked.
9:34 AM
@Scratte nope, before
@Scratte yup, and they made a new one
It had a different name. Same avatar.. which is why I noticed.
I think I'll leave it alone for a while. I think they're trying to figure out the balance of when they're not going to get noticed.
@Scratte good eye :) Really, I don't get why people keep doing it
@Scratte likely. Or they'll just keep recreating accounts until the main one gets nuked
So, right now, they don't know that they were noticed. And they're likely to increase it soon. When it's flagged a little later, they'll assume it was the later action that did it, not just this.
@OlegValter They can just create a new main one too, no? :)
@Scratte that's true :)
@Scratte yeah, let's leave it for now, I agree. Will be easier to prove later too
Funny thing is that the main one doesn't get a reputation reduction when you look at the chat profile. It's still saying 173.
9:39 AM
@Scratte huh, it might be that the reduction will only propagate later - or never :)
I'm thinking it's the horrible gamification issue, that reputation isn't ever reduced to reflect the correct value. It will be corrected only if it increases beyond 173. Which is unlikely to happen, since they'll get caught again before that.
heh, true. On an off-note, they seem to be approaching things in a smarter way now, I have to admit.
In this situation I could also ask if the people who have expressed their downvotes are affiliated with the JDK team in any way and therefore are actually interested in hiding certain solutions. — Chris F 59 secs ago
Heh.. the conspiracy theory :D
^ we have end-of-the-week conspiracy theory, ladies/gentlemen/squirrels/cats/martians
@Scratte I know it's going to go poof for being utterly nuts, so I had to save it :)
I have no doubt Oracle sends hitmen to you, though, if you badmouth Java 9+
9:58 AM
@OlegValter Heh.. with a giant J? :D
@Scratte hmmm... I think with a giant O :) To avoid leaving traces.
argh! I just successfully auto-generated types without errors from the API docs. But!
relation: "parent" | "meta" | "chat" | "but new options may be added.";
^ damn them! Now my clean approach needs to account for this ****ery
Huh?.. that looks odd.
because in 2 places of the whole docs they added "but new options may be added." at the end
the regex I use just grew twice as long because of that :)
How is that good practice? They can add one at any point without this stupid placeholder, no?
@OlegValter It's a moderator feature.
10:10 AM
Ahh.. one can annotate a user with "This user is obstinate and posts useless comments everywhere" :)
Q: TeamMod v1.1-alpha - Enables moderation features in Teams

Waited 6 months after MSE qban I don't care, gimme the download link! You can download the script from its GitHub repo, or use the direct download link. Credits I've developed this by myself, but I'd like to thank Tyberius from Matter Modeling Stack Exchange who assisted development by sharing details about the moderator i...

@Xnero ah, thanks for clarifying :)
relation: "parent" | "meta" | "chat";
^ perfect, much better now
2 hours later…
11:44 AM
@OlegValter I also managed to add a post notice: stackoverflow.com/c/userscripters/posts/19/timeline
11:59 AM
It seems to create a patterns with every character escaped. And then use that pattern to match strings. But how is any string going to contain this particular pattern?
Ohh.. never mind. They put the entire thing into a character class.
what are our packages? Booty?
who are we?
We are UserScripters - Stack Overflow userscript enthusiasts.
what are the organization packages?
argh. the message is longer than 500 characters, of course
I really should steal borrow from ElectionBot more :) Besides, it's my own solution
ok, Booty, prepare for operation
@Xnero please do not test nuking on me, all right? :)
so... ok, let's check
what are our packages?
did I not deploy you, Booty?
ah, no, I am just bad at regex
next time: think that a message can overflow 500 characters but only have one sentence
freedom, truth and dignity are my creed, if others behave differently from these values ​​it is their problem my conscience is clean and I am in peace with myself — Chris F 37 mins ago
^ no, how can folks even think like this :)
@Scratte if you have anything working with topbar, be ready: Stacks are adding a new Topbar component
12:34 PM
@OlegValter Argh!.. I use the topbar to place the cog-wheel.
yup, take a peek at the preview - maybe something's changed
@OlegValter "Everybody else is wrong, I'm right" attitude? Well, *gestures around* I mean...
I'll have a lot to update too if there are any
what are our packages?
much better!
12:35 PM
We probably wouldn't have wars if that didn't exist.
Not defending the attitude, just noting its long existence and prevalence.
@VLAZ no, we would still have them because consumer economy needs catastrophes and wars to avoid overproduction
And WTF.. is that annoying Nettify drawer that covers the menu on the left. Someone has their head up their ... when they decided that was a good idea.
Because the industry leaders are right, no doubt.
@OlegValter Ok :)
Who is @UserScriptersBot
12:37 PM
@Xnero thanks :) no test suspensions will be nice too :)
@Xnero it's us :)
@OlegValter :)
try saying something with "ping" in it
ping testing
12:38 PM
Where do you run it @OlegValter ?
the rest is for now blocked for everyone except me but it has a bunch of useful commands already
@VLAZ I think you landed in a throttle
12:39 PM
Wait, I thought "sponge" should have triggered it as well.
^ see? :)
Ah, that explains it.
@OlegValter Maybe you can add a privilege list?
12:40 PM
@Xnero definitely :)
just don't have time right now
I need to finish building commands as soon as possible
because I am tired of doing a lot of things by hand
@OlegValter Where's the preview?
@Scratte open the "Topbar component" link :)
@Xnero thanks :) It's just a placeholder for now, but I am part-way into adding a set of Vue components that will power the core logic
@OlegValter You could always train some hamsters to do the things.
@OlegValter Huh?.. open it? How?
12:42 PM
@VLAZ nah, too easy - I need to write a bot that will train hamsters first
8 mins ago, by Oleg Valter
@Scratte if you have anything working with topbar, be ready: Stacks are adding a new Topbar component
^ this link takes you directly to the latest dev deployment of their documentation
so you can actually examine and play around with it :)
@Xnero on Heroku :)
automatic deploys on push to master
there are a couple of interesting commands that I've already finished
who are we?
We are UserScripters - Stack Overflow userscript enthusiasts.
^ this info is pulled live from GitHub
who are our members?
^ and this too, however it shows only public members because I respect user privacy
what are our packages?
12:46 PM
^ this one is live too, will spit out as many messages as needed to show everything
show our projects, please
^ this one is self-explanatory
Argh!.. I can't get rid of that pesky element that keeps covering up the menu :(
@OlegValter Hmm.. you mean open up the dev tools on it and hope that they use exactly the same when they push this?
which element do you refer to?
This horrible element that COVERS UP THE MENU And when you're stupid enough to click it, it's spam that asks you to create an account!
12:49 PM
@Scratte you can subscribe to this pull request and only address this once it goes live :)
@Scratte ah, the Netlify platform settings
@OlegValter I don't trust that they will be as they say it will be. It never is.
I've tried all kinds of stuff on my uBlock. It just doesn't go away :(
^ this is why I haven't noticed it :)
that rules seems to get rid of it.
I just don't like that.. it's bound to get a new id.

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