yay, the dynamically updated graph of reviewer own stats (can work on mod stats for other users later if anyone's interested) ready + fully DIY'd SVG graphing library (because why not?) ^_^ Worth every wasted hour on it [and yes, if anyone's wondering, I got my dates backwards in the previous screenshot]
expected: approved (SME - this is, indeed, an improvement as it fixes the typo, no critical issues missed) actual: approved (1 rejector, 2 approvers) link: https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/31996635
@VLAZ quick note - if you update the review userscript, you'll now get the stats graph too (do let me know if you see any issues with its rendering). The initial load takes a while as, well, it has to scrape 10 pages of reviews throttled by 2 seconds each, but heck, it finally works. Each point has a tooltip with the exact stat + planning on adding crosshairs, keyboard shortcut hooking, and zoom-in soon
@RyanM oh, fair enough - I wasn't paying as much attention as usual as I am trying to test out the reviewer stats graph creation in the process, and am getting increasingly annoyed that I can only reliably test the "reject" serie ^^
@OlegValteriswithUkraine yeah, I think it should have been rejected, although it's probably a close enough call that I wouldn't suspend for it...in some sense, it clarifies what the tag means, but it lacks usage guidance because the tag doesn't really make sense.
The first two questions had an upvote about a minute after they were posted. The next two had an upvote about 5 minutes after posting. Which may mean it's not voting fraud. Or maybe the upvoting strategy has been adjusted.
BTW, when I say "fraud" it need not be intentional one. Might just be a co-worker upvoting the post because it's related to the common work issue they are trying to solve.
I also suspect SO users trying to be "helpful" to newbies and upvoting their posts. It certainly seems like some questions in a tag get unexplained upvotes in a given stretch of time.
FYI, I modflagged for investigation. Maybe it is nothing and it's not fraud but it seems fishy enough to merit looking into, IMO.
Which reminds me - I wanted to examine another user who seemed to have weird upvotes on their questions. Maybe there will be another modflag.
Ugh, the user user profile showing the rep changes is so inconvenient... I might need to make a small application that gets the user's rep history and correlates it to their post history.