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11:58 AM
A: Swift - push & pop UIViewcontroller not working

Mohit ManglaCheck navigationController instance in below line of code: self.navigationController?.pushViewController(imageCollectionView, animated: true) If self.navigationController is nil then you may have not embedded navigation controller with your ExampleViewController. Then you need to embed your f...

it is nil :( But I don't really get how I can embed my vc with a navigation controller.
Go to story board. Select your controller in storyboard. Then go to editor and embed i navigation controller. Attaching screenshot in answer.
should I do this for both of them?
Only for the first view controller.
nope that it is still not working
do I have to change anything else? Or somehow link it with the second ViewController?
11:58 AM
No, when you call <pre> self.navigationController?.pushViewController(B, animated: true) <code> in A viewcontroller then same navigation can be used for B as well because navigation manages a view controller stack and when we push a nnew view controller, navigation pushes the new VC into that stack.
ok that makes sense but why is it still not working?
and btw navigationController is still
@IBAction func editButtonTapped(_ sender: Any) {
    let imageCollectionView = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ImageCollectionVC") as! ImageCollectionViewController
    imageCollectionView.delegate = self
    if (self.navigationController == nil){
    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(imageCollectionView, animated: true)
have you embeded it? can you share screenshot of your storyboard?
yes one sec
how can I send a screenshot here?
oh I need 100 reps for that..
ok wait
That is not your first View conntroller / initialViewController
12:04 PM
have you uploaded your sourcecode somewhere?
look at my question
its on github
but its very messy :D
It's ok
checking your code
its just about HomeViewController and ImageViewController
12:11 PM
give me anny valid email address
it doesn`t have to be a your email
just try asdflö or sth
some things are german so I hope you get it :D
not able to go to homeviewcontroller/ exampleviewcontroller
just fill in all the fields
with random name
oh wait
its not working
ok got it
password mohit12
oh sorry
I got it worked
le me check the issue
12:23 PM
fixed your issue
func transitionToHome () {

let homeViewCotnroller =
storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: Constants.Storyboard.homeViewController) as? ExampleViewController
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: homeViewCotnroller!)

view.window?.rootViewController = navigationController
you have method transitionToHome at 2 places
replace it with it
it will work
but thats in login and signUp View right?
this is the result?
1. In SignUpViewController
2. In LoginViewController
yes it is
ok wait let me check that
ok but do I need the second NavigationController now as well?
12:28 PM
remove the NavigationController from storyboard which you embeded. We are doing same programatically now.
workinng for you?
trying it now
um well yes it does
but how can I hide the navigation bar?
navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: animated)
in view will appear
where is view will appear :D
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: animated)
It is a view lifecycle method
in HomeViewController?
12:33 PM
where ever you want to hide
oh makes sense
whichever view you want without navigation bar... just place this view lifecycle method
ok there is one more proble
tell me faster
I nneed to leave for a meetinng
if you click the close button in ImageCollectionViewController and try it again it doesn't work anymore
12:37 PM
working for me
just upload all channges to git hub
oh wait i fixed that i know what the problem was
thanks man!
on emore thing :D
how can i change the animation
which animation
i want it to go transition vertical
not horizontal
when you push... it works horizontaly
from HomeViewController to ImageCollectionViewController
12:38 PM
when you present... it works vertically
ok so I change that
and backwards?
vertically - dismiss
horizontaly - pop
from ImageCollection to HomeVC
perfect, thanks
really appreciate your help ma
Anytime man
happy coding
12:40 PM
waaaait :D i cant just replace pop with dismiss
   navigationController?.dismissViewController(animated: true)
thats not working
if you present then only you can dismiss
if you push then only you can pop
self.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)

dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
alright :D Now I dont have anyore questions
really need to attend a meeting... Mail your problem at
thanks again
12:44 PM
you can like my question if you are happy with the help... :D

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