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12:02 AM
Alright I solved it! :D
Yes I cheated by invoking 'bash` inside 'elisp`
Here is my updated function definition:
(defun xresources-theme-color (name)
  "Read the color NAME (e.g. color5) from the X resources."
  (shell-command-to-string (format "xrdb -q | grep \"%s\" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d \"\\n\"" (concat "*\\(.*\\)" name ":")))
This directly parses the current color scheme and gets around having to work with x-get-resource
And it updates with the SIGUSR1 trick
Thanks a lot for your patient guidance. I will be posting this solution to the emacs stackexchange solution. Also I think I will inform the author or xresource-theme.el about this workaround. Thanks a lot for all the help with lisp!
I would still very much value your criticism of the above implementations. (Yes I am aware, the above code is not robust as people can be idiosyncratic and have weird .Xresources that completely makes a fool of the grep commands. So there may be no universal grep commands, I am afraid. But I would be happy to hear about any other flaw/ concern you point out)
1 hour later…
1:13 AM
I took a stab at the emacs stackexchange question here: emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/33974/…

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