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1:22 AM
@RyanM I thought we covered that in the original policy post.
2:01 AM
It is covered, albeit briefly
"users are obviously well equipped to handle this and they will handle it because its in their best interest to do so" Please see Policy: Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) is banned: "Because such answers are so easy to produce, a large number of people are posting a lot of answers. The volume of these answers (thousands) and the fact that the answers often require a detailed read by someone with significant subject matter expertise in order to determine that the answer is actually bad has effectively swamped our volunteer-based quality curation infrastructure." — Ryan M ♦ 2 hours ago
Naturally, they "don't buy it"
2:33 AM
@RyanM We don't have a standalone for that. My understanding is the stance is simply that it's not possible for us the community to validate the volume of posts that GenAI is capable of producing. (Which is what's noted in the policy post)
1 hour later…
3:46 AM
2 hours later…
5:45 AM
So, I left the download of the dump overnight. It should have taken 2 hours (as I already mentioned) but ~1.5 hours later it said it needed another 6 hours. Apparently some other download kicked in in the mean time. Dunno, whatever decided to update was deemed higher priority, so it had more of the bandwidth. At any rate, the download failed again after downloading almost 60 of the 63 gigabytes.
3 hours later…
9:04 AM
Q: 500 Internal Server Error for PHP Requests in Laravel Docker Setup

ushnaI am encountering a 500 Internal Server Error when trying to access PHP files in my Laravel project running in Docker, specifically occurring on GET /index.php. I am using Nginx and PHP-FPM with Docker. Nginx Configuration (site.conf): upstream backend { server web:9000; # PHP-FPM service } ...

1 hour later…
10:16 AM
Q: Trophy on user profile

SkipToday I noticed a trophy icon on my profile I frankly don't know what it means or how I got it. Hovering over it doesn't give any info and inspecting the svg only gives me the name iconAchievements. Does anyone know what this means and how you get it?

10:27 AM
It's almost certainly a bug. That icon is marking the area where it would normally display some notable achievement, like #1 user this month. I would assume that, for users without a significant achievement to display, the icon itself would be hidden. This appears to be the first report of such a bug, either here or on MSE. But this is only speculation; I can't speak to what the true intention is. — Cody Gray - on strike ♦ 1 min ago
It's been a while since I saw activity from Cody.
@NewPosts I think that's the first time I've seen a new contributor to MSO that is not instantly being downvoted.
11:04 AM
@VLAZ And now you get to redownload those first 60 GiB. Don't you agree this a much better solution than the torrent?
11:17 AM
@Zoe-Savethedatadump Yeah, so good... It's llike I'm back 10-15 years ago.
I almost haven't had to deal with HTTP downloads in ages. I think I still have DownThemAll! installed (on my other machine). I have to try if that works with the SE link.
@AbdulAzizBarkat \o/ Cody! <3
11:51 AM
as of now we have the highest ratio from downvotes to upvotes apart from 2008
12:04 PM
Well, there is still time to the end of the year. And in September activity tends to pick up because of students, anyway.
1 hour later…
1:05 PM
yet there is a clear trend
1:18 PM
@VLAZ you could always download the archive.org version
Also fun fact: Without association bonus, there exists 1 183 046 020 reputation points, meaing Jon Skeet has about 0,0012% of the total.
@Zoe-Savethedatadump I have downloaded the torrent. Days ago. I was testing the "we want to help make the process of accessing data dumps quicker and more efficient."
Ah, carry on then :p
And I checked, like, 20 minutes ago. My fourth attempt to download the dump finally succeeded today. That was only SO, though. Which is about 2/3rds of the total (63GB/~90GB).
@A-Tech huzzah
@A-Tech Jon Skeet, the real 0.0012% of Meta
@AbdulAzizBarkat probably just doing the minimum amount necessary to retain his diamond I would guess
@VLAZ silver lining, I find that for the last ~5 years or so Firefox, when being used as the download client, will resume download at the point of failure when a download fails
not sure if that's the case here, but it's definitely saved me from wanting to punch a hole through my monitor when downloading a larger file in the GB-range and it fails partway through
1:34 PM
@TylerH But it doesn't with the dump. Because if you hit the retry, it tells you that the link is invalid
Sounds like they designed it that way on the SO side, then. Incompetence or maliciousness, hard to say
@VLAZ Looks like it scaled badly. Most my failures were caused by, well, me
Doing stuff like connecting to or disconnecting from a vpn mid-download
Well, at least if you try after enough time. Not sure what the expiration of the link is - in the URL it says something likie Expiration=30 but no idea what time unit that is.
If they use Node.js then it's probably minutes
1:49 PM
@VLAZ seconds
1 hour later…
3:01 PM
Also, that's why if the download fails after the first 30 seconds, you can't restart without manually re-requesting, because that's how fantastic the system is
gotta protect the dumps tho
cant be having people share the links
It's sad that that's likely the real reason
how does the internet work again?
it's all tubes, isn't it?
@aynber glass tubes and copper tubes
If you accidentally find yourself inside a steel or plastic tube, that's probably a water or sewage tube. Turn around and run before they turn the water back on (or even worse, before they turn the sewage back on)
3:25 PM
ewww. I'll remember that
3:37 PM
@Zoe-Savethedatadump I was almost sure it was. Just didn't verify. I couldn't retry after about 10 minutes, so it could have hardly been 30 minutes. There was a slim chance it's some other stupid thing I've seen where it's 30 times <custom time period>. E.g. 30 * 10 seconds.
2 hours later…
5:39 PM
@RyanM holy extended discussion, batman
@starball yeah I've given up
oh hey, cody
3 hours later…
8:35 PM
>Show 93 more comments
"because it's very easy to spot a cookie cutter generic answer and almost all questions I've posted to SO have answers that are really good within 5 minutes" - someone who edited a terrible ChatGPT generated to essentially completely replace its advice, without noticing
"So i suspect almost everyone on SO has very little clue that this is even a "Perceived" issue." - someone who ignored the most popular Meta post of all time
I can't help but notice this user has three questions on meta, from this year, 2019 and 2017, and all were heavily downvoted
1 hour later…
10:10 PM
clearly they're being abused
10:21 PM
or does a guess of a cause constitute sufficient answer material?
10:58 PM
Q: please improve UX for ignoring tags

jhncSince the "ignore" choice on tags is no longer available, the only way I can find to ignore tags is navigate to the questions page (if not already there) select "edit" from the "ignored tags" list type in the tag name press "add" go back to the page I was viewing or, more likely, scroll up ten /...

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