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I happened upon the tag, for the most part all the questions having this tag seem off-topic to me. Are we considering this as a programming tool and hence on-topic?
Q: Comments regarding "What should I do when someone answers ?" get deleted

wohlstadWhen I answer a question on StackOverflow (mainly from new contirbutors) and receive no feedback, I sometimes post a comment, something like: Welcome to StackOverflow. If an answer solves your problem you could click '✔' to mark it as an accepted answer. With enough rep you can also upvote any h...

Q: Question that should have been closed has 20 up-votes and seven answers

AbraI came across this question while going through the Late answers queue. I believe the question should have been closed as it is seeking recommendations for third party libraries. However, it received 20 up-votes and seven answers. Is it just something that fell through the cracks (so to speak) ?

@KarlKnechtel I hope you find the fact that "COTR" stands for "Code on the Rocks" as unsatisfying as I do.
@AbdulAzizBarkat Dunno. It's iffy. Do we handle questions for, say, nginx or similar tools that are to do solely with proxying? I find the lines between some tools really blurred. This one included. It's probably on-topic for network administration. But I don't know if it's off-topic here.
We do also seem to have with some amount of questions about network proxies. Again, I'm not sure about the topicality of all of those.
Also, loosely related to that "COTR" and AI answers. Back when I was in university, we were talking about how programming might eventually evolve into non-coding. That developers of the future might be using UML (or similar) to describe the the application and generate the runnable code from that. We were talking about distant future as nothing quite at that level was possible but some of it is (e.g., generating classes from a class diagram). Just not really a "runnable" state of anything.
Well, today I saw something that reminded me of those lofty and, in retrospect, unrealistic dreams:
> I'm here to introduce UMLGenius, a tool that leverages ChatGPT's AI to generate UML diagrams from natural language.
From this discussion which, aside from being a source of machine separated pork meat, is also giving me a headache just thinking about it.
Although perhaps UML generation is more acceptable use of LLMs. Because I have never seen anybody (including myself) use UML diagrams completely as intended. Usually it's something UML-ish that people use. And often omits a lot of details that one should put in but mostly serves to illustrate a broad point. So, if you were to generate UML from natural language, you'd probably get something similar to what a real human would produce. As in, not very accurate but sort of OK.
5 hours later…
> This is not a coding issue. And this question might get downvoted for that reason.
Upvoting for the self-knowledge
3 hours later…
Q: The Tag Synonyms page is a bit repetitive

Cris LuengoThe Tag Synonyms page has a tab called "Pending approval Pending approval [sic]". The source for this control is as follows: <a href="?tab=Newest&amp;filter=Active" class="s-btn s-btn__muted active-filter float-right" title="Only active tag synonyms"> <span class="s-btn--text" data-text="Active

Q: Proposed tag synonym filter - filtering

Cris LuengoThere is a tag synonym proposed that would merge "filtering" into "filter". On the surface this makes sense, but these two tags have different descriptions and are used for different purposes. Because of the confusing names, these two tags have not always been applied in the right way. But filter...

2 hours later…
Q: Chrome is not getting launched

Pet org.openqa.selenium.remote.NoSuchDriverException: Unable to obtain: Capabilities {browserName: chrome, goog:chromeOptions: {args: [--remote-allow-origins=*, disable-infobars, start-maximized, window-size=1200x600], extensions: []}, unhandledPromptBehavior: dismiss} at org.openqa.selenium.remote...

2 hours later…
> Wait, pastebin is a website? Isn't it just a native feature of the operating system?
was this question serious O_O
I'm far too old...
2 hours later…
@KarlKnechtel Seems like it.
> Very likely, yeah. Not sure why I'm thinking it's called a pastebin.

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