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12:17 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Joshua
@ZoestandswithUkraine: If the system can't nuke it, but remove it from all questions and bye it goes. This of course assumes that a mod can edit corporate-locked posts to remove tags. — Joshua 19 secs ago
1 hour later…
1:19 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 41686d6564 stands w. Palestine
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Martin James
'We respect people here, in all cases, period' no. There is next-to-no respect given to curators who have to put up with garbage, week-in, week out. Not that I agree with 'slackers' style insults - completely unnecessary, as it's obvious that such posters are a waste of time, effort and server space - no need to explicitly state it. — Martin James 58 secs ago
1:57 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Phil
Been over two weeks now and plenty of hate (-77% vote ratio). Time for it to go? — Phil 51 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 41686d6564 stands w. Palestine
Looks like vote breakdown has stopped working for me? Should I report this as a bug? :-D — 41686d6564 stands w. Palestine 28 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Phil
Been over two weeks now and plenty of hate (-77% vote ratio). Time for it to go? Otherwise, can we get an update on the data collected? — Phil 52 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Hovercraft Full Of Eels
And in fact, your inappropriate meta post can potentially work against you and your main post as per the Meta Effect. — Hovercraft Full Of Eels 31 secs ago
2:17 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by 41686d6564 stands w. Palestine
This is indeed confusing. Even now that they seem to have removed the tooltips. The problem is that the buttons are disabled but it's hard to tell (they don't really look disabled). — 41686d6564 stands w. Palestine 1 min ago
3:05 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ryan M
@Joshua there is a bug that causes some tags not to be removed by the system when removed from all questions. This is what Zoe means by a "stuck tag." — Ryan M ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine
I agree with the close voters; I don't think I could come up with a more exact duplicate of the canonical post if I tried TBH. — EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Joshua
@RyanM: It's an old tag. It might have a post locked by Jeff Atwood, which would count as corporate locked. — Joshua 37 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ryan M
@Joshua it does not. You can check this easily with a search for [customer] locked:1. — Ryan M ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Ryan M
Of potential relevance, though: it does have a substantial number (69) of locked, deleted spam posts. I wonder if that's somehow related to the cause of stuck tags. — Ryan M ♦ 21 secs ago
3:24 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Columbia
This tag may cause [colon] cancer. — Robert Columbia 40 secs ago
4:07 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by cigien
I don't know anything about the subject matter, but I do notice your question mentions errors without actually showing what any of those errors are. That would be a good place to start I think. — cigien 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
It also look like you should re-read stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example guidance on posting code - multiple pages of HTML and JavaScript are very unlikely necessary to show the problem. — Alexei Levenkov 58 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
I'm interesting in reasoning for your 2 - to me it looks like method is pure and it is trivial (probably non-practical) to cache results for any input. Not sure why you think it is not possible in OP's case. (I can start separate SO question if you think answer in comment would not be enough) — Alexei Levenkov 28 secs ago
4:49 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
@KarlKnechtel it might be Too Broad in some cases. But the form of answer you suggest seems fine and on topic - it's possible that the question is as well. Answering with a suggestion of using a library is fine normally. Asking for a library has a tendency to devolve into poorly maintained Q&A. — VLAZ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
@ArvindKumarAvinash The function isn't pure, it modifies one of its arguments. For any usual means of caching, it cannot be cached. Not even the supposed "instruction cache" is possible at face value, because these instructions are never present in isolation. — MisterMiyagi 1 min ago
5:05 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
@KellyBundy One can find many words used in some context, that doesn't mean they work like that in any context. Caching in the context of the language used in the question and even the utility alluded to refers to caching concrete results. Can one construct a situation where code/instructions are that result? Yes. Does the question do so? Not as far as I can tell. And even if we were to say it does, as the comments on your answer indicate that is apparently still not what is wanted. — MisterMiyagi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kelly Bundy
@MisterMiyagi What do you mean with "present in isolation"? Btw, I posted an answer in the meantime, and I consider the two solutions that compile to be a kind of instruction cache... — Kelly Bundy 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
I don't even know what you're claiming here - that the question was closed as opinion based or question was closed as a duplicate. Because neither of these things happened: the question was initially closed as "Needs more focus". And then reopened 14 hours later. — VLAZ 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
@KellyBundy Python never unrolls the loop to fixed instructions like x[0] += 1 x[1] += 1 and so on. It only has the instructions for looping and dynamic access. So for what the question is working with the thing the OP wants cached just does not exist. Can we manually write a code compiler with unrolling and const propagation and cache its output? Sure, and I think your answer shows that nicely. Does that mean caching of anything non-trivial related to the original function? No. — MisterMiyagi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kelly Bundy
@MisterMiyagi "Does the question do so?" - I think it does. It asks "can [the sequence of paths] be cached?". In my understanding, that means it wants to execute the modifying instructions on the path without re-evaluating over and over again which ones to use (which way the path goes). Which is what my solutions do. For each key, they evaluate once which modifying instructions to use, and cache the resulting "path". But yes, that's apparently still not what they want, and I'll leave it at what it is. For me it was interesting to do, and maybe it's interesting for someone else as well. — Kelly Bundy 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
@KellyBundy Don't get me wrong, I fully agree that what you guessed the question to be is very interesting and quite fun to play with. — MisterMiyagi 1 min ago
6:20 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Lundin
@DanielWiddis Not really, you dereference the first array of arrays, then dereference the array item you got as result. C also allows so-called "mangled arrays" which is just a single dimension 1D array of items but you access it as array[n*i + j]. Whereas the array of arrays array[i][j] was informally named multi-dimensional array by Kernighan & Ritchie back in the early 1970s. — Lundin 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Lundin
The key here is that C is close to the metal, so an array of arrays is not just a 2D array but also the physical representation of the memory layout of its members. While higher level languages could allocate their 2D array items all over the place, which is similar to the array of pointers in C. — Lundin 1 min ago
6:39 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Robert Longson
Seems like a support question you should ask on their forum forum.moralis.ioRobert Longson 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Josip Juros
Thank you for this explanation — Josip Juros 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Josip Juros
Its the eternal question, Should I indulge a "slacker" and solve his question or pretend to be his parent/teacher and teach him problem solving skills... Neither is good. My main issue that I am aware is my way of expressing my view, prob comes from how harsh things were for me, so I learned the hard way. — Josip Juros 1 min ago
7:19 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Daniel Widdis
@Lundin now I think we need a mangled-arrays tag. :) — Daniel Widdis 47 secs ago
7:30 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Karl Knechtel
I meant "unrolling the loop" in the sense of dynamically compiling code with those fixed instructions - like Kelly Bundy's answer does. — Karl Knechtel 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Karl Knechtel
@AlexeiLevenkov the function looks up data from the global bools_all, and it communicates its result by mutating the passed-in x object rather than by returning a value. Neither of those is permissible for a pure function. Naively applying functools.cache to the function would result in cached calls failing to modify x and simply returning the cached None that was returned the first time. — Karl Knechtel 13 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
Stack Overflow is not a schooling environment - except for exactly this. Stack Overflow teaches us to bite our tongue and shrug things off, a useful skill in real life too. You will be faced with people committing all kinds of unprofessional acts and you'll have to suck it up and not point it out. — Gimby 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
In my experience if a question consists of only one sentence, you're not providing enough details. In this case that would be context. Hashing where? Developing a new hashing algorithm? Hashing a value in a particular programming language? Performance question? Theoretical question about an existing algorithm? Recipe for hash browns (i'm sure some people call that hashing...)? — Gimby 53 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
@KarlKnechtel fair point. I looked at that function differently - it produces exactly the same value for the same inputs and unfortunately clobbers input with output. But indeed as written it can't be memoized... — Alexei Levenkov 27 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Jon Skeet
Additionally, the Javascript you've posted has a blank line between each "useful" line - I suspect that's not how it looks in your actual source code. Please take the time to make the code as readable as possible so that folks can help you. — Jon Skeet just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
I have little faith in people reading nag popups either, but there is only so much you can do to cope with how people have developed defences against the barrage of noise that the web throws at them daily. This is the better solution that won't really work. — Gimby 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
"This made me wonder if, motivated by generosity rather than a spontaneous change-of-heart, they were attempting a well-intentioned acceptance of all answers out of gratitude for the collective help" - it does not really pay off to speculate, that is but one of several options. The main red thread is that people misunderstand the acceptance feature. And I can assure you that this is not limited to new contributors. — Gimby 1 min ago
8:12 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
Another recent meta question about a cryptocurrency-related question: Close this low quality question with a bounty on it?Peter Mortensen 1 min ago
8:22 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
About 800 lines of code (including the empty lines). — Peter Mortensen 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
Presumably you have several (very) poorly received deleted questions only 1 of your undeleted questions has a negative score. — Larnu 59 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dharman
Your recent question was extremely unclear. People were downvoting for two reasons: 1. They had no idea what the actual topic is so it makes the question unhelpful. 2. You said "Please do not downvote me for opinion reasons. Thanks!" which in itself is a reason to downvote as such phrases do not belong in the question, but also you know very well that the topic is opinionated and unsuitable for SO. — Dharman ♦ 36 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
Did you see the Help Center to learn more? It should address at least the core of your question. — MisterMiyagi 31 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by trusktr
@VLAZ Perhaps I got the original close reason wrong, but the original closure did in fact point to that troll "don't use regexes with HTML" question, which is rather pointless. Secondly, the close votes after being re-opened seem totally opinionated, not based on facts. — trusktr 41 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Eric Aya
Quick opinion after glancing at your questions: many of them seem to be in reaction to a problem you just discovered, and could have solved by doing some research. Please take the time to research and document the issue before asking a question here, and also please try to explain the context properly. This site is not ideal for mentoring or learning, it's more useful for specific issues that you can't solve or debug by yourself. Thanks :) — Eric Aya 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by trusktr
I also argue that the high amount of votes not in favor of what I'm brought up show how egotistical SO is becoming. You may disagree, but I simply see it as SO becoming of less quality, and something I'm more likely to avoid in the future (especially with the loss of Jobs). Most of all, I was seeking discussion on a valid problem, yet this very issue is marked as "does not appear to seek input and discussion" which really outlines the crap. — trusktr 56 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
The entire point of your current question here is that the original close reason was something which wasn't. Thus invalidating the entire complaint. Moreover, the question was already reopened by the time you complained about it being closed. I really don't understand what the meta question should be about, in that case. Discussion about what? Something that didn't happen? How should that question be handled? How should regex questions about HTML be handled? How should questions posted on Friday be handled? It's not clear at all what you want to discuss. The question reads just like a rant. — VLAZ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by trusktr
In case you still don't get it: all those close votes (because of dont-use-regex-for-HTML ideas) are not making SO higher quality. The needs-focus closure, sure. The reason for that needs-focus closure (dont-use-regexes-on-HTML)? No. All the downvotes and close votes after clearly giving the question focus and a VALID technical answer? No. Those things are ruining SO. If you don't see it, it further proves my point. — trusktr 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by trusktr
You can call it a rant. Someone else can call it a complaint. We can call the lack of people here to even acknowledge why someone has a rant/complaint/whatever-you-call-it is a failure. — trusktr 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
"In case you still don't get it: all those close votes because dont-use-regex-for-HTML are not making SO higher quality" that's not what comes across from your post "If you don't see it, it proves my point." you DID NOT HAVE A POINT. You posted, at best, a rant. That simultaneously complained about a question being closed as opinion-based and closed as a duplicate. Which is 1. not something that can happen. 2. neither of which had happened. Can you not see how your question is not at all making sense? Much less making the point you claim it is? — VLAZ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
More generally, Stack Overflow is not intended to be used as a tutor, learning C++ by asking one question at a time. — Peter Mortensen 58 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by trusktr
You're arguing based on how SO literally and technically works, rather than looking at how an end user sees the system. Point proven, again. Furthermore you haven't explained all the close votes after the re-opening. — trusktr 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by trusktr
Yes, I expect moderators with visibility into all actions to see what I mean. Clearly people voted to close that issue because dont-use-regex-for-HTML, after the question having technical focus. If you don't see that, then it means SO's system isn't working well. — trusktr 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by VLAZ
No, I do not see how you expected moderators with visibility into all actions to see your point that the question was incorrectly closed. When it wasn't incorrectly closed at the time you said it was. And it wasn't closed for the reason you said was incorrect. I'm not convinced my lack of clairvoyance is the issue here, though. — VLAZ 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by E_net4 - Mr Downvoter
Maybe we can talk about what's wrong with this community once you are more open to the possibility of you being wrong as well. — E_net4 - Mr Downvoter 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
I don't think you can. We must also keep our mind open to the possibility that questions about NFT's render downvotes because people hate them with a passion. This shouldn't happen, but you know. People. — Gimby 1 min ago
9:32 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Gimby
"Isn't that, at least a bit heavy-handed, if not outright inappropriate?" - you are reasoning this from your own singular perspective. Reason from the big picture which includes millions of people who are doing as they damn well please rather than what either the rules or social standards dictate they should do. IMO the message is uncharacteristically tame. — Gimby 18 secs ago
9:47 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
Perhaps they assumed that only the male users downvote their content, and that only the male users get upvotes, @Gimby . /shrug — Larnu 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Martin James
'So what's getting wrong with this community?' - believing fairy stories without any evidence:(( — Martin James 1 min ago
10:02 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
I don't see anyone but you making a point about gender, @Gimby... Don't just assume there's malicious intent with the use of gendered pronouns. — Cerbrus 36 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
Just delete it already. OP hasn't responded to anything in the past 6 hours. He's just here because his question linked him to meta. — Cerbrus 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by AakashM
Other legitimate possibilities for "a question about hashing" are Seasoned Advice, Sports, The Great Outdoors. I'm sure there are more... — AakashM 54 secs ago
10:42 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
One of the answers is the famous Zalgo post (part of Stack Overflow lore). It is an official meme. — Peter Mortensen 18 secs ago
10:57 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
It is difficult to get past the dogma "never ever ever ever ever EVER use regular expression for parsing HTML", but perhaps "For a one-off throwaway script under Node.js that will run on a dedicated box physically disconnected from the Internet (I will only run it once—I promise!)"? could be a way to go. — Peter Mortensen 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
It is difficult to get past the dogma "never ever ever ever ever EVER use regular expressions for parsing HTML", but perhaps "For a one-off throwaway script under Node.js that will run on a dedicated box physically disconnected from the Internet (I will only run it once—I promise!)." could be a way to go. — Peter Mortensen 21 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Peter Mortensen
It is difficult to get past the dogma "never ever ever ever ever EVER use regular expressions parse HTML", but perhaps "For a one-off throwaway script under Node.js that will run on a dedicated Linux box physically disconnected from the Internet and whose input is guaranteed to be in this very specific format and is completely under my control (I will only run it once—I promise!)." could be a way to go. — Peter Mortensen 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by luator
For what it's worth, I do have a computer science degree but never heard of "jagged arrays" either. I would also have had no idea what it is supposed to mean without looking it up (maybe it's more obvious for an English native speaker). — luator 35 secs ago
11:40 AM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
You know users can ignore tags, right? I'm sure most users that can answer questions will ignore such tag. That helps no-one. Not the asker and not the future visitors we cater for. — rene 41 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
Whether a user is a beginner or not is irrelevant; we expect a veteran and new person to a technology to do the same amount of research and to provide a well asked question. — Larnu 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
it is also quite unfriendly to new users, and especially to those new to programming. We're unfriendly to content that doesn't meet our minimum quality standard. Moderation does have a price. — rene 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
I wouldn't say we're unfriendly to content that doesn't meet the minimum standard, @rene ; we downvote it sure, and sometimes close the question, but that isn't unfriendly. — Larnu 22 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Thomton
@Larnu a beginner will obviously have less knowledge of terminology and so research is more difficult, — Thomton 35 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
@Larnu sure, I wanted to repeat the word that stung the most. The ranty part was already censored before I posted the comment — rene 42 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Adrian Mole
Today, I saw a question about "Jaggered Arrays". Was that a typo, or was it referring to arrays with big, bulging lips, a 50+ year career in rock music and an (alleged) opioid habit? — Adrian Mole 23 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
How does someone being new to a technology make research "harder", @Thomton ? Are users that are new to a technology less able to use a search engine? Do I, as someone who is new to writing C#, lose my ability to consume information already out there when looking at C# problems but regain it when I look into topics where I am an SME? — Larnu 34 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
It is not true that we expect everyone to have the same knowledge level/research but we do expect research effort: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/261592/… and reading our help center and follow the guidance offered when asking a question. — rene 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Thomton
@Larnu how does it not? Someone who's new to programming who doesn't understand certain terminologies or that certain ways of doing things are even possible aren't going to be able to vocalise that properly or to the standard a more experienced user would? — Thomton 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
Not knowing terminology is fine, @Thomton , but that doesn't make research "harder"; we all have access to be able to easily search with the abundance of search engines out there, and searching without a term will often end up with you finding articles, questions or documentation that describe the methodology and/or term you need need to search. As a new user, it just means you need to likely have an extra step first of searching for the term... But not knowing the term doesn't permit a user to skip researching completely (which far too many do in my experience). — Larnu 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
To put another spin on this: Please do not try to remove the simple questions from the general question pool. Most problems boil down to a simple core obscured by tangential fluff. Simple questions are absolutely vital to isolate the gist of general issues and act as duplicate targets. — MisterMiyagi 15 secs ago
12:45 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
See also the tag wiki: meta.stackoverflow.com/tags/site-recommendation/info as it has some guidance what a good recommendation question would look like. — rene 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
@KarlKnechtel asking a recommendation question on MSO on a topic that is related and/or close to SO scope is fine here. We generally don't force users to know anything about the SE network beyond their per-site meta. My answer on that topicrene 38 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Zoe stands with Ukraine
There's some tags with zero deleted questions, so it's likely unrelated. The bug has already been reported here though: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/417362/6296561Zoe stands with Ukraine ♦ 30 secs ago
1:10 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
Nice "Survey", but posted 4 years after the Thread was started makes it a bit "confusing" I would think..., you could mention the "new" Numbers (July 2022) => 185->307 Qt's + 664->3.3k Watchers. // + Interesting would also be some Numbers/Stats with how many Qt's in the 10 Categories you've identified, + maybe which Tags could be (recommended to be) used in each of them... :idea: — chivracq 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight
[Swipe] the duplicate tag under the rug. — Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Josip Juros
@zcoop98 mega disagree — Josip Juros 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
@Cerbrus Have you heard of humans' need to sleep? — TylerH 28 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dharman
Stack Overflow is not a tutoring site. We don't offer personal classes or help. This is a Questions and Answers site for all programmers. We don't have a section for beginners because that is irrelevant. The primary way in which this site helps is by providing answers that can be easily found through Google search. What you are describing is a site with online courses or private tutoring, which Stack Overflow is not and will never be. — Dharman ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
@TylerH that's all well and good, but asking a question for feedback and then immediately going to bed is somewhat counter intuitive. When asking a question, it is expected that someone will, at least initially, respond in a timely manner to comments requesting additional information and/or clarification; not doing so (especially on Stack Overflow) often leads to VTCs and/or downvotes. — Larnu 51 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
@TylerH OP Posted 2 meta questions, the first one got deleted, then this one got posted, and he never responded... That's not someone that's gone off to sleep. End even if it were, it's not exactly constructive to dump a question on here and go "whelp, I'm off!"Cerbrus 18 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
@Larnu Considering Stack Overflow is an asynchronous resource, it makes plenty of sense. If OP posts a question asking for advice now, there is a chance that there will be some advice for them to follow and respond to when they wake up. Regardless of whether that is what happened to OP, a few hours is an unreasonable deadline for something like this. Closing a question, perhaps, sure. That helps prevent guess answers, sends a clear signal to OP with links to the Help Center, etc. But deletion here just says 'gtfo of Stack Overflow'. — TylerH 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
@Cerbrus If you're using prior Meta posts as part of your justification for doing extra ordinary steps, it's helpful to include links or at least mention that that happened. There's no way for a user to know a previous question was asked on Meta about this after reading this thread and the question on main. — TylerH 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Cerbrus
There, posted almost 3 hours before this one. So you can add those 3 hours to the "no response from OP" time. — Cerbrus 53 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
Again, I disagree, @TylerH . It is more than responsible to expect someone who asks a question to response in a timely manner to comments that are made to it within ~10 minutes. If the first comment was an hour or more later (or even 30 minutes), I'd be more on your side. — Larnu 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
I recently flagged an answer and then in the response: There are no deleted comments from you on this question ... so .... what happened? Did you flag the question that had the answer on it? Or do we have elected mods that can't make distinguish a Q from an A. — rene 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by MisterMiyagi
You say you flagged an answer but cite a statement about "comments from you on this question". Did you flag the answer or the question? Did you comment on the answer or the question? — MisterMiyagi 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dharman
Are you talking about your comment on that answer? You have no comments on the question. — Dharman ♦ 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dharman
I assume you are talking about the comment you posted on the answer, which the author then merged into their answer and replied with "@AlexanderNied added to solution, thanks!". If this is what you are talking about, then there's no action to be taken by mods. It's all as it should be, you posted a clarification and the author accepted it by putting it in the post. That's the whole point of providing comments on answers, isn't it? — Dharman ♦ 29 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexander Nied
I made the flag on the answer-- I can verify this by looking at the flag and clicking the link, which loads the answer. I am referring to comments I made on this answer, which I refer to in the text of the flag. It is a good point raised by several in the comments here that the reviewer comment refers to the question, so perhaps there was some confusion in the review process and the reviewer was looking at the question, not the answer I flagged. — Alexander Nied 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by rene
Just checking, the link in your flag history ends with [title slug]/[numbers]#[numbers]? If yes, that is indeed an answer. If it only ends in the title slug then you flagged a question. — rene 30 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexander Nied
@Dharman - I am referring to the comment made on the answer, yes. I never saw their reply-- it must have been removed before I was able to read it. I would generally expect verbatim copy to include some citation, but that is ultimately immaterial to this question-- from your statement it appears my deleted comment is visible, and the comment There are no deleted comments from you on this question was just a result of some confusion/misunderstanding in the flag review. — Alexander Nied 14 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Dharman
Yeah, it seems to be just a misunderstanding. If you provided the comment on the answer then it makes sense that it was copied into the answer it was posted on. If you would have made a comment on the question and then the answerer took it without your permission or attribution, it would be a little different. — Dharman ♦ 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by NotTheDr01ds
@Dharman I don't think there's any problem with a comment being added to an answer, but when you copy/paste something verbatim (and even if you reword it), then typically you must attribute the source of your information, right? I can't find the applicable Help rule at the moment, but I feel I've read it somewhere. — NotTheDr01ds 19 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew T.
Also, apparently the "Load [X] deleted comments" that is shown by default on the main site is not shown if seen from the mod queue. They have to manually check the Mod menu to see if there are deleted comments on that post. — Andrew T. 39 secs ago
2:14 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by hedgedandlevered
nooooooooooooooooooooooo — hedgedandlevered 26 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
That's just not a feature that exists currently. — Kevin B 5 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Digital Farmer
@KevinB Should I change the tag to feature request? — Digital Farmer 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Dev
There are multi-dimensional arrays, and then there are arrays-of-arrays. They're two different things. A jagged-array is an array-of-arrays, but not all arrays-of-arrays are jagged-arrays. All this to say, if we get rid of array-of-arrays, we need to replace it with something like "square-arrays" to differentiate from jagged-arrays. Alternatively, get rid of all array variation tags and just use "arrays". — Blue Dev 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew T.
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew T.
(Also, check the linked questions) — Andrew T. 5 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Digital Farmer
Yes, answer @AndrewT. ! If possible, please close my question as a duplicate, thanks for showing me correct keywords, when I searched I couldn't find this questions. — Digital Farmer 1 min ago
3:00 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makyen
@AndrewT. Deleted comments on the flagged post are shown in the mod flag queue by default, if the view of the flagged post is expanded to what looks largely like a "normal" view of a post on a question page. However, if the flag is on an answer, then no comments on the question are shown, even when the question is fully expanded (which is done with a separate click). — Makyen ♦ 17 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@BlueDev I'm guessing the definitions you used is for [java]? — TheMaster just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4581301
Evil bit In this case it's "Evil" in both directions. Nobody wins. — user4581301 11 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4581301
Not knowing terminology means you have to begin researching closer to the "start" of the topic to learn the terminology. For example, one cannot effectively perform a literature or web search for : to find out what it does in a programming language, but it will be covered in any non-fraudulent text on the language. It would help a great deal to know the term operator, but not knowing it just means you may need to start earlier in the text to learn what operator means. — user4581301 just now
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Kevin B
They've always been orange. — Kevin B 20 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexander Ivanchenko
@Pshemo Thanks for your responses. I've tried to exercise these approaches. Until now, the last one (with flags) happened to be fruitless. — Alexander Ivanchenko 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Andrew T.
@Makyen huh, the deleted comments are not shown by default for the "More than 20 comments posted in the past 3 days" flag after I moved them to the chat. — Andrew T. 9 secs ago
4:12 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Dev
@TheMaster I just used general-use definitions, rather than language-specific... if this question is language-specific let me know, it seemed more about S/O than anything. — Blue Dev 31 secs ago
4:29 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makyen
@AndrewT. Thanks. Yeah, you're right; my bad. I failed to check to see if those were added by a userscript. I'm using Sam's Comment Flags Helper, which automatically adds the deleted comments to that view. I'm sorry about claiming it was the default. Given how many userscripts I use, I know better to claim something like that is default without double-checking to see if it's what really happens in the stock display. In this case, I guess I'm just too used to that functionality being what always happens for me. — Makyen ♦ 32 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
It is unreasonable of the OP, you're right, @TylerH . We are busy and we are using our free time to help them. — Larnu 24 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
@Cerbrus Thanks, that adds some useful context. Looks like OP has some issues with understanding SO's system, but that earlier post also suffers in the same way in that it was also quickly closed... the comments there are... not particularly useful comments. — TylerH 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TylerH
@Larnu No, expecting immediate responses in an asynchronous form of communication is unreasonable of you, not OP. Peculiar behavior like this is the kind of thing that contributes to the "SO and the people there suck" perception we have to deal with all the time. If you are so busy then you can come back later. No one is forcing you to sit and wait for OP to ring a bell. — TylerH 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Tom
@Dharman "If you would have made a comment on the question and then the answerer took it without your permission or attribution, it would be a little different." . How is it different? The final result is the same, the answerer has text in their post which isn't correctly attributed. And why is it important if the answerer thanked OP in a comment or not? — Tom 12 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
I've never said "immediate", @TylerH , only timely. Timely <> Immediate. I agree it's unreasonable to expect immediate responses; and why I never suggested they should be. — Larnu 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexander Ivanchenko
I've encountered a strange situation on StackOverflow. It in't related to duplicates (I didn't find a description of a similar case on meta) may I ask your advice in a chart room to avoid clattering these comments? It's not urgent. — Alexander Ivanchenko 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by cigien
I don't really understand why the linked question has been deleted. Even if the OP has misunderstood how meta works, and is not actually intending to improve the question, what purpose does deleting the question serve? It was going to roomba anyway. Is the deletion supposed to send a message to the OP, or to the community, or something like that? I'm really curious about the motivation to rush deletion like that. — cigien 45 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
Considering how heavily it was suffering from the meta effect, @cigien , I'd suggest that the OP is better off with it deleted. — Larnu 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by cigien
@Larnu So the motive is to help the OP by deleting their question? When OPs ask questions on meta about their question on main because it was closed, or poorly received, it's usually because the question is poor quality, and needs to be improved, and they tend to get downvotes as a result of the meta effect. My understanding of how to deal with that is to try and improve the question and/or teach the OP how to make the improvements. If instead, we say, "oh, the question is poor, let's delete it to avoid further downvotes", that seems to defeat the purpose of asking for help on meta. — cigien 38 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Heretic Monkey
@chivracq Are you abbreviating "Question" to "Qt"? That's a very... unique abbreviation. Most people just use "Q", or, you know, type "question" :). — Heretic Monkey 25 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
@cigien, as has been noted, the OP asked and disappeared; the deletion happened ~12 hours after they first asked for "help", and they haven't ever responded; there was plenty of people offering to help them, but they didn't take or respond to that help... So yes, stopping the question from getting even more downvotes as the hole they have dug was getting bigger and bigger, is likely helpful to them. It would be much worse for the OP if they were at -24 by now... — Larnu 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by cigien
@Larnu If the OP really doesn't want to improve their question, then I don't see a problem with the question receiving a lot of downvotes via the meta effect. That's pretty much to be expected when an OP asks for help, but doesn't use the help. The reasoning of "the OP hasn't been around for a while, so they clearly don't want help, so let's help them anyway by deleting the question" seems odd to me, to be honest. — cigien 39 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
[ Boson ] New comment posted by cigien
@Larnu I already have asked the question. I don't plan on asking a duplicate question. — cigien 57 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@BlueDev That's the thing. It's not language specific. You have three different answers all differing on the definitions of those terms. You say [jagged] is a subset of [arrayofarrays], but the highest voted answer currently says they're the same and should be synonymized. — TheMaster 10 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Larnu
You could have asked me to answer there, then, @cigien, rather than asking me again in the comments; I'll remove my comments from our discussion. — Larnu 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by cigien
@Larnu You're welcome to post an answer, or leave a comment, on that post if you want. I don't see how it's off-topic to this discussion to ask why the linked question was deleted? — cigien 1 min ago
5:29 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
@HereticMonkey Yep indeed, "Qt" = "Question", not difficult to understand, I would think, in the "Context"... (And "Q" is only used on 'SO'...) — chivracq 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Blue Dev
@TheMaster Sure, the highest-voted answer says we think of them as being the same, but they really are not. A jagged array is named after the fact that some of the arrays inside are "bigger" or "smaller" than others, giving it a "jagged" description. An array of arrays is not necessarily so, and can have every array be the same size, being therefore not jagged but what is often called "square". Check out this comment for a good visualization of a jagged array. — Blue Dev 36 secs ago
5:49 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by chivracq
Re-posting my (previous) Comment without Abbreviations: Nice "Survey", but posted 4 years after the Thread was started makes it a bit "confusing" I would think..., you could mention the "new" Numbers (July 2022): 185->307 Questions + 664->3.3k Watchers. // + Interesting would also be some (approx) Numbers/Stats with how many Questions in the 10 Categories you've identified, + maybe which Tags could be (recommended to be) used in each of them... :idea: — chivracq 1 min ago
6:02 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by TheMaster
@BlueDev Would you like to add a answer? — TheMaster 1 min ago
1 hour later…
7:14 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Pshemo
@AlexanderIvanchenko "the last one (with flags) happened to be fruitless" my guess is that this may be related to exodus of expert moderators which happened few years ago (example: Robert Harvey). Now mods which remained have more work (since there are less people). Investigating duplicates may require more time than other kind of flags so they may skip your flag for now. Anyway you can always ask community by creating question like this one (I would rather not participate in it for personal reasons). — Pshemo 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Pshemo
If you don't want to cause meta-effect by linking to "suspected posts" then don't link to them but create similar examples. But TBH it is hard to "protect" actual posts which cause you to ask the question if you are one of the sides, since some people may still find it anyway by browsing your activity (you may explicitly ask them to not provide links to avoid meta-effect). On the other hand problem with analogy is that it is still only analogy, so showing "actual" data - pointing to actual posts - makes question clearer (but that is your decision to make). — Pshemo 1 min ago
7:32 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
@user4581301 search "c# what is colon for" immediately gives you stackoverflow.com/questions/17034475/…... so I think you'd need to work harder to come up with unsearchable example :) — Alexei Levenkov 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4581301
Originally I used :: but figured that it was too C++-specific. — user4581301 26 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexander Ivanchenko
@Pshemo The situation I want to ask about now is related to puppet voting and ad hominem attacks in the comments. I don't fill like I can describe the problem without attaching the opinion, so for now it would be a very poor question if I would post it on meta. I'm confused and don't know how to react, hence I want to ask your opinion because you're far more experienced member of community. — Alexander Ivanchenko 7 secs ago
7:54 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexei Levenkov
@TylerH please re-read stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask: "After you post, leave the question open in your browser for a bit, and see if anyone comments. If you missed an obvious piece of information, be ready to respond by editing your question to include it. " - while indeed it may be "unreasonable", waiting and responding for feedback is the site's guidance. — Alexei Levenkov 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Pshemo
@AlexanderIvanchenko Sorry, I don't feel qualified to represent current policies of SO regarding community management. Also you are probably overestimating my experience regarding such situations since in my time here I faced it very rarely (I am not sure if it even ware more situations after the one described in this question), so your opinion is as good as mine. Regarding ad hominem attacks you are free to flag them to bring moderator attention to this post (or conversation topic). — Pshemo 23 secs ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Bahman.A
Why is the clean-up badge still available if no one can earn it? — Bahman.A 54 secs ago
8:29 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Alexander Ivanchenko
I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you to commiserate and didn't imply that you've faced anything like that. A question on meta with the title "I've encountered an angry puppet account owner" probably would look funny. I simply really don't know, should I completely ignore this because I can't prove anything, votes are anonymous (my collusion is based on the observation that vote and comment appear within the range of a minute and comment author has doesn't get -1 penalty). — Alexander Ivanchenko 1 min ago
[ Boson ] New comment posted by NotTheDr01ds
@DanIsFiddlingByFirelight swiper no swiping? — NotTheDr01ds 1 min ago
1 hour later…
9:42 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Scott Santucci
Not important, but I'm surprised the question isn't titled "Should we unnest [arrayofarrays]?" or perhaps "Should we nest [arrayofarrays] and {insert proposed tag here}?" I don't know which to suggest as an edit (if Stack Overflow will even let me at my level of rep)! — Scott Santucci 1 min ago
10:19 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by user4581301
The book-keeping to track and manage the locks would be a nightmare. — user4581301 14 secs ago
10:30 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Makoto
@Samathingamajig: That's the only reason. Queues in the more modern Stack Overflow are often community efforts and not just limited to diamond mods. — Makoto 52 secs ago
11:30 PM
[ Boson ] New comment posted by Hovercraft Full Of Eels
This site has succeeded by focusing only on the quality and appropriateness of the questions and answers. The poster doesn't and shouldn't factor into this at all — Hovercraft Full Of Eels 8 secs ago

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