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Merlin has added Octavian Damiean to the list of this room's owners.
room topic changed to Unipony Farm: for baby unicorns
room topic changed to Candy Mountain Candy Cave: for baby unicorns and the banana king
1 hour later…
room topic changed to Artificial Intelligence: All things AI
posted on July 20, 2011

Researchers have now taken a major step toward creating artificial intelligence -- not in a robot or a silicon chip, but in a test tube. The researchers are the first to have made an artificial neural network out of DNA, creating a circuit of interacting molecules that can recall memories based on incomplete patterns, just as a brain can.

posted on July 21, 2011

Scientists have develop robots equipped with cameras that can navigate the underground pipes of a nuclear reactor to check for corrosion by propelling themselves with internal networks of valves and pumps.

posted on July 25, 2011

Engineers are developing bio-inspired integrated circuit technology which mimics the neuron structure and operation of the brain.

posted on July 27, 2011

Robot trading agents, which already dominate the foreign exchange markets, have now been definitively shown to beat human traders at the same game.

posted on July 27, 2011

Information technologists have used game theory to develop a defense mechanism for networks that is more effective than previous approaches.

Interesting topic!
@OctavianDamiean Hi
I started looking at the alicebot stuff again
and I figured that Candy Mountain Candy Cave probably would really achieve much
room topic changed to Artificial Intelligence: All things AI and building robot unicorns
room topic changed to Artificial Intelligence: All things AI and talking robot unicorns
Right. So Jarvis from Iron Man definitely is AI already but where would you draw the line?
I mean what defines the I part of AI. There are humans that lack that property.
So we can't go too wrong ... build an idiot ... artificial stupidity is a good start
Haha, awesome.
and more realistic in v1.0
That definitely is true. I just wanted to know where one draws the line between a program and artificial intelligence.
Perception ... the turing test
Oh yea, I forgot about that test.
The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior. A human judge engages in a natural language conversation with one human and one machine, each emulating human responses. All participants are separated from one another. If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. In order to test the machine's intelligence rather than its ability to render words into audio, the conversation is limited to a text-only channel such as a computer keyboard and screen. The test was introduced by Alan Turing in his ...
I'm not sure what that picture is though
The picture is all wrong lol.
The hell ... someone on Wikipedia is a sexist.
Oh I see.
Still that image should not be the one you get in the onebox.
Ah ok that should definitely NOT be the first image ... it's like a bi-sexual awareness advert
I suppose that an artificial stupid would not even be aware of such a biological matter
so we can safely ignore that picture
We could still go with AI to describe artificial stupidity. It'd be artificial idiocy.
Yup :D
I can see that on a powerpoint slide
Wait, we ain't talking about Alice from Resident Evil right?
No, no
Ok. That'd be a scary project.
Oh boy that logo is scary too.
The eye of providence much? :D
We'll have to ignore that picture too... just as well our bot is blind
Interesting link here…
Using HTML5 Speech Recognition with Pandorabots
hates audio that gets played back when you enter a site
But HTML5 speech recognition sounds damn interesting.
Unrelated note, I just remembered that I wanted to buy a The White Stripes album.
just get spotify premium
Captain Kirk version of alicebot
Time for some James Bond.
Quantum of Solace.
Good idea .. I'll catch up tomorrow :)

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