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6:08 AM
@Skillmon I feel the same. Some examples on the wikibook is not good at all - they really need frequent updating
@Rmano I think there is something wrong with your avatar.
6:34 AM
@Skillmon Now precisely happened what I was afraid of:
MacBook-Pro-4:~/Documents/localgit/pgf/experiments/Marmot/3dtools\> git push
To https://github.com/tallmarmot/pgf.git
! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/tallmarmot/pgf.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
It is certainly my fault, but maybe one can see how how little sense these messages make. It asked me to say git pull, which I even had done before, but it does not work. This system really drives me crazy, sorry.
I give up, sorry. This is too bizarre.
MacBook-Pro-4:~/Documents/localgit/pgf/experiments/Marmot/3dtools\> git pull
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
experiments/Marmot/3dtools/3DToolsManual.tex experiments/Marmot/3dtools/tikzlibrary3dtools.code.tex
@JouleV the low res?
@marmot That means that you probably did some change to the repo (maybe via the web interface) that conflicts with the change you did locally, without branching out. What you should do in this case is (I believe) git fetch origin and then git merge origin/master - you'll have conflicts that you need to fix and then you will be able to push.
6:59 AM
@Rmano No, I couldn't load it. But now I can. Your avatar is hosted on gravatar.com, probably I couldn't connect to it at the time.
The please stash means that you did not commit the file you changed both locally and remotely (if you do not want to add them individually, use the -a flag to commit)
@Rmano Thanks! I did a hard reset and it seems to work now. But the error messages are really not helpful.
7:40 AM
@marmot well, they are in git-jargon, so when you get more used to it they will be more useful... Think underfull hbox to a layperson...
8:27 AM
...and finally, what I feel it's really useful is to have a widow with gitk --all running aside (even if you need to F5 to refresh, no auto sensing)...
@marmot Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge is a very helpfull error message. It means that you have unsaved changes that you would loose if you force a merge or overwrite the files in some other way. When I get this message I always stop and try hard to remember why the files are changed and why I haven't commited the changes yet. If in doubt I make either a backup or stash before really merging or create a special branch for them.
8:42 AM
@UlrikeFischer yes --- and this is the "red dot" in my screenshot above. Very helpful; I am also using github.com/nojhan/liquidprompt which is really a boost of the git experience (you have your status directly in the prompt when in a git-managed directory)
9:00 AM
@samcarter any idea for this: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/517069/…?
@UlrikeFischer sad duck == dinner? ;-)
9:26 AM
@Rmano difficult as there has been some objection to add a fox to the tikzlings - the Bär is refusing to play this part.
@UlrikeFischer That's an interesting question! Maybe I can do something with the eyes. I'll have a closer look tonight.
@samcarter perhaps a few tear drops
@UlrikeFischer Good idea! And maybe changing the curvature or inclanation of the eye brows
5 hours later…
2:42 PM
@UlrikeFischer Yes, but what is git good for, then? In cvs we could simultaneously work on files, and it would merge the versions in such a way that everyone's changes are in.
3:11 PM
@marmot but your changes weren't checked in yet. git can only see that the file on your disc is different from the version it has in its database. But it can't know if you really want to keep this changes. It would be imho not good if git would silently merge here - the changes could be bad or done by accident. So git forces you to decide if you want to keep your changes or to discard them. A similar csv question is here: gnu.cvs.help.narkive.com/YwPq0QGZ/how-do-i-undo-local-changes
3:31 PM
Do you know why I can't access gravatar.com (error ERR_TIMED_OUT) but STILL can access en.gravatar.com?
Today my internet is just mysteriously buggy
If you have uncommitted changes, what you can do is `git stash` --- that will save the changes in a temporary commit. Than you pull and after that you do a `git stash pop` that will (try to) re-apply the stashed changes.
Or you commit the changes, fetch from origin and merge; this will (or not) create conflicts and if there are conflicts you need to solve them to finish the merge.
Works quite well, when you have get around to the terminology...
3:48 PM
@UlrikeFischer I agree with that but there should be an option "Hey git, please merge the changes from others with those I have done to the file." Otherwise it is impossible for two or more persons working on the same file. Which is what I thought this would be good for.
@Rmano Yes, but shouldn't this be something that can be obtained with less hassle?
@marmot sorry but do you want to loose your local changes without warning? I mean if you save a file your file manager will warn you if you try to overwrite an existing file and ask you "do you really want this". Do you think this too much hassle or a sensible security option? I would be very fed up if git would try to merge something in a file I'm working on and haven't commited yet. This could give a complete mess and would be very difficult to revert.
4:15 PM
@UlrikeFischer No. In CVS I never lost my local changes. Just the changes by others got merged in. That is, CVS was clever enough to find out that, say, @Skillmon kicked out a redundant example, and I added a sentence somewhere else, and would just combine the changes such that both are in.
4:30 PM
user image
@UlrikeFischer Does the duck look sad?
@samcarter Yes, very sad :-(
4:46 PM
@Rmano I think I prefer drawing happy ducks, now I'm also sad just from looking at the duck
4:59 PM
@samcarter nice ;-) (or better ;-(() This should go into the package. Who should add this as answer?
@UlrikeFischer Please feel free to write answer (once the secrete project is finished, I'll see how to properly include it in the package)
2 hours later…
6:34 PM
@samcarter thanks, now I'm crying :(
@marmot git is pretty verbose and doesn't do things you didn't ask it to do... You shouldn't work in master, but always use branches to try new features. Master should always be deployable code (but not necessary be deployed)
@Skillmon OK, thanks, this explains a lot! So it is just a tool that lets me upload things somewhere and others download. It is not something a true repository would do. Is that right?
11:48 PM
@CarLaTeX As for https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/517182/194703: the way I do that usually is to just type. Assume we have a command line
then by typing t, we get
;-) (Translation: maybe change the title of the question? ;-)

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