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hey guys
Q: Fetching audio data from MediaPlayer class

berserkI am trying to make cache support feature for my online audio player. For this, I am using MediaPlayer class. I am thinking of saving the audio data into a cache file once the buffering is complete. There is OnBufferingUpdateListener which tells me how much buffering is done. Once it is 100%, I c...

1 hour later…
Hi Good Morning @AshuKumar @ankitagrawal @brahmyadigopula @Dude @Hans1984 @PriyankaMinhas @osimerpothe @rekire @RaajaSN @Sarah @SweetWisherツ @TheLittleNaruto @TheNightKing and all
@rekire really Lol
good morning all :)
@berserk @ankitagrawal @Sanjeev @TheLittleNaruto @HitCat @Hans1984 @RaajaSN @MukeshRana @faisaliqbal @Dude @droid_dev :)
@berserk there?
@AshuKumar , how are you ?
I am getting this exception
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcodbcDriver
How can I solve this ?
linux ?
i m good @osimerpothe
java 1.7 or 1.8 ?
I am getting this exception in Windows
java 1.8
Java 8 you cannot use the JDBC-ODBC Bridge because it has been removed.
THen How can I do it ?
A: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Exception occuring. Why?

Umair Bhattiin JDK 8, jdbc odbc bridge is no longer used and thus removed fro the JDK. to use Microsoft Access database in JAVA, you need 5 extra JAR libraries. 1- hsqldb.jar 2- jackcess 2.0.4.jar 3- commons-lang-2.6.jar 4- commons-logging-1.1.1.jar 5- ucanaccess-2.0.8.jar add these libraries to your j...

please check this Answer
@Kanth yes
!!kill @ankitagrawal
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @ankitagrawal
@ArifNoumanKhan @ankitagrawal is still alive
@AshuKumar gm
@Sanjeev gm
@berserk berserk
!!kill @ArifNoumanKhan
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @ArifNoumanKhan
!!slap @ArifNoumanKhan
@ankitagrawal slaps @@ArifNoumanKhan around a bit with a large trout!
:| slap here too
Good Morning Guys :)
fox is here
welcome @TheLittleNaruto
good morning
@berserk a question wow?
yeah lol
@Sanjeev @AshuKumar @ArifNoumanKhan gm
not to @ankitagrawal :D ^
Can't find dup, so...
Note: Beware! Beware! Beware! berserk is a human virus.
@ankitagrawal 'sup ?
@TheLittleNaruto whats up?
@TheLittleNaruto Whaaaaaaa?
virus love Human @berserk @TheLittleNaruto
@osimerpothe which database are you using
@berserk i dont think so you can get data of audio stream
Microsoft access
@ankitagrawal Yes What's up ?
When I omit Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcodbcDriver"); THen I am getting this exception
@ankitagrawal ah, bummer!
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:ucanaccess://E:\mydatabase.mdb
@osimerpothe you need download driver for that
I have downloaded driver for that
which one ?
I already made my custom music player service and don't wanna rely on library :(
@ankitagrawal What data ? @berserk
Q: Fetching audio data from MediaPlayer class

berserkI am trying to make cache support feature for my online audio player. For this, I am using MediaPlayer class. I am thinking of saving the audio data into a cache file once the buffering is complete. There is OnBufferingUpdateListener which tells me how much buffering is done. Once it is 100%, I c...

Audio data.
So that I can save data into file when buffering is complete, for cache support.
@berserk use audiotrack for that
but that requires too much trouble
@osimerpothe did you define the datasource property
with mediaplayer there is no way
@osimerpothe in system DNS ?
Is it better than MediaPlayer? @ankitagrawal
@osimerpothe show me code
I am doing both online and offline playing FYI
@berserk ofc
@berserk onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer mp, int percent)
need to write code from scratch then
There you can see percent
@TheLittleNaruto lol idiot
I want audio data.
he is bad fox
@berserk you mean audio stream ?
@berserk you can get length
I already wrote that I can get buffering percentage.
@TheLittleNaruto exactly
so you cut audio
what will length do if I don't have audio data?
I need to save full buffered audio into a file.
So, I need audio data.
which I can write to a file
suppose your audio is 3 minute
it buffer only two minute
Just found ViewDragHelper, such a good thing. Android is vast! (Off-topic)
you want store 2 minute data ?
lol@berserk just now
it is there for ages
@TheNightKing no lol
well, I just want to get audio data from MediaPlayer class
@berserk so
but guess it don't have any method to do so
@berserk try audiotrack that is the solution to your problem
@ankitagrawal yeah, just found it now
@ankitagrawal okay, time to remake the code then
2 mins ago, by berserk
I need to save full buffered audio into a file.
I am currently using MediaPlayer class to play audio from url.
oops i wrote a wrong line in my source code for checking the methods lol
glad i found it
oops i wrote a wrong line in my source code for checking the methods lol
@ankitagrawal bad internet?
@ankitagrawal Spammer!
@osimerpothe jdbc:ucanaccess://E:\\mydatabase.mdb
@berserk yeah super bad
this is incorrect
@TheLittleNaruto nah, bad internet
@TheNightKing wrong reply lol
@berserk like you tube
@osimerpothe check this answer stackoverflow.com/a/36875001/4140878
@berserk am i seeing 2 times my written comment
similar to this
Q: Chatroom bug. Message was posted but it is still showing that message is not posted yet

berserkI posted a message in a room, but it failed to post and shows me: You can perform this action in 1 second retry/edit/cancel. Strangely enough the message GOT posted because another user replied to it. Check the last message, the second last message was a reply to this message. Permalink ...

Didn't posted this one coz these all are due to bad internet.
@TheNightKing to be precise, like soundcloud :)
this class exists in jar
What is wrong in this line ?
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess://E:\\mydatabase.mdb");
in which jar ?
@TheLittleNaruto bad fox thinks everybody is spammer
@ankitagrawal thinks*
What is this ?
wait you are using different driver
@TheLittleNaruto I got a perfect word for you which I am not sure if I must write here...
    Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess://<mdb or accdb file path>",user, password);
    for example:
    Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess://c:/pippo.mdb");
@TheLittleNaruto lol damn my autocomplete
may be offensive for someone, not sure
@berserk write man
@osimerpothe you using wrong driver class name
Yes Successfully loaded
@ankitagrawal lol, I will pass on this
you chat on .SE also @berserk
flagged as too chatty berserk
well guys i am having a issue
btw, AudioTrack doesn't seem like having buffer listener
in my app
@TheLittleNaruto ^^^ XD
@berserk create everything on your own fanda xd
hmm, so, how will I create buffer listener? lol
@berserk ???
seems like I need to make timer task.
I hate them
@ankitagrawal what is the issue?
well that is what you have to do
well audiotrack provides you complete
well in my app if you click on all songs you will see songs
but all songs is not a physical path
well in my app if you click on all songs you will see songs
so i need some good way to identify non physical paths
@berserk ???
So, are they urls?
@ankitagrawal your internet lol
@berserk no
@berserk can you get buffer size
I am not sure, but how will that help?
@ankitagrawal Then?
If there are songs, they can either be files, or urls, IMO
@berserk "Grammar Nazi" ? :-P
@berserk AudioTrack(int streamType, int sampleRateInHz, int channelConfig, int audioFormat, int bufferSizeInBytes, int mode)
@TheLittleNaruto haha yeah
bufferSizeInBytes in bytes
@TheNightKing lol Audio Track gives data as @ankitagrawal
I was asking for MediaPlayer class
@berserk see you don't bufferlistener in mediaplayer
but audio track has write method
can can useful to write audio
@ankitagrawal you mean you only have filenames there? not base paths?
and if you have buffersize that
@ankitagrawal lol dude, talk about your issue, I thought your internet is bad
class might be help you
okay I will dig into AudioTrack
@ankitagrawal yeah
@TheLittleNaruto not helping everytime :( bad fox
@berserk it is but strangely youtubes works fine
@ankitagrawal What is issue Man ?
Guys did you already start playing Pokemon Go ?
wtf is this?
i have downloaded
not played yet
I caught 5 different pokemon so far. :)
today while going for breakfast, there was a wild snake near by super market. I had to catch it. :)
I saved many lives
in Android, Jul 11 at 5:18, by TheLittleNaruto
@mr5 crappy series, crappy game.
@TheLittleNaruto bad fox and sneaky too
:31735310 Go help her lol
@ankitagrawal There is a saying in Sanskrit "Mahajano yen Gantavya". You're a Hindu. You must be knowing the meaning. :)
@TheLittleNaruto lol
@TheLittleNaruto yeah
@TheLittleNaruto kids :P
@TheNightKing ty, let me check
@berserk lol how many you caught ?
And only while sitting at home.
I'll beat your ass. Dont ya worry.
Without moving lol
See this crazy thing:
How come Man ?
@TheLittleNaruto dont know the meaning please explain
@TheLittleNaruto well there is a hack for that
245 going, 700+ interested
just imagine...
@berserk You're going ?
I want to, but can't.
@berserk is going to see hot girls there and not pokemon
beware what you catch there
@ankitagrawal What hack.. tell me already. Will ya ?
@TheLittleNaruto not cool ._.
if you caught something you shouldnt then you are doomed @berserk
@ankitagrawal I will compensate by giving away my bulba :3
@berserk Why not? :/
@berserk lol that wont help
@TheLittleNaruto real gamers don't cheat...
@ankitagrawal :(
@berserk Ok. :'(
@berserk fox are not loyal they can cheat you know
well lets host a event in pune
@ankitagrawal I am loyal fox.
Dont misguide people please.
can you add LinkedIn auth to
I never noticed you were Rahul...
@TheNightKing Sure.
@berserk How are you doing?
fine, you say :)
kindly please help me for this: stackoverflow.com/questions/38409218/…
post this in a pastie
@berserk ok, moment
@berserk when i paste in pastie, it now give me any url for my code
@berserk how it work?
just paste url of your code
good morning :)
@AshuKumar oh, how are you ashu kumar?
date = new Date("12/12/11 " + currenthourTime + ":" + currentminTime
+ ":" + "00 " + formate);
i don't think this is correct
i m good, what about you
@AshuKumar im fine
@AshuKumar you remember me?
and that is Deprecated also
yeah :)
@antonio follow @TheNightKing, you will get solution :)
@TheNightKing you think how i can solve this?
@TheNightKing can i have your skype ID? just for quick questions
@antonio you can ask here ?
@TheNightKing sure,
@TheNightKing cause im not familiar with date, can you let me know correct for replace?
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-M-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
	String dateInString = "31-08-1982 10:20:56";
	Date date = sdf.parse(dateInString);
	System.out.println(date); //Tue Aug 31 10:20:56 SGT 1982
this one you can try
@TheNightKing thanks, but it show me this error: prntscr.com/btke0r
@antonio put that in try catch
@TheNightKing im sorry, how i can add it in try catch?
i also don't know. how you written the 1000 line of code.
@TheNightKing forgive im not very profissional , and ask much questions
start with basic
@TheNightKing ill search about errors, and will solve now, but it may be cause of force close?
@AshuKumar Good Morning Bro :D
a very good morning :) @MukeshRana
Bye all
Happy sunday
me too @Sanjeev :D
bye :)
I want you to read second comment and its replies. Someone like you is there. @ber
lol ok
Tho I have no idea how you reached to this video...
@rekire, thnx
facing lots of issues with building gradle after migrating to android studio in eclipse
maybe a prefect point to start
@TheLittleNaruto @berserk check the link above
@rekire Nice though I knew about that first trick ;)
@berserk lol me neither I just saw it on Youtube suggestion.
Also @rekire You finally started doing blogging, Good.
@TheLittleNaruto If there is still something you learned I'm happy
Keep 'em coming
Sure Man!
It took me 3 hours like it seems to write that
The reason why I wrote this was my neat trick for the gradle plugin
Indeed. You have already digged a lot in gradle.
I am cooking something for me right now.
@TheLittleNaruto I am still unable to find this comment.. just give me some of its text.
@rekire nice
that version thing is cool
im going to create a chatroom without using firebase. i use okhttp3 to send msg to server and the server which is php should have to save data to server. but the problem is that how other user can find out that the database is updated!!!
The insta run was cool, until I discovered that the apk present in the build folder cannot be used.

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