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02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

@navya check ur mail plz
2 hours later…
@PankajSharma gm...
thnks for taht...:)
@navya gm
is it working for u?
have u checked it?
heheh...i am changing the path of taht
yes i checked
@navya ok do check and let me know
good morning @PankajSharma
@Anil GM bro
any thing ?
@Anil bhai dont worry will finish it
great bhai
gd mrng ! @Anil @PankajSharma @navya @all
@neerajkirola gm...
bhai today will finsh coz client pusing me
@navya good morning
how is u
@Anil hii..gm
fine u say
hash kyu rahe hai
@neerajkirola gm bro
@Anil ok bro
we have to have Bro
@navya what happened?
heheh....nothing ganesh visrajan k tayairi chl r h
hello all
I am having issue i have generated googleplayserviced api key and my app is working f9. But when i mail this app to my boss, and when my boss compile it then maps are not shown
please herlp
i m working on voip(voice calling) and i choose pjsip library and its sample csipsimple. could u please help me tha how to start to implement voip. i searched last 3-4 days. or any other easy to handle library to implement voip. @PankajSharma @navya
@berserk hi
one Query
got it
@neerajkirola sorry no idea of vopie..i have worked on xmpp
@navya arre today u r not in offc?
i m
@neerajkirola one of my frnd worked on it .give me time will asked them and let u know
i got Solution
@navya ok then check
yes i am chcking also
sure..but reply must please..@PankajSharma
@navya ok
@neerajkirola but u have to try ur end
good morning guys
@rekire yo
hi programmers
@berserk I don't use the yo app^^ :P
@Farhad morning
I have a question
but that is somehow strange
so may i ask it?
its not from that xD
Morning All
yo bro
I want to write an app like Viber
@Farhad try it ;) I have also a couple on SO
and I'll use socket for chatting engine
now my question is that
which operation system is better for server?
@Farhad the best OS is that you know
sry i didnt get what you mean
OS=operating system... I mean use that system you are already familar with. if you are a windows user and you use the first time linux you will make in normal case an unsecure environment
aha I got it
@rekire great thanks
yes i m doing las 4-5 days and searched about voip. like pjsip,mjsip,dabaongo etc...but dont find which is best and easliy to implemented among all others @PankajSharma
@Farhad If you work in a big team (or you are familiar with linux) I think I would prefer linux because it does not cost you anything. btw for a mac user I would sugest using linux
@rekire NO I'm alone !
now I''m programming a web education system after that I want to establish a company
@Farhad a very big task for a single person... break it down to smaller peaces. if one part is done do the next one and make the parts independed, but always keep in mind the goal for interfaces etc
yeah I use this method in web programming
fine :)
@rekire thanks
@rekire I'm from Iran and U plz ?
@Farhad Germany
@rekire Nice to meet U bro
@Farhad yeah you too
@rekire thanks for your help have a good time
good morning @JaiSoni
vgm @Anil
@navya u need 2-3 Hrs for checking??
hi anyone can help me i m using two imageview here is the layout
now i want to apply onTouchListener on my second imageview but my secondImageview is failed to use onTouch method
Hi anybody there? I am having problem with viewpager inside another viewpager ?
@Andro sounds like a very bad idea
@rekire Hi good morning
@PG_Android vgm
@rekire Hows you?
@PG_Android I'm fine as allways
@rekire its because of imageslider just see my SO question herer. stackoverflow.com/questions/25717873/…
@rekire Great. Can we inflate GridView in Custom Info WIndow adapter in GoogleMap
@PG_Android no idea try it^^
@Andro oh that problem I know it. there is a userbility trick I called it just for fun as "pull to swipe" on those devices you need to pull it a little down to swipe that is required that the view know that this event is for that control. no idea which code causes that bug. I star it now if you know why that happens inform me
hello why is it necessary to generate api key to user for other iDES?
Hi @PG_Android
@rekire I am wonder that on debug it doesn't detect the image slider (inner viewpager) touch but it detects the outer viewpager that is of fragment touch while debugging it on 2.3
@AditiK hi
can you join Room wanna ask regarding location services
what about location
@AditiK Ok. Please send it again
GM to all
@PG_Android i will go to main screen to detail screen have two tab and click on ech tab detail screen when i press back then main screen display white screen
@rekire as you have mentioned above to pull it little down, because i am using swipeRefresh Layout so on pulling down it will call this method and hence the problem is there.
@KeTaN using fragments?
when i press back then main screen display blanck
@Andro in that case pull up :D just kidding that will properbly not work ether.
@KeTaN Oh then have u check addBackStack()??
@rekire you have encountered this problem. So what you have did for it?
@PG_Android i have use this
public void onBackPressed() {
// Catch back action and pops from backstack
// (if you called previously to addToBackStack() in your transaction)
if (getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) {
// Default action on back pressed
@KeTaN Change this getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() == 0
@Andro I deactivated all things on the legacy devices which requiered that functionallity. for my app that are less then 6% so I don't case for that small features which are lost on that devices
@rekire hi
bro need ur help
45 mins ago, by rekire
vgm @Anil
@Anil what's the matter today?
@PG_Android hell but main scree have fragment activity
see there is YEs and Not Button in adapter listview item i want if we clcik on Yes then our onitemclick funcation should work if we select no then it should not work
@PG_Android right now also blank screen
@Anil use an if statment
Q: Release AudioRecord android when other app request for recording

berserkI have an audio recording service in my app which will record the sound continuously. So, it will always occupy the AudioRecord. It means no other app can use audio recorder as it is already occupied by the service. Is there any way to notify that other app is requesting for audio recorder(so tha...

@KeTaN Then some fragment goes to blank which is also added in stack so u r seeing like this
@PG_Android ok i will check for that
Q: how to apply condition for item clcik of Listview in android

Anilprivate void showPopup(final Activity context, Point p) { int popupWidth = 800; int popupHeight = 1100; // Inflate the popup_layout.xml LinearLayout viewGroup = (LinearLayout) context .findViewById(R.id.popup); LayoutInflater layoutInflater...

A: RecyclerView does not scroll as expected

rekireI found a surprising simple workaround: @Override public void onClick(View v) { int pos = mLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition(); int outer = (MyAdapter.VISIBLE_ITEMS + 1) / 2; int delta = pos + outer - ForecastAdapter.ITEM_IN_CENTER; //Log.d("Scroll", "delta=" + delta); ...

@rekire plz check my issue i have tired not able to do
@Anil I don't review your code in such a trivial case. in your onclick listener you got a view injected check its id.
Hi Guys
Anyone using MAC pc here?
ok @rekire
@rekire hello
@PG_Android hello
@AditiK hello
@Harish me not I would quit my job if I had to
@AndoMasahashi hi
@rekire i'm trying to use mac there is a requirement
anyone used mac here//
@rekire have you worked on PAyment gateway for android
@AndoMasahashi no only the playstore features
@berserk I wrote my own answer^^
yea I saw, it was just a suggestion ^^
I never used RecyclerView :D
it will been released by google in october I think
and u already mastered it :O
@berserk check my issue
u said u found the solution
i got new issue
Q: how to apply condition for item clcik of Listview in android

Anilprivate void showPopup(final Activity context, Point p) { int popupWidth = 800; int popupHeight = 1100; // Inflate the popup_layout.xml LinearLayout viewGroup = (LinearLayout) context .findViewById(R.id.popup); LayoutInflater layoutInflater...

check this
@berserk there
I don't understand what u asking.
Please explain
lisening ^^
@berserk helo
i am displaying listview ok there is on Button u can see yes or no accept and cancell mark or correct and wrong image icon so when i click on correct mark then item clcik should work i mean it should go in next actvity if it will cancel on button then itsm clcik should not clcikbale means not go to another actvity
Wow, this is the biggest lack of commas I've seen in a long time :3
u got @berserk
Chances are he already saw your mention, dude.
@Lorenz indeed
any body work before on java to google drive integration auth2?
@JanakDhanani not yet, but possible in the future
i was afk
@ItachiUchiha !!
u abandoned the village!
1 hour later…
@PankajSharma there
@Anil say?
bhai how to disable and enable itemclcik whne i click no and yes Button respectivly
@PankajSharma bhai we have to have finish work
@Anil in getview on notification adapter get the holder.button.setonclicklistener and invisible that button on click method
i have to disable item clcik function
both icon will disable
if reject request then both accept and reject will hide in accept item click will enable if rejected then itemclcik not work
Hey there
i want to call FedEx API in my application..
have u any idea??
how to call??
@berserk hello
u got my issue
or i explain u again
@PankajSharma hi...i implemented that..
but it is giving null pointer exception when i am setting my sdcard path....
@berserk have u any idea about call FedEx API in android application??
no @Patel
no @Anil
@navya show me ur code plz?its to late to give response
so soryy..
but today there was no power in my ofc
ligh tchli gyi thi 12 bje s abhi aayi
wait i show
it sfor recording
@PankajSharma i changed the path and the file name..but i am getting the same error
i do have a simple question, however i feel it would be a stupid question for SO
maybe some1 can have a quick look? http://pastebin.com/r80Tzi2d
@rekire @berserk hi
ask Buni
yo @maven
@berserk :D how's u man :D
@PankajSharma its not merging.....:(
i m fine :)
i m gud ;P
@navya wahi to .i need to see ur merging code na
u r getting error in merging or in recodrding?
gud ^^
@PankajSharma Hi bro
@Shyildo hello
@PankajSharma i am getting error in both..when i am recording...i added the code of storing value in sdcard
but it is giving error...,while in merging code...,i putted 3 videos in folder and when i run my code..get the same error.
@navya have write code for creating folder?
if u made any demo send me compolete code
my folder is creating after that it is giving error..@PankajSharma
otherwise made a demo forst
ok..wait i send...
2 min
but will check it at room
ok...but merging is not working...i changed the path and put values in that particular folder
still i am getting the same error
@navya i dont know why same code working for me and for u not
how much size of videos?
981,980,750 kb
@pakaj have u any idea about FedEx API??
@navya i tested for 4,2 and 3 mb sized videos
can someone please have a quick look on this? pastebin.com/r80Tzi2d
@Patel nope.its for tracking curriers?
@Buni what u need to do?
@PankajSharma i want get shipping rate of source to destination place??
call FedEx API and get response..
check this in this format i am sending parameter is it ok na
@PankajSharma understand why create_array_1() does not work the way i thought it would
all String type ok na
@Anil localhost ?????how i can get access?
yes i will give just wait for which
will Upload it in server
Pankaj you noob, he gave a localhost so you hack into his PC and look for it yourself...
@PankajSharma then ...ab kya akru m...:(
Keep it english please!
@Anil u too xD
@berserk re bhai i was Suggesting Her
@maven hi
This guy is a blast, hahahh
Hi, I wud like to create a android lockscreen launcher. Can anyone help me with the code or sample app?
@rekire seen after a long time :)
@maven well I'm here mo-fr
:D hmm
should I note also the times? :P
hey @Karl, you are quiet early today here
@rekire YES! {In EST}
what time it is now for you?
I don't always get my 8-Core this time of day. Since the motherboard is getting "repaired" I'm on my Mac...
It's 7:30
that is early, but I'm in the office to the same time :)
This is my office! [I usually call this 'the living room']
@Karl can you remember that question? I found a workaround^^
@Karl gud to see u alive :P
I do not remember that. I'm glad to see you fixed it!
Greetings Maven!
How are both of you today?
I'm fine :) and yourself?
my app broke on saturday the 10k downloads border :D
@Karl i m gud
how's learning goin ?
When you said broke, I thought it crashed! Congrats!
I'm still trying to wake up, so I'm not sure yet.
The learning is going SIDEWAYS…. I'm making progress on my code, but not really learning much...
@Karl lol
I'm still working on the PC ver...
@rekire it should be my app broke the record on saturday the 10k downloads border :D
@maven It should be My app broke the 10k downloads border Saturday [Note capitalization and grammar]
Trust me, I'm an American. We have done more damage to the English language than any other culture on the planet!
@PankajSharma there
@Anil Welcome
@maven I'm just wanted to ask for the correct metaphor @Karl <del>can your confirm @maven?^^</del> I should read all
@Anil say?
You need to state what broke, the way you wrote it says nothing, which implies the program itself broke...
@Karl yes ur rit :)
English should NOT be a standard for anything...
There are too many rules to the language, and EVERY rule has an exception!
When I was learning to write/spell [around age 7] I learned the rule "I before E, except after C" It turns out, there are more exceptions to that rule than what follows that rule!
when page slides I need that nav. icon doesn't displace in navigation slider.
how can it be?
@Anjali Hello Mam
@PankajSharma did u check
@Karl True :P
@PankajSharma hello sir
@Anjali u r working on view pager?
I missed ur id.give again
girls r expert in missing things@Anjali
I am not one of those grammar or spelling people. I hate them! When I notice a glaring error, that I think I can help, I will try if prompted. @Maven prompted with his suggestion… :P
yes. correct
6 mins ago, by Anjali
when page slides I need that nav. icon doesn't displace in navigation slider.
how can it be?
@Karl oh I should not translate metaphors in other languages
I wouldn't say that. The little bit I can help provides a learning opportunity for others. I just wish I could help more [Not really in grammar/spelling either..]
99.9999% of what's discussed here is WAY above my skill set. I need to provide more than comic relief.
I just hope I won't blame myself in london when I visit the Droidcon
@Anjali u r using navigation drawer?
@rekire why would you ?
I'm TRYING to do a layout of my game in ADT, using the GUI, but the way I think would be the best [based on what worked with my PC ver of the game] I cannot do what I want to do.
It gets frustrating FAST!
@ItachiUchiha I'm not sure how good my english skills are in a country where english is the mother tongue
@rekire are you going to speak there?
02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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