@ItachiUchiha hihihihih :D D: GM :D @Abhilasha make a custom listview and append each message on receiving. Better to use database to store messages in your app. :)
Hi guys I am working on Timezones concept in android
my work concept is, I want to change the Timezone of the android tablet by taking the timezone from the App Variable in the application. I am getting the System TimeZones as the variable value i.e like
Dateline Standard Time
Samoa Sta...
@KetanAhir i have putted search button below these boxes.......than it works fine but client don't want search button......want without search button search facility ......is there any option in android like enter button in PC ..work searching without button......
@dipali listen , i have one view in which i have some text and image , like address , location , title, desc , and that should be swipe base on web response array
yes , i have 12 values comming in array and that i will set in view , now if that array size is 7 then viewpager should be swipe 7 times , and base on that data should be change
@dipali mare web server mathi array response aave che okay ,like and tema 12 value hase approx , now have te jetlo array data aave tene mare viewpager ma swip thi show karvano che base on index position
@Ankur When you Use FragmentActivty u should write Obj in onCreateView() and make object lblExp= (TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.lblExp); like this
My idea:- I post my login data.there through api data is match with db data and send me true/false.if it is true,I save my data to shared preference and move to next page and if false,a toast show. Is it correct way to do @MDroid
I am using ViewPager and Fragment to display data from sqlite. Content for all page is same so I used same Fragment class for all pages. In fragment there is a TextView. And there are two Buttons in Activity.
I am trying to update text of TextView when any Button is clicked from Activity. For t...
btn_login = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btn_individual_login); btn_login.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // i am not getting anything here } } ); }
} else { // Or set the fragment from restored state info mainFragment = (MainFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(android.R.id.content); }
@KetanAhir Yes but Google Policy is saying you are violating our policy
> Do not send SMS, email, or other messages on behalf of the user without providing the user with the ability to confirm content and intended recipient.
> Do not send SMS, email, or other messages on behalf of the user without providing the user with the ability to confirm content and intended recipient.
@KetanAhir @dipali @MDroid @chintankhetiya i am applying some trick...and if you found some solution or if you have ready code for this please let me know
@Williams Let's say I am using any Message Scheduling app. I scheduled a message for 12 AM then it sends message programatically but It is known to me.
@Williams You're discussing on senseless thing, see while installing any app, the app asks user like "this app can access your internet or sms etc". You're asking user first. if a user allows you then only , that app will install and send sms. I dont see any violation here. ^^
If I install any app it will ask me for permission. And I allow it to access. Suppose I installed a app which sends sms. But if there is some code that send sms to any number without knowing me then it's violation.