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@Appu oh
@Washu o_O
After long time I am seeing you on SO.
@Appu this is a bot
I know @Washu has become a bot for his company, but I didn't know that it is even for SO :P
@Appu lol
Just logged a moment while finishing a project
to see how things are going
@Washu Hmmm... Are you done with your education?
@Appu nope, in 1 month i finish and then in 2 months i start college
@Washu okay, what about certification?
@Appu CCNA? Dont know... a teacher just desmotivated me lol
its going to be complicated
@Washu Why? demotivate on doing certification itself or doing on behalf of your company?
@TheLittleNaruto @PiyushGupta @berserk @Goku kaisn he pantar log.. good wala morning..
mrng @all
Hello All
good morning guys
@rekire Hey Good Mrning!!
@ChintanRathod GM
Good Morning Guys :)
mrng :)
@PiyushGupta vgm
@TheLittleNaruto mrng
@rekire In your app which calandar view u have used?
I took a library I found on the web and reworte it to 95%, so I would say it's my own one
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire GM
@Shyildo vgm
@TheLittleNaruto vgm
@rekire Have you link for it?
lol I compaired the source codes the most equal code are the constructors^^
So you just rewrote code in constructor too?
Okay. :P
but wait the imports have much equal lines
Q: Gradle compiling old project

Muneem Habibi am using android studio 0.9.2. I coped project folder and renamed it and then in android studio i goto FILE-> CLOSE which close current opened project. Now i open again the project which i have copied. When i make some changes in code its not effecting compiler or debugger. I have debugged my c...

please help
Okay. I think it would be imported with particular package name
@ChintanRathod @Piyush @Shyildo @rekire VGM :)
@MuneemHabib what is the error message?
@rekire no error message i have changed my query and when i debug it i found it showing old query
its compiling old project
@MuneemHabib I gave you three options :)
@rekire canu please specified which build directories to deletew?
i have try build->clean
@PiyushGupta no that seems to be a maven alike build system I'll keep gradle
@MuneemHabib all :)
@MuneemHabib did it work?
@rekire yeah. okay
@rekire no
did you recreate the project after that?
i try build-> clean
and then built-> rebuilt prject
and did you deploy your app then another time?
i havent delete app
should i delete app?
@rekire is there any way to check that gradle is building which project?
@MuneemHabib that cannot hurt
you could check the messages window on the buttom
@KetanAhir Did you get anything relevant for scanning face and rating how ugly it is ?
@TheLittleNaruto p:
@rekire its not mention in messages that which project is compiled?
@KetanAhir whaaaat ? You did the most important part already ?
@TheLittleNaruto yeah...
@MuneemHabib well at the end should be a line "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"
@KetanAhir Great Job bro :)
@MuneemHabib are you talking about your souce code lines or from the framework?
@TheLittleNaruto any game developer ? unity or anything
@ChintanRathod mrning good wala :D
@KetanAhir Yes. I guess @berserk is.
@TheLittleNaruto great..@berserk
Yo berserk-san
yo baby-kun!
You have got any project or want to learn ? @KetanAhir
Yo SwordMan @MukeshRana
@TheLittleNaruto both
Great! ^
@TheLittleNaruto Swordsmen!
wtf is a SwordMan?? XD
@TheLittleNaruto give him my email or send me his email
@berserk No No. It's SwordMan. I am the one who named him not you.
@KetanAhir Okay NP
Dont worry
@TheLittleNaruto @berserk okay so you have decided now??
okay so you agreed on SwordsMan ?
@KetanAhir pinged you on hangout.
@rekire source code lines
@MuneemHabib your code or of the framework?
okay :)
@TheLittleNaruto will reply at night.
@indiandroid is missing these days @TheLittleNaruto ??
idk ,I dint talk to him either since when he has not been showing up here
AHRG my project does not anymore compile
I've upgraded to the build tools 0.14.3
@rekire my code
Could not find property 'processManifest' on com.android.build.gradle.internal.api.ApplicationVariantImpl_Decorated@6cc7efb3.
Let me check, I'll have to update too.
I have had such a line in my gradle file but I removed that attribute
@berserk which script do you use for unity ?
@berserk so cool..
lol okay
@rekire AS showing 0.14.2 is latest one.
But I manually change it to 0.14.3
@MuneemHabib hm
Let's see.
@rekire revert back to 0.14.2
@rekire i found one more thing now i opened last open project and now when i change in my source code then it is working f9
@rekire have you worked on NFC @PiyushGupta @berserk any one
no @ChintanRathod
@ChintanRathod No bro
@ChintanRathod what's the matter? I worked with NFC, but I'm no expert that formats still make me headage
@rekire I see!
okay @rekire
i wrote a code to read mifareclassic cards in one application
that code supports devices having NXP chip
now nexus has no NXP chip and they have different tech to read cards and there is no support for MifareClassic cards
so i need to read Card serial number of that classic card
but i don't know how to do that..
coz tag read from Nexus is NfcA tech
@ChintanRathod oh sorry that goes too deap in the topic... I really thought that all nfc tags have some compatibilities which support all devices. E.g. for reading the serial number
@rekire hm..
2 hours later…
@rekire Good noon. I have just lunch.
@PiyushGupta i have to wait a little for that ;)
@rekire Oh. okay!!
Any one knew bitbucket?
Will try. What is your issue ?
@Shyildo What's wrong with bitbucket?
Unable to import project from bitbuket
after getting clone from bitbucket project not show in project explore
Which IDE are you using? Where did you clone it? What's the workspace settings? Are you using windows?
@Unihedron So many counter-questions :O
Not like I would know what's wrong with the little information. You should know better. :P
@Unihedron eclipse IDE existing project on bitbucket and i am using windows
@Unihedron you are right, there are too many informations missing. I'm using bitbucket too btw
@Shyildo Go in your eclipse. Import existing project. Go to the directory of the repository you cloned locally. Select it. Press OK. If it doesn't work, maybe it uses maven. Then select existing maven project, search for it on root, select the correct pom.xml. If it doesn't work either, then maybe you should read the F-manual.
@Unihedron ok let me try
Thanks for info
No problem. As a disclaimer, I'm not responsible for if you derp up anything without doing a backup first. In that case, clone again and start over. Considering cloning from Eclipse git module directly, so you can import it along the way. I assume you're using native git bash commands to clone it, otherwise, consult the manual of which you're using.
@rekire Great. GitHub is still better IMO. While bitbucket does have free private repositories hosting, GitHub makes everything slightly easier.
If there's a feature I liked in Bitbucket which were not in Github, it's voting on tickets. Though that's not really very productive.
@Unihedron yeah it is. however bitbucket is less expencive
@rekire In what way?
@Unihedron I am using mercurial plugin
for companies AFIK if you want private repositories
@Shyildo Good for you.
@Unihedron yeah
@rekire (*AFAIK) I don't think Github repositories are really that expensive. Bitbucket has ads, though.
Oh by the way yesterday I became a RO of yet another room I didn't even try for.
@Unihedron not sure, however we also use jira
holy cap be careful you may get it here too
i have doubt in android opengl animation
Yay OpenGL
can you pls help me
How animate frame by frame in android opengl animation?
@Unihedron can you help me?
@MadhanShanmugam I don't know about android, sorry.
ok, thanks
Start with basics
If there is no image for contacts then what it'll return null or empty ..?
heya @TheLittleNaruto can u help me on an issue plz
Thank you
I am using android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout in my app. It has frame layout to hold fragments.
i have a tab with swipeview implemented, i need to add space between the tabs
I have added margin to each tab and it works
but initially only a vertical line (which does not fill the tabwidget height) appears , along with the correct margin that i set
when i swipe between the tabs the line disappears and proper spacing arises
how do i fix this issue?
can someone please help
One of my fragments has relative layout as parent , having rel layout as child. When I inflate this fragment, it raises exception
11-19 16:35:30.047: E/AndroidRuntime(411): java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.
If I remove child relative layout, it is inflated. What is the cause @TheLittleNaruto
I couldn't understand the logic here
@rekire there??
@MukeshRana for 10 minutes (I'm hungry)
hehe okay
just need to ask you have done something related to android 5.0 mean to say material theme??
regarding material theme for earlier devices??
what things can be done in earlier devices using app compat v21 library??
related to material design
yes you can use the compat library check my app as example ;)
also that i know, what i was wondering that compat library makes everything work as introduced in android 5.0??
For ex. i have read somewhere that render thread for animation is not available for earlier devices?? so isn't that possible using app compat?? @rekire
not everything is backported but many controls. e.g. radio- and checkbottons, switches, textEdit, ...
@MukeshRana nope that one is not possible
@iAnum Show me your fragment java code
@rekire okay that was the only thing i needed for my new app, but that doesn't work :(
@MukeshRana I think that cannot been backported since that required deap system changes...
And all devs, please update camera APIs in your apps, earlier api was crashing in android 5.0
@rekire hmmm.. actually i was going a develop an app with full of animations, so i was expecting render thread to work for me :P
Uri packageUri = Uri.parse("package:"+packageName);
Intent uninstallIntent =
new Intent(Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE, packageUri);
i m using this code to delete app from android phone but by using this code it gives me alert dialog with "ok" and "cancel" button how can i make a listener that user has pressed which button either "ok " or cancel
I don't think @ErumHannan you can uninstall app without user interaction and get that ok and cancel events
don't know does this work for you or not but just have a look
Q: How it works: warning that app is going to be uninstalled?

barmaleyAll we know that usual (in practice any) antivirus application before uninstall used to fire simple dialog like: "You're going to uninstall app, are you sure?" - "yes/no". Yes, I know that I can intercept package delete intent using intent-filter like: <activity android:name=".UninstallInte...

@TheLittleNaruto here is xml code ghostbin.com/paste/n2rfg
Following is java code to inflate:
RelativeLayout lay = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.random3, container, false);
RelativeLayout rootView = lay.findViewById(R.id.RelLayout);
right now my app is uninstalling but i just want to know either user pressed "ok" so that i can do another work @MukeshRana
That is what i was saying that according to *me, i don't think this can be possible,
but you can check that package for confirming whether the app is deleted or not
@iAnum No No! Dont do that way!
umm what's wrong in the code?
You must check if view is already existing, if it is, no need to inflate again
//inflate and return
return view;
Then my Question is how can it exist if I am inflating fragment for first time? :\
That's new thing for me. I haven't used this check b4
@TheLittleNaruto ?
What did you return as a view ? RelativeLayout ?
@iAnum Okay. Do it like this way pastie.org/9729936
My bad, Thanks alot for helping me figuring out the issue. Actually at a place, I was returning child rel layout instead of parent as rootView
Sure No Problem
Glad you understood the issue.
@Liza Huppp!
@ChintanRathod There?
@ChintanRathod DOne NFC?
@ChintanRathod is it based on P2P?
hello need suggestion i am displaying the highresolution images and video with high size in imageview and videoview but the issue is after 12 hours if i am continue display image and video than it will display please wait your app is not responding
can anyone tell me why thid dialog display
with two option wait and ok
what can i do for this if i want to remove this dialog
@PiyushGupta yes..
hey everyone!
@TheLittleNaruto hi Narutu warutu :P
@ChintanRathod Need to implement
@Liza liza-tiza :P
@PiyushGupta do you?
@ChintanRathod Yes I am
okay .. thats great... go ahead.. :P
@ChintanRathod Do you know in Android L Bluetooth can't be disabled by Admin. why?
@PiyushGupta no dear
@ChintanRathod Oh its okay. Do you want to come for dinner in Gopi Hotel Now?
that hotel name xD
@TheLittleNaruto You can join too !!!
I must tag @berserk too here.
Thanks! Enjoy you guys :) @PiyushGupta
@TheLittleNaruto why? name related with him?
No! Bro! It's ...just... sounds funny. That's all.
Oh okay nope. Do you know i have to give a three parties to @ChintanRathod
yes.. but actually i was out of town yesterday.. need to release on this friday...
those are in my mind.. i will never let it go.. haha..
So you want a party on friday?
@PiyushGupta Chintan is lucky in that case.
ha ha ha
@TheLittleNaruto yeah he is :xD
@TheLittleNaruto of-course i m :D
@TheLittleNaruto Our parties alternatively changed
What does it mean ?
@PiyushGupta i will take them soon before my count increase... :P lolz...
@TheLittleNaruto If @ChintanRathod get some new thing thwn party will be for that and from my three party one party will be subtracted
lolz, you guys are playing Math or what ? xD
Yeah we are ...lol :XD
chintan is too smart in that... lol
Someone will give me a huge cake on my birthDay.
Let me guess, Is he Chintan ?
No bro he is not. instead of i have to give him
Then who ?
@PiyushGupta ha ha
@PiyushGupta is the root of my smartness. :D
@ChintanRathod :p
Time to leave now bye @ChintanRathod @TheLittleNaruto @Liza @berserk @Unihedron
@PiyushGupta i would like to take my one of party in Sub..
@PiyushGupta bye!
just loving it
@ChintanRathod Yeah sure bye
bye @TheLittleNaruto baby kun :P
Oye SwordsMan-san, bye @MukeshRana
Cya Everyone :)
bye bye guys
@TheLittleNaruto lol?
@PiyushGupta bye
Aside from ordering, is the a significant difference between a List and a Set? (Specifically, performance-wise?)
@SecondRikudo Not significant, But performance-wise, ArrayList are faster than Sets while retrieving data
@TheLittleNaruto So why would I want to use a Set?
@SecondRikudo Making yourself sure, the data are not duplicates ?
If it's the case
So that is a significant difference :P
Otherwise Go with List only
lol yes! ^^
BTW! just came for ya Rikudo-San :)
So if I don't care about duplicates or know in advance that I will not have duplicates, I go with a a List
@TheLittleNaruto Hmm?
@SecondRikudo Sure
@SecondRikudo Yes. I am heading home right now. :)
My shift for today is over.
@Unihedron Oh God WHY?!
What's wrong ? What happened ?
1 hour later…
@nisha good
@Goku heya
@ItachiUchiha whats up buddy
to long to see you man ,,,,
@Goku yeah i know
how are you @ItachiUchiha..??
where are you buddy from long time ..??
just off internet
2 hours later…
@SecondRikudo here comes ametarasu! RUN!!!
Q: How can we hide call logs of specific contact in android?

PrinceI am trying to hide call logs from particular contact. For this I have created broadcast receiver for receive event of incoming / outgoing / missed call / call hangup. But how can I get call details on call hangup event ? I know we can get following 2 informations when incoming event occurs : ...

@SecondRikudo You mean eyes, unless you use a text-to-voice somehow
@Unihedron I did say eyes
@SecondRikudo Oh.
3 hours later…
News for JChatExchange (probably wrong place to announce): finally decided how I want my stuff laid out. Estimated Time of Arrival (alpha build): future

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