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y so envious? :(
Hi berserk..
Hi :)
How is android system is a multi-user Linux system?
say what? ._.
Is android multi-user system?
u mean multiple accounts?
@berserk hi gm
@berserk r u see my issue
no sorry
i forgot :(
i will chk tonight
but see today plz
ya i will
ping me around 10:00 pm
@berserk i go to 7.30 pm
ok ping me then
i have no system in my home
ping me the last u can lol
@berserk hey u work it inapp purchase?
@berserk Yo Yo
@PiyushGupta yo
hey anyone know sql lol
sql lol?
funny version of sql?
Good morning @ALL
anyone know sql?
morning ^^
@ryan issue?
@berserk in the manifest for service what is the attribute process what kind of strings we can specify for it do you have any idea...i have gone through it but still i need to understand
no idea
@PiyushGupta do you have any idea on android:process using it in the services in manifest
2 mins ago, by Harish
@berserk in the manifest for service what is the attribute process what kind of strings we can specify for it do you have any idea...i have gone through it but still i need to understand
@rekire Are You there?
Good Morning Guys
Yo Shinobi @berserk
sup baby-kun?
just reached office
I have got news of ita
He is not well.
what news?
not well?
He is sick. That's all I know
I dont know specifically
His friend told me this much only
ask more from him
Yeah I told him whatever he is able to gather, share.
@berserk read this one
ya u sent me on hangouts lol
Hi @All
@GulnazGhanchi what is your issue ?
@TheLittleNaruto @berserk Good Morning amigo...
bonjour @johnsakthi
Never Mind
Amigo is an spanish word.
@berserk Thanks.
@TheLittleNaruto Yes spanish, From Chennai India.
@johnsakthi LOLOL
@berserk ?
Yes spanish, From Chennai India
He meant, "Amigo is an spanish word, and he is from India"
i need a help in listview
han samajh gya lol
ListView bgGrid = (ListView) v.getParent();

i got a Null pointer exception here
when i call onItemClick method
this code is inside of onItemClick method
wtf are you trying to do with this line ?
Mind you words ..
Ha ha ha
What view does lstMJP's items contain anyway? @GurumoorthyArumugam
@TheLittleNaruto mind ur spellings xD
good :D
i thought it was for me :(
It was for you only.
It's okay, with one arrow I took two shots ;)
@TheLittleNaruto How to login Fb without login button android? and share image on Fb.
FB SDK sucks! It's been a while I have used it. You can make your own class which will have all functionality which is in FB login Button
@TheLittleNaruto hey, I have ArrayList<HashMap<String,ArrayList<String>>> list and i m storing the data into "list" with ArrayList<String> listTechnicalPerson . and when i m trying to get the values with for loop. i m getting not exact values ?
@GulnazGhanchi Why ? How you're looping ?
@ChintanRathod Sleepy?
@GulnazGhanchi Please use pastie.org to paste long code and share url here ^^
Just to make room clean. :)
@GulnazGhanchi Good gal
@TheLittleNaruto I am new to FB integration and i struggle with one.
Your Collection is little complex
Also I do not understand CreateInquiryPart3.list
where does it come from ?
I know, but i m not getting any idea , i have tried a lot to get values, list are showing exact length, but not getting the values when i iterate it
@ChintanRathod Where are you??
CreateInquiryPart3 its activity name , and list is our collection
Do one thing @GulnazGhanchi
Put log when you're inserting values to list, so that you'll have log of the values you have inserted, also while looping you can have log too so that you can match the data.
@johnsakthi Using latest version ?
@TheLittleNaruto , yes, okie, lemme check it out, i will let u know after that
Anyone Worked with scroll bar for horizontal list view ?
@GulnazGhanchi Sure!
@johnsakthi use this one, IMO, simple one.
tomatoes tomatoes :P
@TheLittleNaruto yes i am using version3.20.
@PiyushGupta hi dude
@berserk ;) Shhhhhhh....!
I think new users must know about me.
@GurumoorthyArumugam @GulnazGhanchi FYI, I am a baby. Only 5 years old. ^^
@ChintanRathod Jagi gayo?
@ChintanRathod :P
@ChintanRathod Chintu
@PiyushGupta lol
@ChintanRathod solly. chintan
@ChintanRathod Chintan :P
@ChintanRathod Work load?
@ChintanRathod Okie. :p
@ChintanRathod I think u r not angry :P
@PiyushGupta nope.. i am not.. just days are not going well
@ChintanRathod But why? u didn't share with me
@PiyushGupta will meet and share
@ChintanRathod Oh. Okay. Np :P
hey everyone!
anyone online?
good morning guys
@rekire good moning
@TaimurAyaz yes
good morning @rekire
@ChintanRathod vgm
@rekire Good Morning
@TaimurAyaz @PiyushGupta vgm
got into a problem Can you please take a look please? stackoverflow.com/questions/26960752/…
hey hi everyone! Can anyone tell me what is deep linking in google plus?
from the doc:
Deep linking allows the Google+ app on mobile devices to direct clicks on a shared post that contains deep link information to a resource within your mobile app if the user has it installed. If the user does not have your app installed, they are prompted to install it before accessing the resource. Deep linking can be used on shared basic posts and shared interactive posts.
still unclear to me :( how can I know I need deep linking or not?
@iAnum you need to modify your website, if you embedd the correct meta tag than google now will offer you to jump directly into your app. But there are some restrictions, e.g. you need to avoid interstitials and you must display the same text as on the web, if not you will been rejected. Your app will been opened thousens of times depending on the count of links on your site, so keep that in mind for statistics
I write a test program and call a dll named liba.so. and liba.so also call some system library such as libui.so, libgui.so, libbinder.so etc. Now when test program begin to run, report there is a undefined symbol which is located in libui.so
how does that happed?
` public void onActivitiyResult()` do not returns anything. Then how guide is saying that it returns an Intent object?
hi @rekire any one can tell me api work in android EMulator but not working in Android device
please tell me Solution
@user2794306 If it is ur local api then it will not work in device
I have a question - ` public void onActivitiyResult()` do not returns anything. Then how guide is saying that it returns an Intent object?
its pute in server
@PiyushGupta its working in Emulator and PC browser
but not working device
@user2794306 well I cannot open that url too, so it seems to be firewall related
what is the Solution @rekire
@TheLittleNaruto hello
@user2794306 talk with your server/network adminstrators
dude please tell me Solution
if u have
@user2794306 Hi
why lol man
common tell me Solution
@rekire FYI, the gif above is , my nine tails fox form with one tail grown :)
where is the issue
@user2794306 As rekire said, you should contact your network department. That's the only solution.
@user2794306 I have no idea about your network infrastructure, that havily depends on that
@TheLittleNaruto okay, I'm still not familar with it
@rekire Dont worry I am here to tell you everything about me ;)
@rekire ok thank you
has anyone worked with wheel picker
@Appu @Unihedron @Mobile hi ;)
@rekire What's up
@Unihedron howdy!
@Appu nothing special, yourself?
i have implemented a wheel picker
now i want as user scrolls down the values
@Mobile I have a gingerbead bug with mine
progress bar moves from left to right
can someone pls help me how can i set different camera preview sizes ? on button click i want to set random values like sometimes 3:4 or 16:9 etc how can i do that ?
can one tell me how change icon android:drawableRight="@drawable/ic_launcher" Programtically in android
@user2794306 RTFM:) developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/… by the way here is a directy list of xml <-> mehod mapping: developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/…
@Unihedron com.facebook.FacebookException: Cannot pass a publish or manage permission (publish_actions) to a request for read authorization
@johnsakthi ??????

reason.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(0, 0,R.drawable.accept_icon, 0);
reason.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(0, 0, R.drawable.reject_icon, 0);
i have tried but its not working
@Unihedron I get this error while post image on wall.
can u please tell me where am doing wrong @rekire
fix it
Q: facebook login Cannot pass a publish or manage permission (email) to a request for read authorization

user2122690I have a button click to login facebook,but sometimes this code can't work. throw exception:Caused by: com.facebook.FacebookException: Cannot pass a publish or manage permission (email) to a request for read authorization This is my activity's code : public class FacebookLoginActivity extend...

@user2794306 just call that methods I linked... yourTextView.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, yourRightDrawable, null)
@Unihedron puh that tag is not used ;D
@rekire Error coming
he method setCompoundDrawables(Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, Drawable) in the type TextView is not applicable for the arguments (null, null, int, null)
@user2794306 yes sure you need to put the drawable inside and not its id. you you might try using getResouces.getDrawable(R.drawable.foo)
> Please support us by at least allowing ads when viewing our website - that is all we ask!
Your code. Your site. Use it!
... Nope.
} i treid this Still
Icon is not coming
@user2794306 that is that bounds bug... you need to set the drawable bounds by your own... Drawable accepted = ...; accepted.setBounds(0, 0, accepted.getIntrinsicWidth(), accepted.getIntrinsicHeight());
setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(int,int,int,int) u mean this ?
that may also work but I never used it. check this code: Drawable accepted = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.accept_icon); accepted.setBounds(0, 0, accepted.getIntrinsicWidth(), accepted.getIntrinsicHeight()); reason.setCompoundDrawables(null,null,accepted,null);
le me try this
an someone pls help me how can i set different camera preview sizes ? on button click i want to set random values like sometimes 3:4 or 16:9 etc how can i do that ? @Unihedron
@rekire am debuging in Point go that condition but image is not coming in text view not coming image on text plz check
android:textSize="20dp" />
this is contrl am using
I'm using such a code. it works for me
Any one know about displaying french into textview?
whats the problem??
it display ? on special character like é
@Swap-IOS-Android Yes
@PiyushGupta how can i solve this prioblem
@Swap-IOS-Android String comes from server or manually u are setting or from string.xml file?
if (reason.equals("ACCEPTED")) {

Drawable img = getApplicationContext().getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.accept_icon );
img.setBounds( 0, 0, 60, 60 );
reason.setCompoundDrawables( img, null, null, null );

} else if (reason.equals("REJECTED")) {


Drawable img = getApplicationContext().getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.reject_icon );
img.setBounds( 0, 0, 60, 60 );
reason.setCompoundDrawables( img, null, null, null );
@PiyushGupta am unable to set image
@PiyushGupta from server
A: how to change android:drawableRight programtically in android

Murtaza HussainUser below code, Drawable img = getContext().getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.smiley ); img.setBounds( 0, 0, 60, 60 ); txtVw.setCompoundDrawables( img, null, null, null );

@user2794306 your_editText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(R.drawable.icon_facebook_i‌​nactive, 0, R.drawable.icon_add_socialnetwork, 0);
@Swap-IOS-Android Ok. so r u using UTF-8 for it?
in server?
@Swap-IOS-Android No. when you are parse your data from server
i have tired that also not working
@PiyushGupta no
how can i use UTF dusting parsing json?
@PiyushGupta i used @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + ";charset=utf-8") in my web service
and my problem solved
now my web service sends all data converted to UTF-8
@PiyushGupta thanks for help
@Swap-IOS-Android :P
@PiyushGupta if (reason.equals("ACCEPTED")) {


} else if (reason.equals("REJECTED")) {


else {
// reason.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, null);
unable change image on Condition
can u please tell me where is issue
@Joe'sMorgue Greetings!!
where is issue @PiyushGupta
@user2794306 have you degugged? And checked your reason value?
yes i have debug
what was the value
pointe go in correct condition but image is not visbile only imagview is display
have you apply fixed size for imageview?
am checking in Virtual device
@PiyushGupta imageview image is not displaying on EMulator is it ?
No nothing like that..
How do I manually put an app on an Android device?
@ChintanRathod Sleepy?
anyone knew sencha touch ?
@PiyushGupta hey man
@ChintanRathod hi bro wt r u doing
Time to leave Now. bye bye @ChintanRathod @berserk @TheLittleNaruto
@Joe'sMorgue Which IDE you're using ? Android Studio or Eclipse ?
A.S. The problem there is it takes about 12 minutes just for Gradle, after over that long just to load!
I'm trying to do it without any of them until I get my motherboard back, and my system up and running
The code was written by a friend, it does run virtually...
Did you run on Emulator ?
Not on this thing....Too ...lame, crappy, weak, useless...
@berserk now i leave my office so plz see my issue
Ah What do you mean by "it does run virtually" ?
He ran it, got a screenshot. He only has emulator.
Did you run from your PC ?
I emailed it to my tablet, and tried to install it ouf of there
from where did you get the installer apk file ?
Suggested from another room...
Installer? I have the app-debug.apk, and app-debug.unaligned.apk
Are those the right .apk's?
Basically, the installer file generates into -> ProjectRootDirectory/app/build/outputs/apk
But those are debuggable.
More importantly, how are you today?
I am cool as always.
And you ?
Trying to wakes up.
I need to run to my daughter's school for a minute. I'm chatting with you, so I don't wanna lose this opp...
What can I do to get this on my tablet?
You can connect your tablet via usb port
and transfer apk file.
No drivers. Tried the ones from Android's site too...
None from manu either...
Also another way is to download and install the usb driver of your tablet.
wait.. what ?
It's a $10 tablet, you get what you pay for
It's oaky
It's a gift. Right ?
Azpen model: A728 if you don't believe me. :P
Back in 10
I checked in Amazon.com, it's around $79
How come you get it in $10 ? :O
Bundled with Anti-Virus software
@PiyushGupta bye
@Joe'sMorgue I see.
@senti ok
@berserk stop being confused
Where is Casca anyway ?
Casca? My home? Right here! \/
Your Home ?
Subtle subject change: Do you know who James Earl Jones is?
A.K.A. Voice of Darth Vader
Casa means home...Casca is 80% identical...
JEJ never spoke as a child! He was afraid people would laugh at him because he studdered!
Nov 14 at 12:41, by TheLittleNaruto
@rekire Casca
A teacher forced him to read something out loud, it was something he knew and loved. That's the first time somebody heard that voice of his... REALLY heard it
It feels like, He is a great actor ?
Ever see "The Lion King"?
Simba's father...
Very famous movie voice.
How do I debug this app?
run a debugger
Is there one that is less CPU intensive than Android Studio?
@Unihedron Takes a LONG time to Load, Gradle then index [HOURS, over 4 one time]
Nevermind, it requires KitKat, I have Jellybean
cya peeps ^^

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