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3 hours later…
@gIrL Office ?
hie @TheLittleNaruto
yes ;(
@Anjali Looking for job change ?
hi can anyone help me on this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/26190271/…??
@gIrL u r using any library for barcode reader?
@gIrL which lib?
zbar lib for barcode scanning
share the preview too (expected and observed both) — SweetWisher ツ 7 mins ago
hello Bad Boy
zoom image like on google photo app
how it can be do this?
@Jigsh asking abt code / designing UI ??
@AliAshiq hi buddy ...
what i an issue sorry i am bit late.
code for zooming function like on google photos app
@Jigsh its called pinch-zoom
let me try
hello every one
i have a problem please help me to get out of it stackoverflow.com/questions/26190444/…
A: How can I get zoom functionality for images?

Muhammad Usman Ghani @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); imageDetail = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView1); imageDetail.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener(){ @Override public boolean onTouch(...

why holder.ckbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(null); ?? @SpryTechies
Ah! I was about to ask the same
@TheLittleNaruto :?
will u concentrate on ur problem ?? @SpryTechies
@Liza want any help ?? then m here
@SweetWisherツ yes i have use that holder.ckbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(null); to maintain the status of the checkbox after scroll also
@SpryTechies it wont solve that issue
@SweetWisherツ yes i want help.
setting checked listener as null, doesnt make sense.
if i do n't do that mu checked checkbox will be unchecked after scroll up or down
@Liza What is your issue ?
@Liza Fire (^^)
it will if u have to dynamically maintain state of the checkbox
no need..
or if u have a better idea please tell me
How to use Asynctask?? why we use this
@Liza have you asked Google ?
@SpryTechies oki leave taht..
@Liza what he said
he said something...alaa blaa..:P
try to make sense from that alla blaa
@SweetWisherツ what to leave
@SpryTechies null :/
:( can u explain me in easy way..
@TheLittleNaruto will do that for u
When you need to parse some APIs/Web Services, You need a background service which will work on network thread and parse the API.
see he did
@SweetWisherツ i have done that but by leaving null it doesn't have any sense
Have u use Asynctask in ur apps??
AsyncTask is having functions
1. onPreexecute
2. doInBackgroundThread()
3. onPostExecute
4. onProgressUpdate
As you can see from the name of the function, the first one will be used for initializing variables like if you want to show a progressdialog until the process of parsing has not been done. in second function, you parse your APIs and get the response in onPostExecute @Liza
oyee Thanks @TheLittleNaruto
@SweetWisherツ have added screenshots.. plz check and suggest if any solution
@gIrL chekng
have u changed the orientation of camera??
@SweetWisherツ Ah! You shouldn't be rude.
no its potrait
@TheLittleNaruto i was talkjgn abt screenshot duffer
ya its pathetic
@gIrL yeah
@TheLittleNaruto u dont have mind ;) :P
Yes. Because I am a baby ^^
Ok My issue is i want to perform two operations After button click. so should i use Asynctask??
what operations ?
Audio Playing and images sliding
what then ?
where is audio, you're playing?
My code is only playing one thing at a time
in raw
Then no need to use Asynctask for that. Just write the code for playing and images sliding @Liza
@TheLittleNaruto :/
Please explain in detl....:) @TheLittleNaruto
i have code yar.. but its not working for these 2 things at a time
My code is only playing Audio
Show me, use pastie.org to paste long code and share url here.
@TheLittleNaruto @SweetWisherツ
Now, tell me the issue
Button play Shold play Audio and image Sliding... But Now it is only playing Audio..:(
Images Are not sliding. Although code for slideshow is correct.
I Also post logCat there..
case R.id.play_button:



/*View button = findViewById(R.id.btnPlay);
* */

player.start(); // Start playing Audio
@Liza See above code that you wrote, Can you tell me where you have put the code of sliding image on click of the play button ?
@SweetWisherツ @TheLittleNaruto HAVE u got some solution
Sorry, time to go home now. Good luck both of you @Liza @SpryTechies ;)
Cya later
@TheLittleNaruto Byee Take Care
@SweetWisherツ can u please check my code.
byee every one now i have to go
How are you today?
same as I was yesterday
@gIrL lol :P
@Liza there ?
Is that good or bad?
yes...:) @SweetWisherツ
Hello Liza
@Liza wht;s ur issue ?
@Karl undefined
@Liza How are you today?
@SweetWisherツ :P
Em always good :)
@SweetWisherツ pastie.org/private/dy7epoezxshyakhjohdeg check this code yar..
@Liza what should I check ?
where is the code to slide the images in Click??
I was Asking that should i use Asynctask in this code? bec i want to start two functions at the same time :19247718
NO..no need
// Button press play

public void addListenerOnButton1() {

final Context context = this;

play_button = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.play_button);

play_button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {


} });}
@Liza u have called addListenerOnButton1 in OnCreate
@SweetWisherツ yes.
1 hour ago, by Liza
Ok My issue is i want to perform two operations After button click. so should i use Asynctask??
1 hour ago, by Liza
Audio Playing and images sliding
then It should be called in Onclick only
i am not getting
jst make the code simple...
call two methods in OnClick
1. play audio
2. slide imagaes
case R.id.play_button:

			player.start(); // Start playing Audio
                        addListenerOnButton1(); // slide images
ok ok now em getting.
@SweetWisherツ Can you teach Android
@Karl Can try :)
I am lookign for an Android teacher...
@Karl Ohks..how much will u pay me :P
I have a game I made
i am trying running this.. hope it works..:) Thanks @SweetWisherツ
I want to port it to Android...
@Liza best luck :)
It CAN have up to 260 buttons on the screen at one time.
@Karl game in which tech ?
The UI is in Swing right now
tc byee :) @SweetWisherツ
NO animations
hi, would u tell me how to launch a custom call screen on incoming call
Just buttons
A: How to modify incoming and outgoing call screen view in android

PratikYou cannot modify default screen but instead of this you can launch your screen for that you need to use BroadCastReceiver for incoming calls here is the link for getting phone state in broadcast receiver http://www.tutorialforandroid.com/2009/01/get-phone-state-when-someone-is-calling_22.html

@SweetWisherツ I have tried it
karl for game devlop in Android u can use unity
@Shweta Then ?
@Karl can I see the GAME?
but it is coming after launching default launcher
@SweetWisherツ I don't want to show default launcher
A: Custom incoming/outgoing call screen in Android

TheDevManFor outgoing calls: I did the following as a work around and it is working fine. I created an outgoing receiver with all permissions required in manifest.. Called the Activity after a delay by using a handler. Like this: @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { c ...

try this
@Liza hw much exp do u hve?
@Karl a tough task for small screen mobile O_o
It was written to allow it to be slid around as necessary...
@Karl Ohks :)
Loading the pic to imgur now. This machine is a POS, but my good machine is getting both the Motherboard and CPU replaced under warrnety.
@Karl POS ?
Piece of Crap
That didn't work...
That is my first animated .gif EVER...
It could be better. The buttons that change colors are the ones selected [I should have done them one at a time...]
may i ask one question?
Greetings @YokupokuMaioku
@Karl m not experienced for game development
@YokupokuMaioku ya sure
i want to know if it's possible to retrieve streets names, of a selected city using google maps api for android
It's nothing more than buttons. [As far as I can tell] but Android Studio only lets me put one button on a row using linear layout
@Karl u need relative layout or some other (frame)
@YokupokuMaioku need to check...have u asked Google ?
I know NOTHING about Android/XML...
@Karl Ohhhh
well, i found in internet that someone did this but i haven't find any example yet.
Hence:Can you teach
@Karl start with JAVA first.. then this
If it makes you feel better, I have a full running program, of which I've written [with SOME help]
I've tried that. I'm autistic, those pages don't help. I do best working off of peoples...
@Karl Ohks..would like to see ur wrking program
@SweetWisherツ but for sometimes default screen is showing
but i m on a vacation nw :)
...and you didn't take me with you?! :P
@SweetWisherツ do you know any solution?
@Karl lol nop :P
@YokupokuMaioku nah sry...need to go nw
I woulda carried your bags
i m at home only :)
...told the kids to "shut up!"
away frm wrk :)
Cool! [I wouldn't have to carry them far!]
where r u frm ?? @Karl
I'm also a state-certified smart ass
@SweetWisherツ ?
Over there
Detroit, Michigan area. You?
@Karl havnt tried yet..sry
@Karl India
Bye all TC have a nice day
You will be back Tues?
@Karl yes will b available here or here
I will probably be here...
I doubt they will let me in the SMART developers lab
Is Room for me your room?
Yes mine
I requested access. I don't need it today...
Before you do, know I have a dirty mind...
10 hours later…
Dead chat

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